Palestinians throw Molotov cocktail at Israeli bus setting it alight in Issajawiya
NOTE: I did an interview with Jeremy Rothe-Kushel for his podcast. It was devoted to the murder of Shireen Abu Aqleh and the Yossi Cohen scandal.

UPDATE: In the aftermath of the Jerusalem Day “festivities” throughout East Jerusalem, Palestinian have decided they’re “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.” Mass violence has erupted in the neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan. Bouts of stone-throwing between Jews and Palestinians have raged, accompanied by the latter shooting fireworks. Palestinians have also thrown Molotov cocktails, which have torched an Israeli bus entering Issawiya.

This is the point where it gets really scary. The tipping point. Has the Bennett government played a game of chicken with Palestinians to see how far it can provoke them until they erupt in mass violence? And have they lost, thereby throwing the nation in mass violence and conflagration? Will Hamas feel compelled to respond in defense of its fellow Palestinians under siege in Jerusalem? Or will Egyptian pressure backed by Saudi cash (for the Egyptians, not the Israelis), tempt Hamas to stand down?
At this point, it is not looking good. For that, Bennett has no one but himself to blame. Certainly, the Raam Party and its four votes are lost to the governing coalition for the foreseeable future. It’s even possible that Party leader, Mansour Abbas will find it impossible to vote for the government when facing a no-confidence motion, thereby toppling the government. As I said, we are entering dangerous territory.
3 יהודים נפצעו מיידוי אבנים בידי ערבים בשייח ג’ראח, מצבם מוגדר קל@SuleimanMas1 pic.twitter.com/pvLZnHnRSD
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) May 29, 2022
The translation of the tweet accompanying this shocking video is:
Kol Israel’s Arab service reporter, Iyad Harb, was brutally attacked by Jews opposite MK Itamar Ben Gvir’s headquarters [in Sheikh Jarrah] after he attempted to fil the masked men who were there. He says “three men attacked me, stole my phone, broke my glasses. I told them I was a journalist but they could care less. The police stood aside and did nothing.”
כתב קול ישראל בערבית, איאד חרב הותקף בצורה ברוטלית על ידי מספר יהודים מול הלשכה של בן גביר לאחר שניסה לצלם את רעולי הפנים שהיו שם. איאד מספר שלושה תקפו אותי, גנבו לי את הטלפון, שברו לי את המשקפיים. אמרתי שאני עיתונאי לא עניים אותם. המשטרה עמדה ליד ולא עשתה כלום״. pic.twitter.com/Yf6QmPVtrE
— Haim Goldich | חיים גולדיטש (@HGoldich) May 29, 2022
* * *

Today was what’s known as Jerusalem Day among Israeli Jews. If it’s known as anything among Palestinians, it’s a curse. It is the day 10,000 rabid Judeo-fascists parade like Brownshirts through the streets of Palestinian Jerusalem asserting their dominance over Palestinians, like silverback gorillas in the rainforest. Nominally, the Day commemorates the “unification” of Jerusalem during the 1967 War. But it has morphed into a truly ugly phenomenon which strikes terror into the hearts of the Palestinian residents. Israeli police put virtually the entire Old City on lockdown. Only Jews may traverse the streets. Palestinian pedestrians are prohibited. Stores in Palestinian neighborhoods must be shuttered. This is the Day of the Jews.
“שישרף לכם הכפר”. pic.twitter.com/z0WVn0F6hR
— نير حسون Nir Hasson ניר חסון (@nirhasson) May 29, 2022
1. Marchers chanting (in rhyming Hebrew): “A Jew is a soul, an Arab is a son of a whore”
2. May they burn your [Palestinian] village to the ground”

I deliberately chose a title that may be provocative to some. But not to me. This Day is nothing less than a Judeo-supremacist triumphal march akin to Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies. You have the arms upraised, chants of defiance to enemies, glorification of State and religion, even a braying leader in Itamar Ben Gvir. The only thing lacking from this Judeo-Nuremberg pageant is Bibi Netanyahu thundering from a platform in front of the Dome of the Rock ( as he did from a Jerusalem balcony three weeks before Rabin’s assassination). This is a national movement of the Jewish people transformed into a monstrous perversion, just as 19th-century German nationalism reached its apogee under Adolf Hitler.
There may be a few readers who will protest: but Israel is a democracy. And the marchers are a minority. This is all beside the point. Whether Israel has a full-on fascist government led by Likud, or whether it has a fascist-lite government led by Naftali Bennett’s horse-with-three-heads governing coalition, the result is the same. After all, last year Netanyahu canceled the parade for fear of inciting a war with Hamas, which happened anyway. It is the supposedly softer, milder Bennett who puffed out his chest and declared: we will have the march. And all the rioting and pogroms today and in past weeks by Israeli police at Haram al-Sharif were overseen by Labor Party veteran and police minister, Omer Bar Lev.

