42 thoughts on “Israel Plans to Ethnically Cleanse Gaza – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The rape and baby murder stories are false?

    All the mainstream British media, including Guardian (anti Israel to the core) are saying Hamas raped and murdered babies.

    1. @ Jeez: Saying something is true without offering a source is just plain dumb. As for the Guardian, when given a choice between your claims of what the Guardian said, and an Israeli journalist and eyewitness who never saw any evidence of this, and who questioned the IDF who also confirmed it, I think I’ll take Oren Ziv any day.

        1. @ Benjamin: Either you can’t read or you’ve argued in bad faith. There is nothing different in that tweet than his previous reporting. He does not say women were raped or babies beheaded. That is what my entire rebuttal of Israeli claims is about.

          You hasbarists will have to do better. Be careful what you post in your comments. Be accurate & precise in what you claim sources say. OTherwise, you may face moderation.

    2. Dear Jeez
      History does not start on October 7th 2023.
      The Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians started ove a hundred years ago when the first Zionist set foot in Palestine.
      October 7th is a needle in hay stack compared to the atrocities committed by the Zionists against the Palestinian people over the last 100 years.

  2. [comment deleted: I warned you about publishing only 1 comment per thread. You are now moderated. Future comments, if any, will be approved contingent on no further violations of the rules.

  3. I was liking Blinken alot prior to this attack. He’s disappointing now, clearly taken, probably triggered by his background and connection to the Holocaust but also the political. The Holocaust reverberates in this tragedy, as does 9/11. There have been many mass massacres in history.
    Jews, especially Israeli, get so traumatized and triggered and then the impulsive military response which perpetuates and has perpetuated this conflict from day one. But Palestinians are also traumatized and triggered. Self serving leaders take advantage of this. Biden’s and Blinken’s support rates high w Israelis. We have been Israel’s unconditional support, support that has helped keep this human tragedy going. And Israeli propaganda now has been overwhelming . I am starting to hear other voices and viewpoints, especially w photos coming out of Gaza. Nathan Thrall in the Forward and on MSNBC. Peter Beinert also on cable tv were good.
    Terror porn is a good term. It does the work of the terrorists for them strengthening the effect of horrification which is what Hamas wanted. It seems to be what Israel also wants, to be victim again.. In that view this is a really sickening situation.

  4. The comparison is outrageous. One side deliberately and brutally murders old women and children. The other side wants to protect its citizens and launches an attack in which, unfortunately, innocent people are also injured. Hamas kills children on purpose and is ready for its own children to die as a human shield to protect them. It’s an existential war, either us or them. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, innocent people will also be harmed, but we have no other choice if we wish to stay alive

    1. @ Amier:

      One side deliberately and brutally murders old women and children.

      ‘fraid not. Both sides deliberately murder civilians. Deliberately. Not one side. Both.

      And Israel has murdered ten or 20 times the civilians that Hamas has. Including old Palestian women and children. In fact, it much more lethal and efficient at such slaughter. So don’t give me your bullshit about “we’re so moral, we care about civilians.” Blah blah blah. It just doesn’t work here.

      , unfortunately, innocent people are also injured

      Is that what you’re going to tell the 500 (so far) Gaza mothers whose children are being murdered: so unfortunate that we had to kill him or her. That will make them feel better I’m sure. Got news for your. Your fake empathy and aplogetics for genocide is pathetic.

      Hamas kills children on purpose

      Israel is killing children in Gaza now. 500 at last count. But you seriously claim that because some general didn’t say explicitly, kill children, that this let’s you off the hook? And you murdered 500 of them? Are you JOKING??

      It’s an existential war

      Nope. The Holocaust was an existential tragedy. Having 1,200 Israeli killed is a national tragedy. But that doesn’t even come close to “an existential war.” Your claim is ludicrous. Is Hamas going to destroy Israel? How would it do that? But assaulting Ovdah and all Israel’s other military bases and turning the guns on the IDF? Are you kidding me? “Existential” my ass. Again, that shit doesn’t fly around here.

      I suggest that you stop peddling hasbara bullshit. What you’re offering is tired, recycled hasbara talking points. Either come up with something new that’s worth addressing or head on back to the Jerusalem Post or Arutz Sheva, where you really belong.

    2. Israel uses the term “existential” abusively. It’s supposed to trigger the ceaseless forever victimhood that Israel has been losing a grip on. Israel, armed to the teeth, and has been getting away with using disproportionate force as policy ( I learn since Moshe Dayan). It does not work. In fact works so perversely that one might ask if Israel needs this war to go on to justify it’s existence. This is what the traumatized do, even states, when they don’t evolve. Disproportionate force and forced displacement are war crimes (UN). The excuse might be well the “terrorists” (perpetrators) of this murderous attack, and their infrastructure, are hiding in these dense areas. Then you have to go a little deeper into why they are there and in such density and under occupation. Then you get into having to be honest and fair about the whole history, or you just talk to one side, your side.

