11 thoughts on “Israel Unloads Gaza Ethnic-Cleansing on US, Saudi Arabia and Egypt – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Egypt’s FM warns of consequences of assault on Gaza’s Rafah, forced displacement attempts | SIS Gov Egypt |

    Forced displacement policy

    Shoukry affirmed Egypt’s rejection of forced displacement of Palestinians from their lands. He warned against the Israeli measures, which naturally lead to this forced displacement, stressing that these measures must be seen as a systematic policy. “It is important that these measures do not persist to achieve this rejected outcome,” he stated.

  2. 52 Countries to Take Part in ICJ Hearings on Occupation of Palestinian Land

    The public hearings in the advisory proceedings on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem will open today, 19 February, before the ICJ in The Hague. via UN News https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k13/k13rkfn0l5

  3. Palestinians are the new Jews of the world. Irony. Simone Weil said that the opressed become the oppressors.)
    We are in a very sorry state here in the US as far as leadership goes. Biden, for all the praises being given to him about his leadership the last three years after Trump ( by comparison and with good reason), he has shown himself to be too fearful, caught by the need to survive like any other politician but with a fuuture. You’d think he would want to leave after making bolder moves. But he wants to “finish the job” as if he could, as if he had the balls, the time and the energy. No he’s the “not Trump” at the moment- if that will work.

    Ukraine deserved less fearfulness and more aid, perhaps more than was available, but less constraints. Unconditional support of Israel has helped make this tragedy in Gaza. Biden is complicit. Netanyahu played Biden knowing Biden was giving lip service to Israel regarding the civilian toll .
    And so here we are with Trump threatening to re-take the presidency (unbelievably) with no choice; a third party vote is likely helpful to Trump.
    We can’t stop these events about to happen. Alexei Navalny’s death and the responses and tributes to him give us an example that is instructive and inspiring at this point.

    The Euros with added worry about Trump and NATO, adding fuel (yet) to their need to fire up possibly without us, fearing Trump. ( I still refuse to believe Trump can win and take office without violence here- maybe especially if he does not win)
    It’s shameful that Saudi and other Arab leaders are so willing to betray the Palestinians.

  4. The US has brazenly wielded and weaponized its
    veto to strongarm the UN Security Council, further 
    undermining its credibility and ability to live up to its
    mandate to maintain international peace and security.

    Agnès Callamard

    It seems Israel will divide North and South Gaza Strip … cut off the highway and bombed an UN WHO food convoy [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/21/middleeast/un-food-convoy-gaza-israel-strike-cmd-intl/index.html] … inhumanity on display … sanctioned by the 3rd veto of the United States [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/21/world-condemns-uss-latest-un-security-council-veto-on-gaza-ceasefire] to implement a ceasefire and humanitarian aid. The Algerian resolution backed by the Arab states and the global community went to waste … again.

  5. Building a fortified highway 749 bisecting Gaza – called the “Netzarim Corridor” [https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/אצבע_נצרים] – is part of Tel Aviv’s “plans to maintain security control over the enclave for “some time.”

    Israel builds ‘militarized belt’ across Gaza for long-term security control | The Cradle |

    Named Netzarim not by accident and “subtle” hint for new settlement developments in the Gaza Strip. At the UNSC, US Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield referred to the “final solution” for Eretz Yisrael and conflict with terror.

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