19 thoughts on “Israel and Genocide – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. This article is stunning in its scope. Thank you, Richard, and I can only hope you don’t suffer the same fate as Katz (or Goldstone). It isn’t easy to go against your tribe, and you’re going to get tremendous pushback from members. Yet anyone who has been to the occupied territories, lived and worked there, and has seen what Israel does to an occupied people can only agree with your assessment as well as the assessment of CCR. https://ccrjustice.org/genocide-palestinian-people-international-law-and-human-rights-perspective

  2. Unblock me on Twitter please, so that I can retweet your posts. Sent this post to Swedish Foreign Office.

  3. Oh dear!

    The problem with these Human Rights groups and their apartheid claims is that they’ve taken the Israel and Palestinian conflict out of it’s proper context.

    The proper context is that the Jews and the Palestinians each have a self-determination claim to the land formerly known as Palestine, wherein one party wants a “Palestinian” State, and the other, a “Jewish” State.
    Zero sum game. Winner take all.

    It’s as if a man suddenly comes upon a lion and a buffalo having a fight to the death.
    The man only sees that the lion is on the buffalo’s neck and decides that the lion is too aggressive and must stop.

    Laughable , really.

    1. currently the buffalo is fighting the lion in the post 67 area, is the lion in his garden, chose a more intellectual comparison, when the pa will have ANY POWER only then you can mention the word fight

      put it in your head until wwii all wars were based on religion. this one is no different. you dont even allow an arab to become a jew in order to not war laughably indeed

      1. @Nessim

        Listen hear, my dear man.

        Weren’t you smoking with your neighbors in the bomb shelter nine months ago when Hamas was rocketing Israel?

    2. @ Never Fear:

      The proper context is that the Jews and the Palestinians

      Um no. Palestinians ARE Israelis. Jews may be Israeli or they may be American, Norwegian, etc. There is no dichotomy between Israeli and Palestinian vis a vis Israel. Jews and Palestinians may BOTH be Israeli. And the Palestinian self-determination claim is WITHIN Israel, not outside it as you suggest.

      one party wants a “Palestinian” State, and the other, a “Jewish” State.

      And no, “Jews” don’t necessarily want a “Jewish state.” Where Jewish means Judeo-supremacy, the brand touted by the current & past Israeli governments. Jews like me and hundreds of thousands of others want an Israeli democratic state for ALL its citizens. If Jewish means apartheid, racism, and mass murder, then no, I as a Jew reject that entirely.

      No more comments in this thread.

  4. no matter the background, israel is currently guilty of ethnic cleansing which supports the apartheid

    genocide per se, might have occurred early on in singularly unique circumstances, but no

    then if yes then in the US genocide is happening against all blacks

    1. Even a bubble-headed booby knows that there are not two competing claims of self-determination in the United States.

      And yes, the ‘backround’ is everything, because it shows how and why the two parties are fighting.

      1. The two-state solution is the only safe, sane and sensible solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian debacle. The International Community should set to work right now enforcing the 2-state solution, because Israel won’t do it on its own.

        1. @ mplo: There is no such animal as a “two-state solution.” It is a chimera. Doesn’t exist and never did and never will. IT is cruel of you to offer this hoax as something possible when it clearly isn’t & never was.

      2. seems you can’t differentiate examples. let me piece meal to the bubble headed booby.
        the us genocide does not refer to self determination, but the sheer number of black people dying regularly by civilians and police many a time without cause without clear justice being served to the contrary. now THAT border on genocide. just as what happened to the first race inhabiting the americas.
        second off, in this land until 67 there were no “two” ,
        and the same arrogance and entitlement seeps thru your hasbara, by calling me\
        a) listen hear my dear man,
        b) nubble headed boobie
        c) a COWARD by hiding in salam room fearing the thousands upon thousands of wasted money on armaments that have proven to kill one for every 10 thousand. but in comparison have sucked upteens billions under the guise of protection when the best that came out was nso that needed no rockets or jets to effectively kill thousands defenseless and innocents.
        dont you dare try to shame, me, i’ve been and seen more wars in my life than you playing videogames
        i am more scared of the lawless israel police than for any hungry jobless palestinian living without electricity om account of the millions of smotniches and bibi
        may the farce be with you by bekieving that everyone criticizing israel policies is an antisemite.

      3. @ Never Fear: There are scores of ethnic groups in the US. Some of them have suffered racism for centuries. So their view of self-determination is different than others. In Israel too there are at least two different claims of self-determination which must be integrated within a single state.

    2. @ nessim dayan:

      then in the US genocide is happening against all blacks

      Is selling 4-million African Blacks into slavery, shipping them to the US, enslaving them, forcing them to lose their language and traditions, then impoverishing them after slavery eneded–is that genocide? I don’t know, you tell me.

      1. i wanted to keep my history example as near to the pr esent for the gratification of the simple minded x or z generation, by inputting slavery you are forcing them to dwell for a while in oh horror wikipedia

  5. The use of the term genocide is a serious accusation.It’s been hanging around the Israel-Palestine conflict for awhile.It’s use here being so legitimized by various organization that are respected, is acting to shame Israel.Is that is possible? This of course begets stronger pushback, denialism, accusations of anti-Semitism, righteousness etc. That is not to say the term should not be used; it should be.It’s particularly shameful for Israel to have this sticker on it because of the Holocaust which some argue as unique, as if Jews own the word. Well in ways it was unique. But genocide is not unique.
    Ironically the trauma of the Holocaust reverberates through, it lives on. It gets reinforced, passed on to the now embedded reaction seemingly impossible to evolve past to a universal realization (the real Promised Land we all share). The word itself should be used in this situation as a weapon.(And should be used in other cases such as China vis a vis the Uighur or the Myanmar Rohingya even smaller genocides) ONLY that to keep it’s meaning it needs arguing, broad consensus, maybe the UN too, and has to be backed up-as is being done here. H/t to the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem. The weight of this, including, starting again with the Tantura story being told more forcefully will have its effect.
    Thank you

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