The concept of divide and conquer has been used successfully by colonial power for centuries, perhaps even...
האם הצנזורה אוסרת פרסום מידע שכבר פורסם על האסיר המכונה איקס 2, ה”חפרפרת” של איראן בצמרת המוסד...
Odeh Bisharat, one of Haaretz’s few Israeli-Palestinian columnists (Sayeh Kashua is another), published an incisive article on what...
.נוהל “מקרה מוזר”: רצח במסווה של “תאונה”, של אזרחים בלבנון ובסוריה שבמקרה נתקלו בצוותי סיירת מטכ”ל או...
This news came like a lightning bolt: after three decades the IDF has finally abandoned a military...
Yesterday, Israel murdered Samir Kuntar, a Hezbollah militant involved with a terror attack that killed three Israeli...
You’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to have noticed that Europe has a massive...
Ehud Barak is cooperating on a new biography about his political life. As part of the hoopla...
Reuters reports that an Israeli drone has crashed in Tripoli. It was a Hermes 450. Though they...
Israel’s chief of staff, Gadi Eizenkot told Israeli media that his forces were preparing for the next war with...
Today, the NY Times published what was essentially an unexpurgated series of IDF intelligence reports claiming Hezbollah...
Foreign media reported two separate reports of Israeli attacks against Syrian military targets reported to be SCUD...