32 thoughts on “IDF Cyber-Intelligence Analyst, Tomer Eiges, Dies in Military PrisonFamily: “A Crime Took Place” – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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    1. According to the news reports, Eiges military status was withdrawn while he was still in prison, so there wouldn’t be any reason to bury him in a military cemetary.

      Though my source did say he was charged with espionage, he refused to expand upon the nature of his alleged crime.

      Curious why Richard’s source won’t reveal the alleged crime of espionage, now that Tomer is dead.

      I think it’s most likely that Richard’s source is blowing smoke.

      1. @ Rev Wright: The military shouldn’t get to decide this. He was a veteran and an officer of the IDF. He was loved by his fellow officers. He deserved to be buried with them.

        My source is a security source. If you can’t figure out why he would seek to preserve secrecy around the charges relating to his alleged crimes, then you’re stupider than even I gave you credit for.

        My source has been accurate about everything he’s reported. But if he is blowing smoke, I hope it’s up your a**.

        1. Hi Richard,

          “My source is a security source. If you can’t figure out why he would seek to preserve secrecy around the charges relating to his alleged crimes, then you’re stupider than even I gave you credit for.”

          I don’t understant it, can you please elaborate why your source would seek to preserve secrecy around the charges?


          1. @ Mike: Let’s say you know you have someone working in military intelligence who’s done something he shouldn’t. Let’s say he is arrested and charged with a serious crime.

            Do you want anything known about what he did, how he did it, why he did it? Or do you Want to protect the intelligence processes he was working on?

            This seems elementary. Why would you or anyone else need this explained to you?

          2. Pastor Richard,

            “Do you want anything known about what he did, how he did it, why he did it? Or do you Want to protect the intelligence processes he was working on? ”

            And this can be accomplished by keeping him in secret lockup and giving him a secret trial. To wit; you have inadvertently justified the very same thing that the military did to Eiges, Zigler, etal.

          3. @ Rev Washington: No it can’t be accomplished because in all of these cases secrecy was eventually exposed and the alleged crimes were as well. The IDF & Mossad ended up with a black eye in all these cases of Israeli spies who betrayed their country. Neither their alleged crimes nor their sentences were successfully suppressed.

          4. “Do you want anything known about what he did, how he did it, why he did it? Or do you Want to protect the intelligence processes he was working on?”

            This is what I don’t understand. The news reported that he wasn’t indicted on espionage, or related to it,charges.
            However, your source claims he was.
            I’m not arguing with you or your source, I just don’t understand whythere’s a conflict in the first place.
            Why not publish the charges against Tomer z”l ?


  1. This is another example of why Israel is not a democratic state. Britain has been awash with details of its own spies such as Kim Philby but in Israel even the fact of holding a trial is secret.

    1. [comment deleted: I do not accept posts by hasbaroids pretending to be Arabs by using fake Arab names as their handles. You are pathetic.]

    1. I’m afraid this is irrelevant to the topic. But Evangelical Christians have more respect to Israel than pity for the Naqba. Oui, Israel has its issues but you seem to imply that Israel IS the issue The destruction of Israel would not help anything, accept it.

      1. @ Dan G: Evangelicals don’t “respect” Israel. They want Armageddon and the destruction of the Jewish people to bring the Second Coming. Israel is a tool to bring that about. Nothing more.

        Of course Israel is THE issue. Nor am I advocating the “destruction of Israel.” Israel will exist, but in different political form than it does now.

        “Israel has its issues?” Really? That’s as far as you’re willing to go?

        1. [comment deleted: repeated off topic comments are violations of the comment rules. Since you have trouble following them, you’ll be moderated and only comments that respect the rules will be published.]

    2. @ Oui: I appreciate your efforts. I really do. But this comment is off-topic. Please have more discipline. You are more than welcome to post such links to my Facebook or Twitter accounts where they will get some visibility (in fact possibly more than they do here). But the comment threads aren’t the right place.

