2 thoughts on “Navy Secretly Arrests, Imprisons Senior Officer for Spying for China – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. This is only tangentially related but I am living now pro-tem in a part of the world (viz. the Philippines) where there seems to be an imminent danger of major conflict with China.

    Hugh White, who is Professor of Strategic Studies at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre of the Australian National University, wrote this week a propos of PM Malcolm Turnbull’s forthcoming visit to China:

    “… the next few weeks look especially threatening. In Washington, there is rising concern that China will soon start building yet another military base on contested land at Scarborough Shoals, or declare an air defence identification zone over the Spratly Islands, like the one it declared in the East China Sea a couple of years ago.

    … any effective US response carries a real chance of an armed clash, and risks escalating into a full-scale conflict. So it is crunch time in Washington and Beijing, and the stakes for Australia could not be higher.

    The first step would be to acknowledge the dangerously rising tension between Australia’s two most important international partners, and explain its deep origins in the contest for leadership in Asia between an ambitious and rising China and a still-powerful and determined US.
    He should say that China’s rise has already changed radically the distribution of wealth and power in Asia, and this will most likely continue, even as China’s growth slows. And he should explain that this makes major changes in the Asian regional order inevitable: the order under US leadership cannot remain unchanged when the material basis of power in Asia has shifted so much. Our challenge is to manage that change, and we cannot do that if we pretend it’s not happening.
    He should warn of the consequences if Asia’s strategic changes are not managed effectively. The lesson of history from Thucydides onwards is that big shifts in power such as the one through which we are living often lead to truly catastrophic major wars. We cannot manage Asia’s transformation effectively if we do not recognise the terrible risks of mismanaging it. This is the lesson of 1914. It is vital for Australia, as well as for everyone else, that a new order should evolve peacefully.”

    One shudders when one thinks of the possibility that in the US the “war party” (Clinton and all what she represents) will gain power again.

    Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/comment/crunch-time-for-australias-two-most-important-international-partners-the-us-and-china-20160410-go36f5.html#ixzz45epTI7DK
    Follow us: @theage on Twitter | theageAustralia on Facebook

  2. A Lieutenant Commander in the U.S, Navy is in no way a “Senior Officer”. A Lieutenant Commander is an O-4 on a scale from O-1 to O-10. In the Navy a Lieutenant Commander is not even considered “field grade” (and thus does not wear “scrambled eggs”) on the brim of his combination cover (hat). One becomes a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy at the six years of commissioned service point. A full-retirement requires 30 years.
    Although this story was carried by a host of news outlets and media, yours was the only one that referred to him as a “senior officer”. You were wrong.

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