Thanks to the producers of the Israeli TV news show, Tzinor Layla, for offering me another interview...
dirar abusisi
Gabriel Gatehouse, a BBC foreign correspondent, has delved deeply into the Abubisi story for a major documentary...
As part of the Kabuki-like posturing common to Israeli justice and politics, Maariv reports a supposed plea...

Haaretz, Maariv and Yediot all agree that Dirar Abusisi is Hamas’ chief rocket designer and the mastermind...

Israeli journalists applied to the district court hearing the Dirar Abusisi case for release of his interrogation...

A former high ranking Israeli minister has confirmed a line of thought I’ve developed regarding collusion between...

In prior coverage here, I noted that at almost precisely the same time the Mossad, Ukrainian and...

Hamas sources have published an account of Dirar Abusisi’s condition (Arabic) which alleges that he has been...
Today, brings news that Dirar Abusisi’s academic advisors in Ukraine have further dented the Israeli charges against...
NOTE: After originally publishing this post, two Russian-speaking readers (thanks to Leonid Levin and another reader) provided...
Friends in the Ukraine have done tremendous research there regarding the charges against Dirar Abusisi levelled by...
Earlier today, the Israeli State prosecutor released its charges (full Hebrew version, this is a partial English...