Israel is a state founded on violence. As far back as 1948, Israeli forces imposed the Nakba on nearly 1-million indigenous Palestinians. Plan Dalet drove them out by threats, massacres, military assault and forced expulsions imposed by Lehi and Haganah forces. In the 1967 War, it expelled several hundred thousand more Palestinians from the West Bank, sending them fleeing to refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. It has fought five wars against neighboring Arab states along with countless invasions of Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian territory.
Israel is the 12th largest arms exporter in the world (first, per capita), selling its advanced weapons systems to many failed states engaged in civil wars and genocide. It field-tests these armaments on the Palestinians themselves. Its AI weapons and surveillance technology have been employed by Israel and foreign intelligence agencies to track, jail and even murder journalists and human rights activists in Palestine and other nations. While many countries engage in similar policies, Israel has an outsized influence considering its small size and population compared to states such as the US, Russia, China, et al.
So far the world has stood by helplessly, judging by its responses to Israeli mass violence and its current fascist government. The Biden administration, which arguably has the greatest leverage over Israeli policy, has been paralyzed, largely due to the suffocating power of the Israel Lobby, which punishes any Democratic president or member of Congress who strays from the pro-Israel straight-and-narrow.
The US did the same regarding Rwanda, Kosovo, Cambodia and Bosnia. Even in cases where it did intervene to stop genocide, it did so after the worst had been done.
Israel is a garrison state on a perpetual war footing. Its military is the sixth largest per capita in the world, following North Korea and Eritrea. Not company to be proud of. Some states have armies to defend their borders. Israel uses its army to project force far outside its borders (it has never delineated its borders, but that’s another story). In fact, as far back as the early 1950s, Israeli politicians and generals delineated their territorial ambitions to include the Golan, Sinai, the West Bank and Lebanese territory up to the Litani River.
Israel and genocide
Some find use of the term “genocide” regarding Israel’s treatment of Palestinians objectionable for various reasons. But I’ve written here rebutting such claims. With the rise of Israel’s Judeo-fascist government and its terrorist senior ministers (Smotrich and Ben Gvir), it’s far past time for the world to not only acknowledge this genocidal reality, but to stop it before it’s too late.
We already see genocidal incitement both in words and deeds. Seven Palestinian villages with over 500 residents have been expelled by settler violence. Bezalel Smotrich called for “wiping out” the village of Huwara, after two settlers were killed nearby. A villager was murdered by a Judeo-terrorist. No one has been charged with any crime.
Last week, settlers armed with guns, pipes and IDF protection, attacked the residents of Burqa. A thug named Yechiel Indore murdered Qosai Mi’tan.
Gideon Levy writes:
…On Friday night, it was Jewish terrorists who attacked a peaceful Palestinian village, approached it with large forces armed with rifles, clubs, stones…They torched a car on their way, began to throw stones and later also shot and murdered. Their victims remained helpless – no police, no army, no arms for self-defense as they deserve, and they aren’t even allowed to throw stones at the violent invaders.
Those who murdered Qosai Mi’tan will never stand trial, certainly not for murder. The murderers’ friends and collaborators…will never be harassed by the apartheid police of the Judea and Samaria District. Right-wing MKs were allowed to visit the temporary prisoners, who meanwhile have already been released to house arrest. They’re heroes of the right, and soon even the appearance of an investigation will evaporate. Nothing is more certain.
And only the blood of Qosai will cry out from his land, on which he was murdered.
Israeli police arrested Indore and his pal and accessory to murder, Elisha Yered, who smiled ear to ear in pictures during court proceedings. But the original charges of committing murder as a hate crime have now been dropped. This surely was such a heinous racist act–Judeo-terrorism, in fact. But now he will be charged as average, run-of-mill murderer. Not as the monster he is–part of an apparatus destroying the state itself, fueled by messianst lunacy.
How did this happen? Take a look at who the police minister is: Itamar Ben Gvir. A Judeo-terrorist runs the police. He publicly called the murderer a “hero.” Do you think Yered will spend a day in jail?
#Breaking: Israeli police no longer attribute “racist motivation” to 𝗝𝗲𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘀𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁 Yehiel Indore’s killing of 19-year-old 𝗤𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗶 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝗮’𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻 last weekend.