You see, Israeli fascism has rooted itself deep within the national psyche. You can change the names and the faces: you can appoint a Likud minister or a Labor minister. The results will be virtually the same. They all share a mission of perpetuating Jewish dominance and control.
As for the argument that the “extremists” don’t represent all of Israel: don’t make me laugh. These settler extremists and terrorists have usurped the Israeli political system. They ARE the government. Itamar Ben Gvir is an MK (but never served in the IDF), as have been almost all of his allies including Betzalel Smotrich, Michael Ben Ari, Baruch Marzel (who only lost out by 11,000 votes), and scores of others. Israel is a willing captive of Judeo-fascism. Some may argue: well what do you expect, Israel is surrounded by enemies, it cannot afford the niceties of western democracies. To which I reply: OK, then let’s stop comparing Israel to France and instead compare it to North Korea or Russia (or Nazi Germany).
Further, this argument blames Israel’s purported enemies for its turn toward authoritarianism. It’s part of the victimhood syndrome prevalent in Israel: it’s not our fault that we are what we are. Our violent, primitive neighbors forced us to make these choices. That’s not the way modern nations work. While decisions of rivals or enemies impact strategic thinking, only fascist states are in a state of perpetual mobilization on behalf of combating a designated enemy. A fascist state deliberately conflates aggression with survival. In Israel’s case, it has not just one, but many such enemies: Iran, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah. It even treats the Palestinian Authority as a bogeyman worth treating as a punching bag periodically.

Recently, when I published posts here about the police-induced riots at the Al Aqsa mosque, pro-Israel readers were quick to point out that only a few odd Israelis flew flags or said prayers for the rebuilding of the Temple on what they call the “Temple Mount.” Pictures from today’s incursion show thousands of Israeli settlers proudly flying the flag in the sacred Muslim space. Not a single one of the 3,000 Israeli police who are supposedly maintaining order are visible.
These would-be terrorists want “Arabs” out. They want Muslims out. They want what Hindutva rioters wanted when they tore down the Babri Masjid mosque brick by brick to eradicate it as an insult to all Hindus. In that case, Hindus destroyed the mosque because it sat atop a former Hindu shrine. The parallels to the Temple-Haram al Sharif conflict are unnerving and give Jewish Temple devotees a clear road map.
The caption for these images is from the far-right online portal, Rotter, says:
The status quo [religious agreement with the Muslim Waqf] has been broken, including waving flags. After the first [Jewish] worshippers danced, they bowed and prayed on the Temple Mount [sic]. Shortly after, the worshippers unfurled Israeli flags, which flew for a long time on the Temple Mount

In fact, if we gave Ben Gvir a pick and shovel, he’d start tearing it down right now. But he realizes this is a long-term goal. He won’t win over all of Israel yet to his perverted mission. But he sees the “arc of Israeli history,” and it definitely does not bend toward justice. Unless it’s justice for Jews. As far as Palestinians are concerned, there is none. That arc bends toward fascism. The seed was planted decades ago even before the founding of the State. It was watered and fertilized by Israel’s massive expulsion of 1-million indigenous Palestinians in the Naka. And it came into full flower with Meir Kahane, the “visionary” prophet of Judeo-fascism, whose ideas and platform have been almost wholly adopted by the State and its citizens.