  2. Thanks for your efforts to reveal as much details as possible about this horrible case. My hope is that such cases would not happen again where a soldier and his family are abused for such a long time. A public demand and pressure for unbiased investigation and conclusions are a must.

  3. “ten IDF officers came to the parent’s home in the middle of the night and made them sign a form committing to remain silent about his arrest. They agreed to do so”
    => Why did the parents agreed to be scilensed???

    1. @ Eitan: I cannot speak for the parents. But in such a situation when you fear for your child and a powerful state body comes to you trying to intimidate you by claiming that your refusal to agree to their demands could jeopardize him and send him to jail for life. Then you might buckle under such extraordinary pressure.

  4. Thank you for bringing this up. I feel sick.
    Please don’t let them (us, our authorities) to pass this one out as if nothing happened.

  5. I try to think why the State of Israel and the army refuse to reveal what the suspicions and accusations were against that officer?
    1. Spying / betrayal.
    Even if this is true – Publication of this will not be so bad and will not cause lasting damage to the army.
    This will cause citizens to ask questions about what the officer died of and where are the videos from the security cameras? Did they poison him or attack him? Any criminal prisoner, military or security, is under the responsibility of the state and the prison.
    On the other hand, it will prove that the army criticizes itself so that there will be no soldiers or commanders within the army who have improved the provisions and laws.
    2. Hacking into computers or phones of the citizens of the country.
    Publication of this will cause angry and ongoing criticism for a long time against the military
    Because citizens will suddenly realize that they are exposed and may have had their passwords and files stolen, watched and listened to through the camera and microphones and see which sites they browse and who they chat or meet with and from there the easy way to keep this information about civilians outside military systems like a private external hard drive or cloud storage account Of the same officer.

  6. First of all I have to say that there is no connection between the death of Lt.Col.Dr. Avi Harlev in January 2021 and this of Captain Tomer Agis, there is a possibility that Harlev committed suicide, though there are some wierd things about him. He had just returned from his military unit and had a family member who worked in Intelligence Branch. Tomer Egies was arrested late at night and he and his parents were silenced for 9 months. The IDF did not lie that he was not alone in his cell because the inmates were undercover agents to extort information that could not have been produced during his ongoing interrogation. Tomer “actions that severely damaged national security” were so severe that if they had reached our allies they could have endangered the IDF’s chain of command. This is why even the IDF confirmed that he was sent through several prisons and was repeatedly interviewed by several Intel ,Mossad, Aman operatives. What the IDF is trying to hide is information is that he was not solitary conffinment . Visits by his family members and two friends were made possible on pre-agreed terms on very strict conditions. In mid-May 2021, as it was clear that Netanyahu was losing the election, he was offered a bridge plra bargain deal by IDF, if he would have agreed he would spend 10 years or more in prison. Of course he did not agree then during a the visit of military prosecutor regarding that deal and colapssed and died (Haaretz) He and his parents are also American citizens and if the information he discovered and copied along with info as into the orders he disobeyed came to our allies, then I can say we may have had a serious problem. I have no doubt he disputed his commanders even so he had no intention in betraying us ! I do not think the IDF lied when they said that Tomer decided to resign from the IDF, but since he died in the military prison he must be buried as a citizen in the military cemetery ! Captain Tomer Agis was eliminated, may he rest in peace ! Sooner or later IDF will be found guilty of wrong doing it seems it was a political oriented elimination ,

  7. in any state, the rights of an individual cannot, will not, and should not supersede national security. the only question worth asking is “what did he do”. anything else is irrelevant.

    1. @ israeli:

      in any state, the rights of an individual cannot, will not, and should not supersede national security

      Dead wrong. In any democratic state the rights of the individual are sacrosanct and protected from being trampled by state power. That’s precisely why Israel is not a democracy. And it’s no wonder you don’t believe in democracy since Israel isn’t one.

      Only in a racist, apartheid national security state does a citizen like you permit the security apparatus to run roughshod over individual rights while the citizen says: fine by me. Take my rights, I don’t need them. Of course, when they come and take your own rights rather than the other guy’s, then you howl bloody murder.

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