  5. How can a tiny minority, Jews, 1 in 500 globally, steal an entire country in the middle of the Islamic world?

    Answer … Semitism … “policy or predisposition favorable to Jews” in the Christian West.


    As early as 1895, Theodor Herzl confided to his diary, “We shall try to spirit the penniless [native] populations across the border by procuring employment for them in the transit countries.” — https://jewishcurrents.org/could-israel-carry-out-another-nakba

    How will it end? Another Holocaust, that may bring down the entire planet with the Samson Option.


    Biden must recognize Palestine on 1967 borders or doom the world to a future nuclear war.

    1. @ Steve: I agree with what you wrote, excluding the comment about “Semitism.” As I’ve argued scores of times here & everywhere. This has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism. Or nothing to do with the benighted fundamentalist view of Judaism practices by many of Israel’s religious Jews. This is a national and political conflict. Not a religious one as far as most Jews and Palestinians believe.

    1. That’s a more appropriate headline.
      Clearing civilians = cleansing
      Not clearing them = genocide

      Western standards don’t apply to the middle east, unfortunately.

  6. Apparently international law doesn’t apply to “the most moral army in the world” when Netanyahu decides to have his own Warsaw Ghetto. TY for all you do.

  7. Palestinian wells were poisoned as well by the Jewish Terror gangs in an effort to make those emptied villages unviable in 1948.

  8. Greetings from Israel,

    Whatever Israel may be planning, pursuant to International Law. Hamas is guilty of the crime of genocide.

    “The terrorist attacks constituted genocide in violation of the Genocide Convention and Article 6 of the Rome Statute if the perpetrators acted with genocidal intent, i.e., the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”

    For an attack to constitute genocide, it is not necessary that the perpetrators successfully achieve that destruction as a result element; it is sufficient that the perpetrators acted with the required “dolus specialis,” which in the case of genocide is the intent to destroy the group in whole or in part.

    According to the Elements of Crimes, the predicate acts must have “taken place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.” Given the widespread nature of the attacks in multiple locations at the same time, including the large number of perpetrators and victims, it would appear that the “manifest pattern” requirement applies to this case. The terrorist attack was therefore genocidal in nature.


    1. @ Minuteman:

      Hamas is guilty of the crime of genocide.

      “The terrorist attacks constituted genocide in violation of the Genocide Convention and Article 6 of the Rome Statute if the perpetrators acted with genocidal intent, i.e., the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”

      Except it isn’t. Hamas wasn’t intending to destroy Israel.” Hamas cannot destroy Israel. You, I and everyone in the world, including Palestinians, know that. But even if I concede that argument (which I don’t) Hamas was responding to a far more lethal and methodical genocide perpetrated by Israel against Palestinians. The weaker party doesn’t commit genocide, the stronger party does because it actually has the power to entirely exterminate the weaker (and would do so if not for international opprobrium).

      Given the widespread nature of the attacks in multiple locations at the same time, including the large number of perpetrators and victims, it would appear that the “manifest pattern” requirement applies to this case.

      Again wrong. “A manifest pattern of similar conduct” contradicts yr argument. Hamas had never mounted such an attack before. So there is no “pattern,” manifest or otherwise. All previous attacks were a response to Israeli acts of genocide, as was this particular attack. Hamas had never mounted a ground attack (except for a limited foray to attack a single military target on the “border”) inside Israel, except during a war Israel initiated in which Israel invaded Gaza. Oops, there goes your argument.

      You may only publish a single comment per thread. You are done in this thread.

      1. “Hamas wasn’t intending to destroy Israel.”

        Hamas didn’t have to intend to destroy all of Israel.

        The law requires an “intent to destroy, in whole or IN PART, a NATIONAL, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”
        The string of kibbutzim that Hamas raided were ‘part’ of Israel and the national group were ‘Israelis’.

        “A manifest pattern of similar conduct”, doesn’t mean how many times Hamas raided kibbutzim and slaughtered residents. The pattern is that how the kibbutzim were all similarly set upon and their residents kidnapped or slaughtered.
        The manifest pattern is proven by the documents captured by the IDF.

        Are you seriously moderating Minute Man for doing no more than linking an opinion penned by the Dean of Cornell Law School?

