5 thoughts on “Anti-Semitic Attack on Harvey Weinstein…in The Tablet! – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. [comment deleted: you’re a goddamn troll. IP address geo-located to India. My guess is using a proxy server.]

  2. That you label the Tablet article as “anti-semitic” reflects only on you and not the magazine. We don’t need to have our feelings coddled by the same progressives who label many of the comments here as “arabaphobic”, “Islamaphobic”, misogynist and racist, simply for talking about topics that you have deemed taboo.

    Any Jew who reads that magazine knows what the article is talking about, which simply carries on the Jewish tradition of self-criticism and open discussion about Jewish stereotypes. You taking offense at the title of the article is pretty rich, given the titles that you frequently use for your posts, as well as your attacks on Jews who support Israel. Ironically, by your own comment rules you would have banned the title of your own post– using the antisemitic card for your rhetorical purposes.

    1. @ Yehuda:

      That you label the Tablet article as “anti-semitic” reflects only on you and not the magazine.

      Only a hasabaroid could say such nonsene. Any article using the term “Jewy” is not only using disgusting slang, but verging distinctly into anti-Semitic territory. The rest of the article with its references to Portnoy’s Complaint, which also traffics in anti-Semitic stereotypes also brings it into objectionable territory. Not to mention that the author apologized for what he wrote albeit refusing to concede he’d written anything anti-Semitic.

      simply for talking about topics that you have deemed taboo

      I don’t deem anything that is reasoned and articulate taboo. But I do label half-baked conspiracy theories with Jews (or Palestinians) as their butt as treif.

      simply carries on the Jewish tradition of self-criticism

      What I am doing is carrying on the Jewish tradition of self-criticism. What Tablet is doing is carrying on the anti-Semitic tradition of labeling Jews with stereotypes which are unwarranted. Further, what Harvey Weinstein did had nothing to do with being Jewish. Nothing. And this article which claimed it did was offensive as are your defenses of it.

      You taking offense at the title of the article is pretty rich, given the titles that you frequently use for your posts,

      You’re making the classic error of confusing Jews and Israel. My posts criticize Israel, not Jews. THere is nothing offensive or anti-Semitic about criticizing Israel.

      your attacks on Jews who support Israel.

      I attack anyone whose views denigrate or oppress Palestinians (or Jews). So I don’t only attack Jews who support Israel. In fact, I praise Jews who criticize (but support) Israel. I criticize non-Jews who endorse the racism and injustice of the current regime governing Israel.

      In fact, I support Israel myself. Just not your oppressive, unjust, racist, supremacist version of it.

      …by your own comment rules you would have banned…

      Again, hasbarists don’t interpret my editorial rules here including what should be banned or not banned. Nor do they implement them. I do. If you don’t like ’em you know where you can go…

  3. After reading related articles on Weinstein, and consequently fearing a rise in Anti-Semitism in the Western world, I remember something I saw in the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. years ago. It was a political cartoon–issued in the first year of the Nazi takeover (1933). In it, a very overweight, physically repulsive Jewish businessman-exaggerating stereotypical body parts trying to make contact with a blond haired little girl; with intentions that are anything but honorable.
    The similarity of the man in the cartoon and Weinstein are painfully obvious.

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