👉Though Israeli police confirm they have compelling evidence that the…
— Yonatan Touval (@Yonatan_Touval) August 11, 2023
Israel journalist, John Brown tweets that Yechiel Indore’s father is Yossi Indore. He was a member of the Jewish Underground terror network which exploded two bombs, severely injuring two Palestinian mayors. Three of his comrades were imprisoned. He didn’t serve a day in jail and was never charged. See 1984 article below. His son will likely never serve a day as well. The fix is in.
עקיבא נוביק כתב שהמחבל יחיאל אינדור הוא דווקא בחור חביב בשקט. תהיתי מאיפה הוא מכיר אותו. אולי מהעובדה הבאה.
חוליית המחבלים של חגי סגל, אביו של עמית, ויצחק נוביק, אביו של עקיבא מנתה 3. השלישי, שלא ישב בכלא משום מה, שמו הוא יוסי אינדור.
יוסי אינדור הוא אביו של המחבל יחיאל אינדור— John Brown (@brown_johnbrown) August 14, 2023
There can be no doubt that every crime committed by settlers is a crime of the State, by the State and for the State. There is no distinction between the two. Settlers are the military wing of the Israeli terror State. They even control the political wing, that is the Knesset and prime minister. All do their bidding.
Babies taught to kill
Recently, a video surfaced of MK Limor Son-Harmelech teaching her infant son to become a little murderer. She kisses him on the forehead when he regurgitates a phrase undoubtedly drilled into him by his parents: “When I grow up I want to be a soldier, drive a jeep and kill Arabs.” This is a genocide foretold.
Limor Son Har-Melech is not an ordinary #Israeli Jewish settler and a mom. She is an elected member of the Israeli parliament. In a chilling video, Har-Meloch is seen teaching her child how to speak, and also how to ‘kill Arabs.”
— The Palestine Chronicle (@PalestineChron) August 9, 2023
A clip from a 1994 BBC documentary (embedded above), Inside God’s Bunker, shows schoolchilren from Hebron, one of the most extremist, violent settlements, riding in a bus. They sing a song undoubtedly taught them by their parents. It features lyrics:
All the world hates Arabs
The most important thing is to kill them one by one.
With these feet I trample my enemy.
With these teeth I bite his skin.
With these lips I suck his blood.
And I still haven’t had enough revenge.
The children in this video could have been Smotrich and Ben Gvir themselves. These are the murderers of the future. This is a genocide foretold.
The only element lacking to differentiate this from the Nuremberg Law and Final Solution is an extermination camp. Israel has already created detention camps in the middle of the desert for African refugees. One MK has already advocated mass extermination of Palestinians in death camps. Anyone who scoffs at the idea of genocide or a Final Solution should examine the history of countries which did such heinous acts. The final act of extermination did not spring up ex nihilo. It followed a slow, building process of demonization, harassment, and violence, which led up to it. This is the stage in which Israel finds itself.
During past genocides, any number of countries or international bodies could have intervened. But in most cases they refused…until it was too late. Will anyone anywhere in any position to do something, actually do so?
LGBTQ genocide
It is more customary to see the term referring to Palestinians. But now Israel has crossed a new threshold with threats of genocide against Israeli Jews. Specifically, against LGBTQ Jews by ultra-Orthodox rabbis and politicians. Rabbi Zvi Thau, the “spiritual leader” of the homophobic Noam Party just published a book calling for “war” against LGBTQ Jews. Haaretz calls him “Israel’s most homophobic, powerful rabbi.” He warns about the “danger they [LGBTQ Jews] pose,” calling them “post-modernists” who represent a “new culture of eliminating the family”:
“’All the concepts of normal and natural families… hardly exist anymore,’ having been replaced by a “horrbile reality” featuring “bizarre and distorted concepts.”
Here Thau offers a version of the Gay Panic defense. Except in his case, he’s not seeking to excuse a crime, but to stoke fear and disgust among Israeli Jews towards the ‘deviants’ among them. LGTBQ people are like a plague, a contagion that will sweep through the nation and poison everything in its path. This mode of thought is truly delusional, and even genocidal:
He argues that “a fatal disease threatening to destroy” the life of the nation is spreading, and that the mission of educators is “to expose the lie and the sin and to reveal the pure, eternal truth…Weak souls are among us,” he writes, accusing them of “inserting their views into the consciousness through the media and the education and judicial system” to make Israel a “modern Sodom.”