        1. @ Miroslav:

          The law requires an “intent to destroy, in whole or IN PART

          So by your argument (which is wrong), Hamas intended to “destroy” Israel in part. Presumably the “part” was southern Israel. How well did they achieve their supposed intent? Hamas couldn’t destroy any part of Israel even if it wanted to. And it certainly knew it could not do this. So there is no “intent.” Attacking a country is different than seeking to “destroy” it.

          Certainly, the atomic bombs on Japan were genocide. The Dresden bombings as well. THey all sought to destroy Japan in whole or part. Perhaps the Hanoi bombings qualify as well. But Hamas’ attack? Not even close.

          The pattern is that how the kibbutzim were all similarly set upon

          No, it’s not. A pattern of conduct means pursuit of a strategy over time and consistently. It’s ridiculous to claim a pattern of conduct can be confined to a single event.

          Are you seriously moderating Minute Man for doing no more than linking an opinion penned by the Dean of Cornell Law School?

          Cardinal comment rule: do not complain about my decisions as publisher of this blog. If you don’t like them you know what you can do and where you can go.

          1. “A pattern of conduct means pursuit of a strategy over time and consi.stently. It’s ridiculous to claim a pattern of conduct can be confined to a single event.”

            No, not according to the Elements of Crimes, which requires the predicate acts must have “taken place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group OR [emphasis added] was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.”

            So, even one singular act ‘could itself effect such destruction’.

            You make a conclusory statement, without support, whereas Jens David Ohlin is the Dean of Cornell Law and an Emeritus Contributor to the Opinio Juris blog.

            The terrorist attack was therefore genocidal in nature.

            You said: ” The weaker party doesn’t commit genocide, the stronger party does because it actually has the power to entirely exterminate the weaker (and would do so if not for international opprobrium).

            Right. The weaker party are the Israeli kibbutzniks and the stronger party is Hamas which has the power to exterminate the weaker.

          2. @ Miroslav:

            predicate acts must have “taken place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group OR [emphasis added] was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.”

            Again, the second half of the sentence does not prove what you claim it does. A single act does not prove a manifest pattern of conduct. The Hamas attack could not “effect” the destruction of Israel or even of southern Israel. So again, you fail.

            Jens David Ohlin is the Dean of Cornell Law and an Emeritus Contributor to the Opinio Juris blog.

            I don’t care who he is. I can’t tell you how many academics, including law school professors make claims that are unfounded, biased, and unsupported by sources.

            The weaker party are the Israeli kibbutzniks and the stronger party is Hamas which has the power to exterminate the weaker.

            Israel has the power to destroy Gaza and Hamas hundreds of times over. It has proven it scores of times when it has attacked, invaded, assassinated Gaza and Gazans. Claiming that in a single incident Hamas had more power than the Israelis it killed is ridiculous.

            Remember, publish more than one comment in a thread and you’re gone.

    1. Israel Targets Humanitarian Convoy in Gaza

      Making friendly European states complicit in ugly war crimes as the leaders remain 100% behind atrocities perpetrated by IDF Armed Forces of Israel.

      Gaza civilians afraid to leave home after bombing of ’safe routes’ | The Guardian |

      Analysis of aerial photos and social media posts confirms attack on road identified as safe by Israeli army

      The Friday afternoon bombing in Gaza City, which killed a reported 70 people, including children, and which Hamas blamed on Israel, occurred on Salah-al-Din Road, a main thoroughfare in the overcrowded enclave.

      Graphic video

  9. Richard

    Israel says its goal is to kill all Hamas leaders and fighters. But won’t Hamas leaders and fighters join the thong of civilians moving south, out of Israeli fire?

    That suggests that the Israeli order to evacuate the northern part of the Gaza Strip is for ethnic cleansing. Israel wants to take over, steal, the northern third of the Gaza Strip. That will then confine the 2 million Gazans into a smaller area than they had been trapped in. If so, Gaza will become more of a hell hole.

    1. You make a good point. I was asking the same question. Maybe Egypt is hesitating because they would have to scrutinize, police, and/or surveil the civilians some of whom may be Hamas or sympathizers. Why should Egypt want Israel’s problem for who know how long or permanently? Israel, especially Netanyahu, made this problem, caused the situation to come to this point.
      I don’t know if Israel would want more than a flattened buffer zone or one with those prison towers. I don’t think this has been thought through. ( My cousin & family was a Gaza settler, Gush Katif until 2005, the “disengagement”; they grew tomatoes and had a horse farm. The settlers lived apart and were resented from what I understand)

      The New Yorker just published this important interview with a Hamas leader. It’s important because it’s rare, Don’t you think we should know what they are thinking? What their justification is?
      I hope this will be read.

