The Conference of Presidents, one of our most right-wing pro-Israel groups, has managed to organize five Jewish...
Dramatis Personnae (with dialogue) Eli Yishai [Shas leader]: “They are sick people” Shlomo Benziri [former minister, in...
Yesterday, I wrote about the astonishing revelation that the IDF was distributing an anti-Arab racist fantasy to...
Just when I think that the IDF and Israel’s far-right religious leadership cannot get any weirder, they...
No. those aren’t my words nor my opinion. They are the words of a CAMERA representative telling...
When I first began this blog in 2003, you could’ve put every progressive Jewish blogger comfortably inside...
UPDATE: A reader points out to me that it may be possible that the Star Tribune didn’t...
I don’t know why it’s so hard for a Chabad rabbi these days to speak his mind...
Moment Magazine has done us a service by exposing the true face of Jewish terror. And it...
Los Angeles’ Museum of In-Tolerance, named in honor of Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal, is now steeped in Muslim...
Why is it that Jerusalem’s Museum of Tolerance does not tolerate Islam? A little birdy brings word...
In this interview, Alan Dershowitz reveals that his failure as a sausage maker and his lack of...