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UPDATE: Twitter forced Anuradha Mittal to delete the tweet (displayed here) it defined as doxxing. After she did so the lock was removed from her account and she regained full access to it. This is a shameful example of censorship.
Since Ben & Jerry’s announced that it would abandon its market in the Occupied Territories, much of the hate and vitriol of the Israel Lobby and its supporters has been directed at the chair of the independent board of directors, Anuradha Mittal. She has received death threats and abusive messages filled with misogynist and Hindu-phobic hate. Among other comments, she was labeled “a cheap whore,” and accused along with other Hindus of “stinking up a room” for “not taking regular baths.” Hindu death rituals were labeled as “desecrating” the dead.
When she received such tweets, she reported them to Twitter. Instead of banning the accounts which posted this content, the social media platform locked her own account, claiming that she had doxxed one of the users by posting a screenshot of his e mail message which contained his purported e mail address. After an appeal, her account is now visible, but she has no access to it until the appeal is resolved. Twitter is in effect blaming the victim for her own suffering.
Undoubtedly her account was locked due to an organized campaign by pro-Israel users to get Twitter to shut down her account. I too have been subjected to such stalking which led to a similar response by Twitter.
I published here some of the abuse she has received, including the message displaying the e mail address (see above). Needless to say, Twitter has screwed up its priorities. When a woman of color is attacked based on her religious beliefs and gender, it should be defending her and not her attackers. I should add that out of fear for her safety, she has left her home. If anyone is in danger of doxxing, it is Mittal.
Further, I haven’t even been able to ascertain whether the purported “rabbi” who e mailed her exists. He may or may not be a hoax identity used to conceal the real person behind the hate. So Twitter has blocked a major public figure receiving death threats from someone it can’t even confirms exists. It’s a shameful betrayal of its users, especially one facing such personal distress and danger.
I’ve tweeted to Alan Jope, Unilever CEO and Ben Cohen, one of the company founders asking if they would release a statement of support for Mittal. Their silence (so far) is deafening and profoundly disappointing.
Twitter really are scumbags. I was similarly targeted and banned altogether. This is racist Twitter
Richard, those communications to the chair of B&J board were disgusting, but please stop calling them “death threats” — since at least what she showed to the world did not contain any threats…
@ Simon: I believe women. When they say they’ve received death threats, I believe them. I’ve received death threats. Have you? Until you have and know how that feels I suggest you STFU.
‘@ Simon: I believe women…’
Perhaps a risky course, but if it works for you…
Thank you for your fearless reporting. Twitter is relied on by and for so many for communicating thoughts ideas warnings, news. It’s a major highway. What’s to be done about such injustices?
No matter where I’m posting any comments, I try 99% of the time to maintain some basic civility and to avoid any ad hominem arguments/statements, insults, or cussing at anyone. ABOUT Rethugs and fascists, yes, TO fellow commenters, no. I cannot decry the depths to which our communication has descended in America if I’m guilty of the same offense.
What has happened to Mittal is disgusting, as is all the same type of attacks going on. I do not look to Twitter, FB, or any other social media to set a standard, much less enforced rules, guaranteeing decency.
What is so hard about being civilized? Mark Twain sure knew how to be diplomatic while eviscerating someone. Nu?
What else do we know about this so-called rabbi? Has he published anything before? What community does he lead?
@ Ariel Shaz: I found a LinkedIn account for a Rabbi Dovid Lewis who teaches at a NY yeshiva and lives in Brooklyn. This may, or may not be the same person.
B&J decision is counterproductive for every peace loving people in the Middle East n the world. Banning and boycotting will achieve nothing. Talking yes!
@ Dror Kolton: Talking is a waste of time. Israel has been talking for 70 years in which it has run roughshod over Palestinian rights. Action is needed. Pressure is needed. BDS is needed.
Are you still surprized how pegasus is an Israeli masterpiece of evil.
Current judaism is far far removed from the decency of years ago.
All that is a byproduct of us endless moral and monetary support.
I’m noy sure that one repulsive “rabbi”, who may or may not actually exist, is a representative of “the Israel lobby”…
@Nadav: Good cop, Bad cop. “Rabbi” Lewis is the bad cop. Bill Daroff and the Conference- Israel Lobby are the “Good” cops.
It’s not “one repulsive rabbi.” She received scores of death threats and vile attacks, all from those who believe they’re somehow defending Israel, and all motivated by the Israel Lobby & Israeli government attacks which preceded them.