6 thoughts on “Israel’s Hostages: the Only Ones That Matter – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Thank you Richard for your tremendous contribution for so many years. 🙏🏽

    Holocaust Day – Gaza Genocide Halted

    Romi Conon (24) – Emily Damari (28) – Doron Steinbrecher (31)

    First three Israeli women released from captivity … ceasefire has begun hours late. Most likely nearly 70,000 Gazans were killed in most horrific way by the IDF.


    Ben Gvir has resigned.

    Just as the 10/7 attack changed the Israel-Palestine conflict … so today after 15 months of unrelentless bombing of 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza has not brought a resolution or peace closer … to the contrary … there are new opportunities for the region … only if leaders decide to work together for a Palestinian State. The Western world has changed … PMO’s Hasbara has failed Bibi. Joe is gone.

  2. The pause in massacrers could give the opportunity to count the real amount of dead and wounded in Gaza by UN organisations. Gaza has excellent population registers, which have made Israel’s control function so exact in the genocide they perform. They knew where everybody lived and what he/she is/was. Counting and identifying the now living and comparing the results to the situation before the war started could be rather easily and fast organized and with minimal costs, when help is distributed. The question is that would Israel and USA allow that official count to be performed. Not likely = never.

    In Holocaust the figure 6 million appeared already before the real events were still in future. So is also in Zionists interest keep the figure 46 thousand as the official Gaza “fact”. Doubting the 6 million figure is even a crime in some countries. In Gaza’s case the real fact could be now achieved. Could Israel and USA bear the results, if the real amount of dead is 300,000 – 400,000? Maybe USA could, but certainly not Israel. Johan Galtung, the very famous peace researcher, had counted already before Iraq operation, that the US operations after WW2 had caused the premature death of over 20 million people. Now in 2025 we could add a couple of millions to that figure (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine etc + Gaza).

    1. @ Simohurtta: As you know, I value your long-time reading and commenting here.

      But please do not enter into issues concerning doubts about how many Jews died in the Holocaust. It’s not a debate/discussion I want here.

  3. Gaza “real estate”

    My faint hope and analysis …

    Lebanon will be rebuild under Sunni guidance of Saudi Arabia … see Rafik Hariri.

    New Syria will be “colonized” by a consortium of Türkiye military support and Qatari funding … the MB option. The gas fields of Qatar will have a pipeline constructed to the Mediterranean Sea.

    Gaza will be rebuild under leadership of a GCC consortium with security guarantees from the U.S. and a handful of allied states. A State of Palestine will be on the negotiating table for peace and security.

    UAE can offer no military support as they only have a fighting force of mercenaries (still led by Erik Prince?)

  4. Richard, I really value your posts for the insights and inside information they provide, so it concerns me when a figure you cite is different from that quoted in other sources I tend to trust. You refer to “the 1,200 Israelis killed on 10/7”, but both Haaretz and Al Jazeera (among others) agree on the figure of 1,139 dead, of whom 71 were foreign nationals – giving a total of 1,068 Israelis killed. Twelve hundred is a suspiciously round number – can you explain the discrepancy?

    1. @ Huw: Here is my full phrasing:

      The 1,200 Israelis killed on 10/7 (several hundred killed by the IDF under the Hannibal Directive)…

      It’s critical to note that a significant number of the Israeli dead were killed by Israeli forces. So in that sense 1,200 is only useful as a placeholder figure. It doesn’t tell the full story of what happened, which is why I added the reference to Hannibal.

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