.חלם בישראל: בית המשפט העליון הפר צא”פ על זהות החשודים בטרור יהודי: פיני שנדורפי ושניור דנה
Take a memo:
To: Col. Ariella Ben Avraham, Chief IDF Censor, Yoram Cohen, Shabak Chief
From: Your Loyal Subjects
Subject: Flagrant Violator of Your Edicts
My dear Madam Censor and Shabak Chief–I write this memo to inform you of an influential player in Israeli society who flagrantly violates your censorship-gag regime. As you, Madam Colonel are boldly and aggressively increasing your role in said society, including overseeing social media and the world-wide-web, I urge you to act to bring the Israeli Supreme Court to heel.
The justices, who seem to believe there exists some nostalgic concept of the independent role of the judiciary in a democratic society, have exposed the names (pdf, document available online too) of two of three accused Israeli Jewish terrorists, being investigated for planning attacks against Palestinians. These brazen jurists have named them as Pini (Pinchas) Shandorfi (a name already exposed by that troublesome blogger you’ve threatened with just retribution here). The second is Shneur Dana. Fortunately, the justices have withheld the third name out of respect for the suspect’s status as a minor.
It hardly matters that the justices in their filing portrayed the planned crimes of the accused as conspiracy to commit terror attacks as a racist hate crime; along with acts of incitement meant to rouse Israeli society against those interlopers called Palestinians in Judea and Samaria. These are nothing compared to the sacrosanct prerogatives of the military censor and our domestic protectors of the Shabak. And need I add that even these details about the case against the suspects are under gag order, which is violated by our august solons of the Supreme Court?
I’m sure those irksome civil libertarians and supporters of the Court will raise those tiresome notions of the public’s need to know such information in order to be informed participants in a democratic society. But we all know that security and protecting the elites, including our friends in the Shabak (not to mention our fine boys who protect the purity of Judea and Samaria) is far more important in our national security state. How can anyone possibly think that the rule of law should trump secrecy and national security??
I urge you to take immediate action to ensure these justices realize the error of their ways and the damage they are doing to the national security state, not to mention the aid and comfort they are giving to our Arab enemies by introducing our nation’s secrets to that dirty, foul place called the internet.
Your loyal subject,
Yonatan Swiftinsky (aka Jonathan Swift)
This is funny. I wonder what will happen next, Richard!
‘Navy Officer Accused of Spying for Foreign Power Held Secretly for 8 Months’.
It looks like you have ‘gag ‘problem at home, too.
@ Ber: Can you find another U.S. incident like this in recent memory or even going back decades? Cause I can find them virtually every year or more in Israel.