9 thoughts on “Knesset Inquiry Reveals Yemenite Babies Murdered in Medical Experiments, Abducted from Parents, and Exploited in Paid National Institutes of Health Experiments – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. ” Israel airlifted hundreds of thousands of Yemenite Jews and resettled them. ”
    גוזמא it was circa 40,000.
    Please show source for all the sources I have seen correspond to circa 40,000.
    Aside from that there probably are not even close to 100,000 Yemenites in Israel today.

    1. @ shaul: This error had already been corrected by the time you posted your comment. Sometimes, unless I empty my site’s cache, you’ll be seeing an earlier version of the post than the most recent one (post-corrections).

      Wikipedia says the actual numbers are 50,000 immigrated via Operation Magic Carpet. And 400,000 Yemenite Jews currently living in Israel. That’s quite a discrepancy with your claim.

  2. “A corollary to this tragedy is the Ringworm Affair, in which Israeli doctors treated Yemenite children with radiation against ringworm.”
    It was mostly Moroccans and many died.
    In the US the situation was not entirely diff because in the ’50’s they had no cure for ringworm and thus bombarded ringworm affected people with X-rays. After all if you can’t see what harm can it do?
    I myself picked up ringworm from a summer camp seeing that it is very contagious and my parents took me to an upper-class skin doctor who covered my body up to the neck with lead and bombarded my head with X-rays thinking my hair would fall out and eliminate the ringworm and then grow back. Never happened. We went to another doctor who said it would disappear with puberty and it did.
    At the age of about 30 I developed Hypothyroidism which I always attributed to the X-rays but it is not provable.
    Today they have a salve that you apply for one week and presto it is gone.
    Many did not fair as well as I and got tumors and the like.
    So like it says in the Talmud “the best of the drs are in hell”.

    1. They gave the Moroccan children 35,000 times the maximum dose of radiation. Even after thousands died, they continued radiating them. This was all for money Israel received from the United States. By the way, Haim Sheba who was responsible and went to America to bring the machines has a hospital named after him, Sheba Hospital. Isn’t that ironic that we named a hospital after a monster? Shame on us!

  3. But how established are these claims? In fact, the Yisrael Hayom article doesn’t even mention any biomedical experiments conducted on children. Its strongest accusation is that the doctors applied an “experimental treatment” to severe malnutrition and that four babies died. Nobody says how crazy it was, given knowledge available, to give this treatment. Nobody says what was the condition of the patients. Most importantly, nobody says how many kids in a similar condition got the treatment and recovered as a result. It may have been cruel experimentation, but even the article’s description sounds much more like doctors applying a not-fully standard treatment which failed to save the lives of four individuals. This happens every day.

    All other claims are even less clear. There’s no information on the children in the picture. They are clearly very ill. Perhaps the marking on their body was a of the treatment process? There is not a shred of evidence that they were used to teach anyone anything. On what are these claims based?

    The sickle-cell anemia is another storm in a teacup. In practice, all they tested was whether Yemenits were carrying the disease which is very common among sub-Saharan Africans. This is a simple blood test followed by examination under a microscope. A single doctor describing it might sound bad in today’s standards, but all that it was was a barely-invasive study in population genetics. Today nobody’s allowed to do this without consent, but this should not be taken out of proportions.

    And finally, whatever they did with corpses is wrong. It’s good that nobody treats dead people and their family members that way anymore. But again, these are dead people. Disrespectful? Yes. But not completely weird at the time and, in the end of the day, nothing as bad as the claims made in the headline of the article.

    1. @ Bibino:

      In fact, the Yisrael Hayom article doesn’t even mention any biomedical experiments conducted on children.

      Not true at all. The articles mention medical experiments and testing on corpses from age 4 months to 42 years. How did you miss that? Plus 4 babies were injected with dry protein and died. That is a medical experiment. How did you miss that as well?

      Nobody says how crazy it was, given knowledge available, to give this treatment.

      Gee, let’s see how crazy it was. You inject a substance into a living person w/o any knowledge of what it’s effect will be. And you not only do it once and the patient dies. You do it four times. And you do this experiment of child whose medical condition is stable at the time. That’s a clear violation of the Hippocratic Oath and grounds for revocation of medical license at least.

      Nobody says what was the condition of the patients.

      Wrong. And you clearly haven’t read the post I wrote. A cardinal rule for participating in the comment threads here: you read the entire article and ALL the links provided BEFORE you comment. Don’t waste my time otherwise till you do that.

      Most importantly, nobody says how many kids in a similar condition got the treatment and recovered as a result.

      Wrong again. It’s clear that once the 4 babies died they didn’t go further with the experiment. How many have to die before you decide the experiment failed???

      sounds much more like doctors applying a not-fully standard treatment which failed to save the lives of four individuals.

      NOnsense. This was a botched experiment undertaken without ethnical awareness or approval of the parents. It’s akin to murder if not negligent homicide.

      Perhaps the marking on their body was a of the treatment process? There is not a shred of evidence that they were used to teach anyone anything. On what are these claims based?

      Again, you clearly didn’t read the post or the links which clearly indicate that they were used as a teaching tool. READ the FRIGGIN’ LINKS!

      The sickle-cell anemia is another storm in a teacup. In practice, all they tested was whether Yemenits were carrying the disease

      Again nonsense. They had no authorization to test anything on anyone. And they were clearly attempting to prove that Yemenite origin was in Africa and the linked article clearly indicate the attempt to prove this failed when a British researcher showed this was the case. And they performed the blood tests on dead bodies to boot!!

      these are dead people. Disrespectful? Yes. But not completely weird at the time

      The entire thing was weird and racist. No, it wasn’t the only weird racist medical experiment of the day. But that doesn’t diminish the horror of this by a single iota despite your feeble hasbara attempts.

      You have made your contribution to this thread. You may comment in other threads, but no longer in this one. I find your effort here to be distasteful and disrespectful to the YEmenite victims.

  4. Although ‘diagnosing at a distance’ is frowned upon, the appearance of the children in these photos is compatible with the disease ‘Kwashiorkor’ (severe protein-calorie) malnutrition [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwashiorkor]). Rather than being subjected to human experimentation, they should have been patients in the hospitals exploiting them. Using them as human guinea pigs would make Dr, Mengele proud!

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  5. It’s called “Eugenics”,and was a very common science in Israel,GB ,US and Germany in those years,and still is but now world wide and more subtle.
    You banned me various times for mentioning the fate of The Yemeni Children,The Ringworm Affair ,Depo Provera on Etiopian Jews and other Eugenics activities in Israel.
    Many things I mentioned on this site have caused you to ban me,eventhough most of these facts turned out to be true,you just didn’t know it yet..
    It’s the main reason why I refrain from commenting here.
    The rabbithole is much deeper and more widespread than you are able to grab.
    Still, I enjoy reading your articles.

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