As I read the chilling words above, I could only think of Adolf Hitler ranting at his infamous Nuremberg rallies. “Weak souls,” “disease threatening to destroy the nation,” “sin,” “Sodom.” This is the unmistakeable language of genocide. While Israeli media have reported this story, no one is calling it by its proper name. Failure to do so enables the would-be killers to inch ever closer to their goal.
“Childhood is a very important period for acquiring basic values and perceptions, and when a child doesn’t have a father and a mother, all his normal relationships to his origins, past and future become blurred.”
For Thau, there is a clear connection between a national revival and the role of a traditional family unit. “When there’s no family, there’s no historical continuity or connection with the previous generations, no common national identity, no heritage and no tradition,” the rabbi argues, resulting in the detachment of the child. He calls this a “horrible crime against humanity” that removes the ground from under “the enterprise of national revival.”
This notion that family and nation are inextricably tied and that there is an existential threat to them posed by an alien group is standard-issue fascist ideology. It was a key element of Nazism. But while religious identity was never a key element of Nazi ideology, it fuels the Israeli version. Religion, in this sense, becomes a whip cracked on the Israeli Jew setting him to battle against the enemy, whether Palestinian, Iranian, etc. Further, these hostile forces pose a danger not just to the nation, but to Judaism and the very existence of the Jewish people itself. Hitler could not have said it any better himself:
“Blurring the child’s sexual identity… rattles the most elementary security in his identity, and from here the way is short to destroying his Jewish identity. And because he is not sure of his national identity, he loses the strength to stand up for the national narrative, the strength to defend the nation,” Thau says…
He insists that, in the face of us present dangers, “We are obliged to behave bravely and fearlessly in taking a stand and expressing an opinion against every idea and method that comes along to eradicate the vineyard of Israel.”
The final coup de grace of his argument is a call to war against the ‘defilers’ of Judaism:
This is a time of emergency, argues Thau, and “Just as when there is existential danger to the body we don’t observe laws of manners and respect… all the more so at a time of danger to the life of the soul,” adding that “There is no avoiding going out to war and sometimes even making extreme and shocking statements.”
It shouldn’t surprise that Thau has been accused by multiple women of sex abuse. The case has been investigated for several years without any charges being filed. This, unfortunately, is standard procedure for sexual crimes against women. It’s especially true when the perpetrator is a powerful, well-connected person, as Thau is. Though these men have an aura of holiness to some, they abuse their power. They take advantage of those who revere them. They prey on them. Especially women who are easy targets, because they play a subservient role in the ultra-Orthodox world. This gives the holy men extraordinary powers, not just among their followers, but in high places of political power and law enforcement.
There is a danger in dismissing Thau’s statements as the rantings of an Israeli extremist representing no one but himself and a few others. That is a dangerous, misguided view. Words lead inexorably to deeds. The former does not exist in a vacuum. Once they are spoken, they are like the genie who cannot be put back in the bottle. Those words enter the ears of Thau’s followers and any other fanatic who might hear them. They hear them as a command for action.
This is precisely how Yitzhak Rabin was killed. A group of similar rabbinic fanatics held a pulsa di nura, “Kabbalistic death curse” ceremony, which declared Rabin’s life hefker. Yigal Amir heard that message loud and clear, took a gun, went to a peace rally where Rabin spoke, and murdered him. He was doing Israel and the Jewish people a ‘favor.’ That’s how this disciple of rabbinic fanatics understood it. If he had it to do again, he undoubtedly would. As would thousands of Israeli Jewish fanatics for whom even Jewish blood–at least the blood of certain Jews–has no value. In fact, there are many Israelis who protest publicly and want him freed.
Others may argue that Thau was speaking metaphorically–that he didn’t actually mean his followers should go out and kill LGBTQ Jews. But forgive me for saying religious psychopaths don’t understand nuance. They think in black and white, good and evil. They hear a word and take it as a command.
In short, words kill. They may not be the bullets that do the job. But that bullet would never enter the chamber without words that put it there.
As I mentioned above, genocide works by fits and starts. Hitler’s first major political action was the Munich Beer Hall putsch, after which he was arrested and imprisoned. There he wrote Mein Kampf. But a few years later, he became Chancellor, and less than a decade later, the Final Solution began. It can happen…here and there.
