12 thoughts on “Saudi Crown Prince Abuses the Holocaust in Goldberg Interview – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “As a major Shiite power, it defends fellow Shiites like Assad in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon.”


    Alawites are not Shiites, in fact, Shiites don’t like Alawites at all.


    Iran isn’t defending fellow Shiites, they are merely playing one Arab against another in order to further ‘divide and conquer’ the Arab world.

    You can’t really fault Ibn Salman for seeing Iran’s strategy for what it is.

    1. @ Doctor John: You are abysmally ignorant. Alawites are an offshoot of Shia Islam. Why do think that Shia Hezbollah and Shia Iran came to Assad’s aid? Because they share the same barber?

      Iran isn’t defending fellow Shiites, they are merely playing one Arab against another

      You’re about the 50th hasbarist who’s come along here spouting your authority in understanding the Iranian “mentality” and geo-political strategy. Yet you know nothing except what you’re told in whatever shmatteh you use to inform you about these matters: mostly likely some training course offered by Hasbara Central. Further, moron, Iranians aren’t “Arabs.” Call an Iranian “Arab” and you’ll get an icy stare, not to mention they’re know that you’re an ignoramus when it comes to knowing a thing about Iran.

      I’m reporting you to Hasbara Central. You really need a refresher course on these matters if you want to have any credibility as a hasbarist.

      Iban Salman doesn’t “see Iran’s strategy for what it is.” He sees the Satan he wants to see and makes up the rest. As you do.

      1. @Richardo

        I never said the Iranians are Arabs. Where the hell did you get that one? Alawites are Arabs.

        As far as whether Alawites are Shia, I say let the Shia answer that one; if that’s okay with you.

        Yes, there are 200,000 Shia living in Syria, and yes, there are two very holy Shia shrines in Syria, but that still doesn’t make Alawites Shia. If the Alawites are an off-shot of Twelver Shiism, that doesn’t make them any less heretical.

        “Yet you know nothing except what you’re told in whatever shmatteh you use to inform you about these matters’

        The Guardian is a shmatteh, too?

        1. @ Dr. John: I trust your views about Islam as much as I trust Bibi to run an honest government. Which is to say, not at all. So stop offering your claims.

          But here’s The Telegraph: “The Alawites are an offshoot of Shia Islam…”

          And Wikipedia: “The Alawis, also rendered as Alawites (Arabic: علوية‎ Alawiyyah/Alawīyah), are a syncretic sect of the Twelver branch of Shia Islam…”

          Islamic Monthly: “Alawites became a Shia offshoot a thousand years ago.”

          You are done in this thread. Do not post another comment here.

    2. Iran isn’t defending fellow Shiites, they are merely playing one Arab against another in order to further ‘divide and conquer’ the Arab world.

      You can’t really fault Ibn Salman for seeing Iran’s strategy for what it is.’…’

      Whatever. The fact of the matter is that what you’re proposing is the equivalent of thinking the Pope is standing up to the Lutherans because he’s the Calvinists’ friend.

      …and if that makes no sense to you, perhaps you’re not qualified to comment.

  2. Richard, I think you should stick to contemporary middle east politics and leave world war two to others. I have never read that Hitler wanted to conquer the world, for example, and I have read a lot.

    1. @ Greg Gilbert: Go read my comment rules right now, Greg. You’ll note they say that I don’t give a crap what you think about my skills or quality of analysis. If I did I would’ve asked your opinion, and I didn’t. So you stick to writing comments that are on topic & deal with the specific subject of the post (unlike what you did here). And leave the posting to me. And if you don’t like what I write, don’t let the door hit you on the way out…

      Just because you didn’t read something doesn’t mean it’s not true. Nor did I say that Hitler wanted to conquer the world. But together with Japan and Italy that’s pretty much what the three Axis powers tried to do. Their ambition was greater than their power to realize it, fortunately for us.

    1. [comment deleted: a link to a YouTube video is not a valid comment here. Refer to the comment rules if you want to understand what constitutes a legitimate comment.]

  3. I run a lot off my intuitive impressions of people — and while it may be a self-sustaining loop of some kind, it seems to prove out pretty well. Both Obama and Trump, for example, turned out to be about what I expected.

    Morsi was a good man, I think Erdogan is about the best to be expected in Turkey as it exists today, the Ayatollah Khomeini was a fanatic, but moral enough, in his way. And so on.

    The crown prince I do not like, or trust. I don’t want to get in the car with that man, daddy.

  4. ‘…They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East…’

    It’s really a pity. After all, if you describe somebody as a ‘Hitler’ we already can infer that you disagree with him. Now the comparison means nothing beyond that.

    How can all this nonsense about Iran as ‘the sponsor of international terrorism’ or ‘seeking to conquer the world’ be seriously proffered, anyway? It’s decidedly rich for the leader of Saudi Arabia to denounce others as ‘the sponsor of international terrorism,’ since if ANYONE sponsors international terrorism, it’s Saudi Arabia. Where did the 9/11 bombers come from, and who funded ISIS?

    Iran is not a paradise. It’s more or less what it claims to be alright, an Islamic revolution — but it’s gone wrong. However, it’s not especially expansionist, and its leader doesn’t bear the faintest resemblance to Hitler.

    The threat here is decidedly not Iran. It’s that crown prince, and whatever evil scheme he’s pushing. And what worries me is not the good crown prince himself, but that so much of the power structure of the West is shaking his hand and earnestly nodding their agreement. Something’s up, and whatever it is, it’s thoroughly vile.

  5. @Richard Silverstein: You are absolutely correct. Iranians are Iranians and have been since the begining. Even calling them Persians is inaccurate because, as my Iranian friends have attested, it was Greeks that first called them Persians in connection to Persepolis. And yes, Greeks and Iranians can get along.

    I’ve been a long time reader, but this is my first comment.

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