16 thoughts on “Yossi Cohen: Mossad’s Man in Kinshasa – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Interesting read ! However, the worst crimes Cohen has commited in the last 6 years, have yet to surface. These will be gobsmacking , unfortunately.

  2. Knowing this information now, I must be targeted by Israel’s Mossad, Russian oligarch tax dodgers who pull lots of strings, Ukraine’s Zelensky backers, and all of Washington DC. Yikes!

  3. oh surprise, richard richard richard, at what point will you finally succumb to the reality that israel was/is/will be a banana republic, no different than congo, brazil, venezuela and the rest. bibi did not invent the wheel , he just aggrandized and embellished it so that the rest of the shmos would keep on filling the country’s coffers so they can use it at their will,
    bibi is the most obvious of the bunch
    btw. the lawyer in question is still bibi’s lawyer today so it is not farfetched to think that part of the cohen circus did not include bibi’s debt to that lawyer. AND not farfetched to think that this whole story started BY bibi in order to pay his retainer and as a consequence gertler demanded as quid pro quo the rest of the story.
    maybe after all it did not start with gertler but by bibi trying to offload his expenses and at the same time bulge his assets
    think again, is that crazy for a banana republic, or is it

    1. i forgot to name dershowitz the jew who gives jews a bad name and who gives jews haters a face to plant their flags and allows them to say here this is the example we show you to prove our theory of jews ALL jews are bad news , dershowitz a jew that ought to be excommunicated , excoriated and all the ex that you can think of.
      if trump is a bad human being , dershowitz wrote the book on what is a bad human being
      there is no cesspool that this person will not feed off, no trough is dirty enough for his snout

      1. you wanted proof of a banana republic – fresh off the press

        Multiple anti-Netanyahu bills postponed indefinitely in Knesset

  4. The Abraham Business Accords

    The matter raised a big question for Etyan Avriel who asked: Does the deal have an ‘Israeli’ angle – and could former Mossad head Yossi Cohen be involved?


    Channel 12 television revealed that Cohen, while still chief of Mossad, helped his daughter Achinoam get a job as a director in a company controlled by Tahnoun bin Zayed, the UAE national security adviser, a counterpart to the head of Mossad in that country. One of bin Zayed’s companies has opened an office in Herzliya for the company employing Cohen’s daughter, but Cohen denies any improper ties.


    “Kushner, Mnuchin, Friedman and Cohen may have made ‘peace’ between ‘Israel’ and several Arab states, but they also leveraged the ‘peace’ into millions of dollars for each one of them personally, and in very short order,” the author concluded.

    1. @ Trouble: Thanks for the Brand Israel promotion. I’m amazed that you would use this as an example of Israeli humanity and decency. So an Israeli going on hoiday for a lark to deepest darkest African deccides she’s going to become the Israeli version of Albert Schweitzer and Mother Theresa. What enormous chutzpah to think of herself (or for you to think of her) as the Great Israeli White Hope offering her beneficence to the African natives.

      Leaving all that aside, you think an Israeli adopting 15 African children is anywhere near on par with Gertler’s systematic rape of Congo, with the approval of the highest level of the Israeli political-intelligence echelon????

      1. “What enormous chutzpah to think of herself… as the Great Israeli White Hope offering her beneficence to the African natives.”

        Said the man who’s mission is to ‘repair the world’.

        1. @ trouble: Even sadder that a sham savior coming from the Middle East is going to save the African children. And you’re promoting her as if she’s God’s gift to them. You both have your hasbara ax to grind.

          One comment per post. Remember and respect this.

  5. ‘…King Leopold killed up to half of the country’s 20-million people…’

    I’m not defending the singularly cynical, avaricious, and callous Leopold, but that ‘half of twenty million’ figure irritates me — it even irritates me enough to quibble over your use of it.

    The number is commonly cited, but given the number of personnel involved in the operations of the Congo Free State, their actual purpose, and the extent to which they could even move through the Congo, it’s an utterly improbable figure.

    As far as I can tell, it comes from Adam Hochchild’s King Leopold’s Ghost. King is an otherwise excellent book, but its argument for the ten million figure is wholly unconvincing. Several hundred thousand? Quite likely. A million? Conceivable. Ten Million? No. These weren’t the Einsatzgruppen, they were quite few in number, and after all, they were there to gather rubber and ivory, not kill people as an end in itself.

    1. @ Colin Wright: But as we see in today’s rape of Congo and as we see in the US criminalization of most of the African American population in the South after the Civil War, in order to provide a free slave labor force, and in which ten of thousands were literally worked to the death, I think it’s quite credible to think the number of dead is huge. Now, whether it’s 10-million or 1-million, I can’t tell. But the crime is heinous. And Gertler is definitely continuing this heinous colonial tradition.

  6. ‘…It is an extraordinary story and shows both Cohen’s and Netanyahu’s utter recklessness. These actions violate every norm of relations between states. Senior officials of foreign countries simply don’t make secret trips, and not announce their presence to the host country. Nor do they meet brazenly with political rivals of the national leader…’

    I agree with your underlying point — but there is a certain resemblance to our intervention in the Ukraine in 2014. Perhaps we were less brazen, and our motives more complex, but…

    1. @ Colin Wright: One trip by a State Dept official to Ukraine does not constitute “intervention.” and certainly nowhere near the scale of Russia’s invasion and annexation of Ukrainian sovereign territory.

      Your comment is off-topic. So let’s leave this subject out of any future conversation here.

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