“Do not ask for whom the bell tolls.” It tolls for us–all of us. Those who shut their ears to the ringing of the bells and refuse to hear, bear full responsibility for what will follow.
NOTE: While the racist, homicidal rage in much of the content above is done in the name of religion, this is in no way normative Judaism. This is a sick, twisted version of my religion. In fact, I don’t use “Judaism” to describe it. It is not worthy of the word. Rather, it is pagan idolatry. No one should blame Jews in general for this horror show.
These OCHA incidents are probable crimes of genocide and don’t meet the definition of the crime of apartheid.
Here’s the short video.
An urgent needs assessment is under way for dozens of Palestinian herding communities across the Occupied Palestinian Territory after an increase in Israeli settler violence, the UN aid coordination office, OCHA, said today. UNTV CH
Available Language: English
The implantation of settlements in occupied Palestinian territories is a probable war crime. The physical destruction of Palestinian herding communities is probable genocide.
War crimes and genocide are US federal crimes and are far more serious than apartheid, which is not a US federal crime:
18 U.S. Code § 2441 – War crimes
18 U.S. Code § 1091 – Genocide.
Many Zionists under US federal jurisdiction participate in the above primary crimes and should be arrested, indicted, and tried.
Apartheid is a byproduct of ongoing genocide and not a US federal crime. Why are we not focusing on the primary crimes both of the Zionist state and also of the US Zionist movement?
Why save Israel from itself?
Let Israel burn.
Let the Haredi rule, let the Settlers rule, let the Criminals at the top rule, let the world keep on giving Israelis more and more money, more and more weapons, and an unlimited UN veto, then get some popcorn and watch Israel burn.
If Israelis want to be more like Nazi Germany than the United States, so be it, let them destroy themselves, let them lose everything, let them be defeated and humiliated.
Israelis will blame the world for their troubles no matter what we do, then they will cry anti-semitism endlessly, and then they will pick up and go somewhere else to do it all over again. After all, they are Chosen, they are the Master Race, they are destined to rule over others, they stand between God and Man, so let them burn again and again until they face the fact that they are not Chosen, that they are not the Master Race, that they can be destroyed, that no God, or US Government will save them, and that they must assimilate like everyone else to save themselves.
So, let them burn.
They are on a road to more bloodshed and misery and will ultimately self-destruct
A filthy supremacist and racist state/endeavor/peoples deserve no less
I’m with you on the popcorn
@ Steve Benassi: While I’m sympathetic to the general ideas in your comment, I don’t believe anyone should “burn.” Jews were burned in the Holocaust. Now Jews burn Palestinians. But that doesn’t mean the Judeo-terrorist arsonists should themselves burn. Life in prison would be more suitable. But more likely they’ll end up prime minister.
I know it is a harsh way of putting things, “let them burn”, and I am surprised you published my comment, but I am playing the Devil’s Advocate.
The world may burn or suffer in a Nuclear Holocaust if the Middle East conflict gets to the point where Israel uses nuclear weapons, the Samson Option, to try to save themselves from thousands of conventional missiles raining down on them.
So, why save Israel from itself? We are at the point where Israel must be contained, and only the United States can do that. I don’t want anyone to burn, I want the world to stop Israel from destroying the world.
The Doomsday Clock is at 90 seconds to midnight.
“Elisha Yered, who smiled ear to ear ”
If the psychology text books need an photo example of duper’s delight, this is it.
JCPA Robert Kennedy’s 1948 Reports from Palestine
A few entries about the Stern gang and Haganah terror. Uncompromising, deemed heroes … Ben-Zion Netanyahu .
Birth pangs of the Jewish State of Israel and the seeds of its very destruction.
@Oui: Amazing how little Kennedy understood on a deeper level. He got the superficial aspects of the Israeli-Arab conflict. But missed the nuance. That’s a factor of his youth, I believe.
My father had a friend – the mayor (Muchtar) of the Arab village Ein Karem, near Jerusalem. I still remember going there by bus. One day, so my father told me, the Muchtar said to him: My dear Wolloch, when we’ll kill all the Jews I shall protect you and your family.
During the independence war all the Arabs of Ein Karem fled (or expelled).
I never shed a tear.
@Amatzia: Not only are you a racist and ethnic cleanser you exemplify why Israel is hated so widely. Not to mention that a second-hand anecdote with no independent confirmation amounts to nothing. I can’t imagine a Muhtar saying any such thing.