חשיפה: השב”כ עצר 3 תלמידי ישיבת “פרי הארץ” בהתנחלות רחלים בחשד לרצח הפלסטינית עאישה א-ראבי לפני יותר מחודשיים. החשודים הם: צבי נריה לב, משה נגר ואברהם פרץ
Last October, a Palestinian family was driving home one evening near the Tapuach junction, when a rock the size of a football crashed through their windshield. It smashed into the head of the mother of eight sitting in the passenger seat. Blood was everywhere. The father who was driving with two children in the backseat was in shock. He screamed for help. But no one was nearby at the late hour.
So he drove to the nearest hospital. Doctors desperately tried to save her 20 minutes, but she had been dead by the time they had arrived.
Settler police gave the family no updates for days after the murder. They felt as if they didn’t exist as far as the police were concerned. Her home village of Biddya declared a general strike in protest and thousands attended her funeral.
It has taken the Shin Bet three months to make an arrest in the case. The news is under a security gag order. Israeli media originally only reported the arrest of two settler youth. But they have since correctly noted there are three suspects. They may not report the name of the victim or the suspects which I have in the next paragraph.
An Israeli security source tells me there are three arrestees, not two. They are Tzvi Neriya Lev from Kochav HaShachar, Moshe Nagar, and Avraham Peretz. All three study at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva located in the Rehilim settler colony. Initially, I only knew the identity of the first suspect. But a separate Israeli social media user alerted me to the settler Facebook group above, which furnished the full identities of all three.
It’s ironic and damning that despite the best efforts of the security apparatus and censorship regime to suppress information, Israelis themselves are the best resources in fighting their own system of repression.
The area where the yeshiva is located, including Kfar Tapuach, are hotbeds of murderous settler violence. It was the home of the Kahane clan and Israeli mass murderer, Natan Zada. Colonist yeshivot are also hotbeds of terror, producing the new generation of Israeli hate.
Also important to note that Rabia’s husband, who was driving the car, saw six or seven figures standing next to the road as the stone hurtled toward his car. It appears there were others involved in this terrible crime.
Yotam Berger, Haaretz, December 30, 2018 (both Hebrew and English) reports on three minors (juveniles) arrested for “terror case” without specifying the murder of Aisha Rabia. Of course, no suspect names given. The article turns into a discussion of Shabach use of torture to extract confessions instead of focusing on the issue at hand, that is, pervasive, constant and daily settler terrorism against Palestinians and Israeli demonstrators/human-shields in the West Bank.
Let’s see if real justice is served. I am not confident of that. Going by past judgements I would say the charges will either be dropped or they will get a pittance of a sentence.
Justice will be served.
Two other suspects were arrested yesterday