  10. About ethnic cleansing, the Daily Mail thinks Arab countries should absorb Palestinian immigrants like Israel absorbed the Arab Jews who fled or were forced out in 1948, like India and Pakistan and even like the USA, and Israel shouldn’t have to live with a threat. British are becoming the most Zionist country in the world even outdoing America.


    1. @ Jamila: The Daily Mail? Really? And since when has it served as a credible source on any subject, let alone the history of ethnic cleansing and forced population transfers. Arab countries have no obligation to accept Palestinian refugees. That is Israel’s responsibility since it expelled them. Not to mention that the USA, India and Pakistan willingly accepted refugees in these cases. The Arab states do not want these refugees. Nor can they be forced to accept them.

      One comment per thread. You have published this one. Do not publish another in this thread.

  11. The only people Israel is seeking to ethnically cleanse is the Hamas terrorists who refuse to accept the existence of the state of Israel and dedicate their lives to the holy mission of eradicating Israel and its inhabitants, including civilians, men, women and children, as they demonstrated so clearly a week ago.

      1. indeed, for their own safety and protection, would you rather israel doesn’t clear them and they then get killed in the fighting with hamas? probably yes, so you have more ammunition for your diatribe

        1. @ ock:

          would you rather israel doesn’t clear them and they then get killed in the fighting with hamas? probably yes,

          I take such garbage comments very seriously. Do NOT presume to know what I believe. Do not impute to me opinions or views of me you have. You’re already moderated. You have only way to go from here.

          As for Gaza, I don’t really care what Israel does or why it does it. That doesn’t matter in terms of culpability under international law. The act is what matters. Ethnic cleansing for any reason is a war crime.

          1. Having people temporarily removed from a geographical area is considered ethnic cleansing? or do you already have proof that they will not be allowed to return and a different group of people, say Israelis, will take over?

            And the reasons behind the removal do matter:
            International law allows the involuntary removal of persons only where it is strictly for the security of the persons or for imperative military reasons, but only for as long as the removal is necessary.
            (source: https://iimm.un.org/legal-concepts/)

            Every move the Israeli military makes, is thoroughly examined legally beforehand. International law isn’t perfect, needs to be updated to address terror warfare, but it’s what there is now.

            This act in Gaza is done for the security of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers.

          2. @ Benjamin: They have not been “temporarily removed.” They have been expelled, not “removed.” That is considered ethnic cleansing. As for proof, you apparently did not read the post, which you should always do before posting a comment. My Israeli security source says that anything moving inside the buffer zone will be killed. I think that seals the question of whether the expulsion is temporary or permanent.

            the reasons behind the removal do matter:

            NO it doesn’t matter.

            only where it is strictly for the security of the persons or for imperative military reasons

            What the IDF calls “imperative military reasons” is ridiculous. They’ve stolen thousands of dunams of privately owned Palestinian land declareing it a closed military zone for critical military use. Somehow the land ends up in the hands of settlers. So much for imperative military reasons. Not to mention that stealing even more dunams from Gazans for a buffer zone doesn’t offer Israel “security of persons.” Despite previous land theft for the purpose of creating an earlier buffer zone, it failed during the Hamas attack.

            Every move the Israeli military makes, is thoroughly examined legally beforehand

            The bullshit is strong in this one. Israeli military law isn’t real law. It’s law in the service of apartheid. That’s not law.

            his act in Gaza is done for the security of Palestinians

            Now I know you’re an idiot. Believing your propaganda.

            That’s you one comment permitted in this thread.

  12. Richard, I hope it isn’t pedantic to say that 2,624 Americans died on 9/11. I’m not sure how deeply the US cared about the hundreds of other nationalities who also died.

    I think you misunderstand Biden’s “10 9/11s”. I think he meant that in proportion to the size of their populations, Israel lost 10 times as many as the US.

    (If that kind of comparison means anything, it has struck me in the past that Baruch Goldstein’s killing spree was roughly equivalent to 9/11.)

    Forgive me if I am just being pedantic.

    1. @Huw:

      I hope it isn’t pedantic to say that 2,624 Americans died on 9/11

      Not sure what in my blog post you’re referencing regarding the death toll from 9/11.

      think he meant that in proportion to the size of their populations, Israel lost 10 times as many as the US.

      I read the quotes from Blinken’s interview and he didn’t reference anything about comparing 9/11 to Israel’s population. If that’s what he did mean he didn’t say it. So I’d rather not speculate on what he meant and focus on what he actually. I’m not disputing the possibility he may have meant that. It’s just not there explicitly.

      Forgive me if I am just being pedantic.

      No problem. It’s useful to have people fact-checking my work.

  13. “All the mainstream British media, including Guardian (anti Israel to the core) are saying Hamas raped and murdered babies.”

    The Guardian, no its not.

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