Judeo-fascism exploits all the trappings of Judaism. Of course, its disciples are devout Jews, or so they believe. But if it is any religion at all, it is the religion of State power. The worship of ruins and land (what I call “stones and bones”) is alien to Judaism. After all, we have thrived as a people without a Temple or territory for two millennia. If veneration of such alien relics turns Judaism into such pagan idolatry, then we Jews must separate ourselves from it. Just as rabbis once declared Frankists and Sabbateans to be heretics, we must absolutely and definitively sever any connection with these thugs.
They have forged an ideology that shares much in common with neo-Nazism and white separatism. For the latter, a national homeland exclusively for the Jewish people sounds an awful lot like a national homeland for white people. Evangelical Christianity is also the religion of choice for many supremacists. Theirs is a vision of America as a white, Christian nation. Sound familiar?
Finally, do not allow yourselves to be tricked by the religious trappings of Judeo-fascism. It does not exist on behalf of religion. It exploits religion for political power. It is naked nationalism with religious trappings. The outer wrapping is Jewish but inside is the naked beating heart of fascism.
Far from being a model state … the US backed overthrow of Imran Khan …
Imran says rulers ‘tasked with recognising Israel’
[comment deleted: Use of Nazi terms may only be used when based on close historical parallels drawn between that era and this one. Use of such terms as hate slogans devoid of such context are not permitted. Not to mention that it was an Islamophobic slur and a lie.]
“Jerusalem Day = Nuremberg Day”
Only Richard can reference the Nazi era.
Animal Farm rules apply.
@ troubled man: Apparently you can’t read. Or can’t read things you prefer not to read.
I made very clear, historical parallels between Nazism and the Jerusalem Day pogrom. They were made in careful historical context.
You offered an outright lie that Hamas sought to make Israel (or Jerusalem, I can’t remember) Judefrei (I can’t remember if you used that term or Judenrein). That’s false on its face and doesn’t correspond in any way with Hamas’ views or policy. Not to mention that even if Hamas wanted to do what Israel actually did do to its indigenous Palestinian population, it could not do so. It does not control territory as the Yishuv did in ’48, nor have weapons to be able to do so.
So your claims fail on every basis. You’re guilty of empty sloganeering. There are many other sites where this sort of approach would be more at home. It isn’t here.
Further, you’re using multiple IP addresses indicating you’re using a proxy server and likely attempting to conceal your location or doing so other related for other reasons, all of whcih I fund suspicous and inauthentic behavior. Please tell your colleagues at Hasbara Central that such behavior is not only a red flag here, but a dead giveaway of bad intent.
Now because I have tired of your repeated pro-Israel chauvinism and outright lies, you are banned.
Richard, how can you claim that Jews thrived for 2000 years? Pogroms, inquisitions, mass expulsions and holocaust were the fate of Jews for two millennia. Only back in the Land can Jews defend themselves.
@Alan Jackson: Do not conflate Jews with Israelis. Jews are not defending themselves. Israelis are. Israelis represent only themselves. Not all Jews.
You are saying that if you had to make a choice between Jewish suffering and Arabs suffering at the hands of Israelis, you prefer the latter. That’s a Faustian bargain I’m not prepared to make. And as B. Michael noted in today’s Haaretz, all of our enemies have been defeated or perished. We alone haven’t. And won’t.
Jews no longer need a refuge from Diaspora suffering. In fact, inflicting mass violence on other peoples is itself an Offense against Jewish values and traditions.
Another coke state switches from being oppressed to the oppressor. Suriname … their gold gets laundered by a UAE conglomerate. One pariah state ties to another.
From 1948 till 1967 Jews weren’t allowed to set foot in east Jerusalem, not for 1 day a year but for 365 days a year, the old city of Jerusalem etc, Jewish holy sites, synagogues were destroyed, contrast with since 1967 arabs live freely in east Jerusalem, west Jerusalem not for one day a year but for 365 days a year, and one day a year shops may have to be closed (I am not aware of details of closures).
Shame Richard your voice wasn’t around from 1948-1967, oh and don’t recall any arab, Jordanian or Palestinian blogging about those poor Jews who were forbidden access 365 days a year
@ Twotch: Most of your comment is either a lie or disingenous. It’s not that Jews “weren’t permitted” in East Jerusalem. What you don’t mention is that there was a war and Israel conquered Arab territory and incorporated it as its sovereign territory. In the process, it destroyed 400 formerly Palestinian villages within that territory. It also expelled 1-million indigenous Palestinians from it. Were they “given access” to their homes after the war? No, in fact they were considered ‘infiltators’ and often killed if they tried to return. So yes, in return the Jordanians didn’t look too favorably on Jews entering their own territory. Now, there I fixed it for you.
As for destroying synagogues, the Israelis too destroyed mosques and other holy Muslim sites as they continue to do to this day. Facts are inconvenient things, aren’t they?
As for Palestinians “living freely” in East Jerusalem: again, not true. In fact, many Muslim and Christian families have been expeled from their homes in the Old City by Jewish setters thieves. Not to mention restrictions are routinely placed on their ability to worship at Haram al Sharif. Not to mention there is wholesale theft of Palestinian homes in other neibhborshoods like Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah. As for that “one day a year.” You mean that one day a year when they live in abject terror of the marauding ravening beasts who perpetrate spasms of violence against them? Let’s see if you’re imprisoned in your home with a mob baying for your blood. See how you like it.
Do not EVER publish another comment here using the degrading term “arab.” First, the word is capitalized when used. Second, Palestinians do not use the term “Arab.” So you don’t get to do so here either.
Do not publish another comment in this thread.
You fail to mention that in 1948 the Arab world declared war on Israel. Based on your logic if Israel was to declare war on Arabs living in Israel then it need not allow and Arabs to live in Israel and if it nevertheless did it would be lauded. Understand that dissenting views are challenging for you and you can simply say don’t post again in this thread
@ Twotch: I’m not deleting this comment though it is off topic. Make sure in future all your comments relate directly to the post. Failing to do so will lead to moderation of banning. Second rule you broke: no comments on my editorial decisions. If you don’t like them go elsewhere. No one put a gun to your head and forced you here.
Actually in 1948, Israel declared its independence and Ben Gurion knew it would lead to war. He believed that he would win the war, which he largely did. It was BG’s chutzpah which started the war. Don’t distort the real history with hasbara.
I haven’t a clue what you’re saying.