23 thoughts on “Netanyahu Disappeared from Israel for an Entire 24 Hours and No One Knew – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. A betrayal of the Palestinians?
    How so? Mahmoud Abbas just had a three day visit in Oman, the same week Bibi was there. Maybe peace is in the air.
    Richard. You have to try to look on the bright side.

    And maybe Oman will serve as a back channel to Iran.

    That would be great! Right?

    Richard. Don’t be such a ‘gloomy Gus’!

    1. @Li Hung So Low: You’d have to be a fool to believe that Oman can make peace between Bibi and anyone, let alone both the Palestinians or Iranians. There will NEVER be peace as long as he rules. And as long as uber nationalists ‘like him rule.

      But do bury your head in the sand. That’s where it belongs.

  2. “In most other western countries reporters track the schedule and physical presence of their leaders. They know where they are at any given moment and, if newsworthy, they’re there to report it. Not so in Israel, a country which neither western or democratic. Nor apparently do its reporters know where their PM is at any given moment. I find that exceedingly strange.”

    If you see Israel as a military with a country and not a country with a military, it makes sense – you aren’t supposed to know where the generals are. Netanyahu leaving for a day to pull a diplomatic stunt and nobody knowing is an inversion of that fake army they built around General Patton as a diversion for D-Day. It also sets the bad precedent (if Israel is militarily defeated in the future) that nobody of field rank will be there to sign the surrender documents – all the brass and all the politicos will have silently fled to Manitoba, Ibiza, and Zurich. Can papers be signed in good faith by a reserve lieutenant from the motor pool, an air force technical sergeant, a navy doctor, and the Tel-Aviv chief of police?

    “….In effect, Israel is not a capitalist country. It is a country run by and like the mob, who are its eighteen oligarch families.”

    You know you are describing the “14 families” who ran El Salvador’s coffee and sugarcane industries in the 19th and 20th centuries, right? Usually such countries are doomed to being impoverished states exporting monocrops, but Israel was “blessed” by starting out as a very-good social democracy and declined into the neoliberal hell that has befallen most of the world since Reagan-Thatcher.

      1. You claim was it was undemocratic for a president/PM to disappear w/o the media knowing about it. It took exactly 2 minutes to find it about Obama.
        Anyone can understand sometimes secrecy is necessary. If it was a weekly routine I could understand your concern but visiting a country with no official relations with Israel is not less of a special occasion whether you approve or not.

        1. @ Jen: Don’t ever characterize my views on any subject. You’ll invariably be wrong. I did not “claim” the Bibi’s trip or his disappearance was “undemocratic.” I claimed that Israel was not a democracy because its press either can’t or won’t cover its own national leader, permitting his to disappear for an entire day while he engaged in a major trip which the Israeli public had every right to know about, but didn’t.

          Obama’s trip had nothing to do with Bibi’s as I already wrote. Obama traveled in secret in order to avoid a terror attack. Netanyahu traveled in secret in order to avoid placing Oman under pressure or opprobrium from fellow Arabs who might object.

          And no secrecy is not “necessary.” It is a poison that afflicts autocratic regimes like Israel and others and denies the people the right to know what leaders are planning and doing. As for ‘weekly routine,’ it is worse than that. It is a daily routine. Secrecy is a plague that afflicts Israel throughout society, but especially in the military, intelligence, media and judiciary.

          As for your putative Google search, mine came up with numerous references that linked the Ofers to the term “oligarch.” You are a very sloppy researcher or a very bad hasbara practitioner, or both: https://www.google.com/search?q=ofer+family+%26+oligarchs&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS791US791&oq=ofer+family+%26+oligarchs&aqs=chrome..69i57.4023j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

          Again, you are done in this thread.

  3. Not sure why would you call the Ofer’s – oligarchs!
    Is it just because they are rich? The family built the business from the ground up over decades.

    1. @ Jen: As I’ve written here many times: do NOT ask a question in the comment thread without reading ALL the linked articles and posts. The link associcated with the term “oligarch” offers a great deal of information about Israel’s oligarch families, who they are, what they control, and how they got it. Study up on the term “oligarch” then study up on the nature and structure of the Israeli economy. It is a clear example of a vulture capital, oligarch model. The Ofers are but one example.

      1. Self referencing is a bit odd.
        It is even odder when the reference doesn’t even have the word “oligarch” in it.

        I made a quick google search and oligarch is mentioned with the Ofers only I need regards to an apartment they bought from an oligarch.

        1. @ Jen: No it isn’t. The posts reference a report which clearly lays out who the 18 oligarch families are and why they are oligarchs. They own 60% of the capital in Israel. I didn’t make that figure up. And you deny they’re oligarchs?

          You are done in this thread.

  4. Is keeping a leader’s trip abroad secret when the destination may contain extremely hostile elements truly so unprecedented?

      1. Is it not an Arab Muslim country that is easily accessible to terrorists elements in the region and whose own population is largely hostile to Israel?

        1. @ Chen: Um, no. That’s pure Arabophobia, which is not acceptable here. Oman is ruled by an elderly fellow who is not a terrorist and doesn’t permit terrorists in his country. Nor is his country hostile to Israel. If it was, why would he be meeting Netanyahu. It may be hard to believe that there are such Arabs and Muslims. But shockingly, it IS true.

          1. The ruler of Oman may not “permit” terrorists in his country, but the question is whether agents of hostile elements can nevertheless easily access its territory. As to the population itself, I can provide only this anecdote, which is admittedly not strong evidence that the population as a whole is hostile to Israel, but is still more probative of the population’s views than what you have offered (i.e., the country itself isn’t hostile).

          2. @ Chen: So an Omani policeman represents all of the Omani state? Further, did they harm the Israeli? Did they threaten him? No. Were they wondering why an Israeli would come to Oman other than him being a Mossad agent? You bet.

          3. As an initial matter, I acknowledged that I provided only anecdotes, which of course have limited probative value.

            But to be fair to them, you must acknowledge what they are. First, two Omanis answering a question about what Omanis think of Israel with extreme hostility to Israel, Israelis, or Jews generally. This is of course not a large sample, but consider that these were the only answers given.

            In the second example, we have the Omani police interrogating an Israeli journalist who had done nothing wrong for hours and then telling him to tell Israeli journalists not to go there. Would you not say that this represents hostility by official organs of the state?

            Well, if I were in charge of the security of an Israeli leader traveling to Oman, I would absolutely proceed on the assumption that the population is potentially hostile. I think any reasonable person with that responsibility would. And, again, there is the issue you do not address, which is whether the territory is easily accessible to agents of hostile elements.

          4. @ Chen: This is tiresome. Do not post in this thread again.

            An Omani policeman is just that, a single individual from a single state agency. He doesn’t represent anyone other than himself and whoever sent him. He was not sent by the emir and does not necessarily represent the emir’s views. And in a one-man rule state like Oman, the emir is the ultimate boss. The fact that he invited Netanyahu to visit him trumps what a low level policeman did or said to an Israeli tourist.

            Not to mention that this tourist was not really a tourist. He was an Israeli reporter probaby snooping around, even possibly with a hidden camera, trying to dig up a story he could report for Israeli media/TV. I’d be suspicious of such a person myself if I were a police officer.

            As for exhibiting hostility to Israel, gee I wonder why an Arab would do that? You Israelis are amazing: you bully, kick and beat the crap out of Arabs for decades and wonder why they don’t welcome you with open arms.

            As for what you think about the security or level of danger for an Israeli leader visiting Oman–I could care less.

          5. [Comment deleted: I told you not to post in this thread again. You did. You are now moderated. Only comments which respect the comment rules and my requests will be posted.]

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