16 thoughts on “Israel Permits Russian Overflight of Israeli Airspace – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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    1. Excellent and very illuminating article, thanks for that link Oui. I’ve been wondering about this Russia/Israel “deal” and this clears a few things up. To add to the arguments in the article: once IS has been defeated in Syria and control of the entire Syrian territory falls under Assad’s control once again, I think that the IDF can kiss any Syrian fly over rights to strike targets, Hezbollah or otherwise, good bye in any event. So Russia can afford to be magnanimous in allowing IDF incursions in the full knowledge that this is a temporary “concession”.

      The nuclear scenario depicted is a bit scary, but fortunately getting less likely with each passing day.

  1. Following Oui’s link, I unfortunaly became ensnared in the ‘Jewishpress’ website. Masochist that I am, I clicked on a few aricles and, even more unfortunately, ended up on Moshe Feiglin’s own site. In horrid fascination I read a few of HIS articles – did I mention being a masochist? – until I got the urge to vomit.
    NEVER AGAIN, JewishPress.

  2. “…(and possibly Britain) …”
    There have been intermittent open admissions of involvement of Brits on BBC radio.

  3. RS:
    “This is a further example of Israeli citizens deprived of critical information necessary to judge the policies of their own government. Citizens in turn avert their eyes saying these are decisions best left to others who know better. It’s the willing infantilization of the average Israeli.”
    That’s isn’t true: all major Israeli news outlets reported correctly Gilad’s words.
    RS just picked one that decided to edit what Gilad told (Walla on-line).
    See below the links to the full reports where RuAF “violations” of Israeli airspace were mentioned:






    That’s what any person will find after 2 min googling.

    1. @ nikkor1: Walla did not “edit” anything. It was censored. I know this because my source, who is in a position to know this, told me so. Not only that, but Yossi Melman tweeted that the information Gilad reported was under censorship. I’ve added his tweet to the post for bozos like you who don’t believe what I tell them.

      Further, you appear ignorant of the fact that the Israeli military censor and most major media sources read this blog (hell, that’s probably why you read it to learn what you can’t in your own media–unless that’s part of your hasbara job description). When I report a story under censorship it either quickly or eventually draws a modification of the terms of censorship as happened here after I published. If a story is censored it can be uncensored. Censorship was in place when I posted. It may have been removed some time afterward and I’m positive all these reports were published, at least in their present form, afterward.

      It’s also possible that other news outlets decided to defy the censor, possibly after reading this post.

      I don’t appreciate ignoramuses like you and your attempt at ‘Gotcha.’ It leaves me cold.

  4. “In return, Putin has assured Israel that it will not interfere in IAF attacks on Hezbollah targets inside Syria. Specifically, weapons convoys ferrying Iranian hardware to Lebanon via Syria.”

    Richard, is that a direct quote from Gilad, or is it a paraphrasing?

    I can understand Israel and Russia coordinating flights (“de-confliction”), since it is both parties interests not to have a mistake that then escalates out of control.

    But precisely because that agreement is in both their interests then it can stand alone i.e. having Israel agree to it does *not* imply that Putin owes Israel a favour, any more than it means that Bibi owes Russia something.

    So I can understand that agreement, but I can’t understand why Russia would agree to Green Light IAF attacks on Hezbollah targets inside Syria.

    There is nothing in that for the Russians. Nothing.

    Russia needs Hezbollah’s ground forces, because each Hezbollah soldier means that one less Russian soldier needs to be exposed to danger.

    Why would Russia tell anyone that they are free to drop bombs on an ally who is fighting alongside their own forces?

    It beggar’s belief, to be honest.

    It sounds very much like that oh-so-Zionist attitude that says that the world always owes them a favour.

    Putin isn’t Obama. He doesn’t hand out lollies merely to be liked, nor does he give a sucker an even break.

    Russian forces and Israeli forces hammered out a de-confliction agreement – something that is in both their interests. From a Russian PoV (obviously not from a Zionist PoV) that would be the beginning and the end of the matter, and any attempt by Netanyahu to leverage that into a “you now owe me one” moment should be met with a puzzled “No, why should we owe you anything?”

    That the ISRAELIs would claim otherwise is no surprise – that’s their standard MO.

    But I fail to see why RUSSIA would agree, nor do I see why anyone should take what the Israelis say at face value.

    After all, has anyone asked the Russians if that comment is accurate?

    1. “Richard, is that a direct quote from Gilad, or is it a paraphrasing?”

      Or is there a third option, that Richard is making up whole cloth, that aspect of the agreement?

      1. Permits is a bit of an overstatement. The coordination promises that an airplane won’t got shot down if it ‘shaved’ the border. Don’t expect to see Russian planes over Tel-Aviv, Tiberius or even Katzerin.

        1. @Arik: That’s not what the IDF general said. He said that Russian warplanes may enter Israeli airspace on their way to or from attacks in Syria. He said nothing about “shaving” anything. I assume the IDF would not wish Russian warplanes over Tel Aviv. But given how close the distances are between Syria & Israel the Russians might flyover many areas of northern Israel.

          1. A quick look at the map will reveals that there is no reason what so ever to fly over Israel ‘on their way to or from attacks in Syria’. The Russians are stationed in Syria. Bombing near the border may result in a close shave, like that of the Syrian plane z’l some months ago.

    2. @ Yeah Right: I don’t have Gilad’s full remarks at the event. I only have the newspaper report, containing short quotations from him, and which I summarized. The report makes very clear that the Israeli attacks would only be on Hezbollah convoys passing through Syria on their way to Lebanon. In other words, the Russians did not give the green light to Israel to attack Hezbollah forces fighting in Syria.

      Another thing to remember is that this account is from an IDF general. Such figures have been known to adumbrate their accounts to puff up Israel’s power & importance. It may be that Putin would have a different account of the agreement. But we do know that Bibi & IDF high command went to Russia in the past few months and held very significant talks, probably about Iran & Syria.

      Further, Russia now has its most advanced anti missile batteries in Syria. They could easily shoot down Israeli planes over Syria if they violate this agreement. So it’s in Israel’s interest to have a very clear agreement with Russia and not to violate it.

      1. OK, thanks for that.

        I would imagine that Hezbollah would take a very dim view of any attempt at such a distinction i.e. that there is a difference between “Hezbollah convoys passing through Syrian on their way to Lebanon” versus a Hezbollah convoy heading through *this* part of Syria on their way to a battle in *that* part of Syria.

        The possibility of a Israel pulling a fast one and then saying “oops, my bad!” would seem to me to be much, much too great.

        “Another thing to remember is that this account is from an IDF general.”

        Well, yes, quite.

        It would be my guess that the Israelis are big-noting themselves.

        I mean, this needs to be stressed: there has to be something in this for Russia otherwise they won’t agree to it. And I can’t see anything that’s in it for Russia.

        A de-confliction agreement, sure. That’s mutually beneficial.

        But a “go ahead, be my guest, bomb Hezbollah convoys”?

        There is a huge benefit there for Israel, but absolutely no advantage to Russia. So why would Russia agree to something that risks Hezbollah getting the shits with Russia, taking their bat and their ball and storming off back home?

        After all, if Russia’s intervention in Syria teaches us anything it’s that the Russians stand by their allies. Hezbollah would expect the same, and could be expected to react very badly if that were not the case.

        1. First it was Gilead then it was Netanyahu who made the claims about IAF sorties over Syria. I do not know what they are trying to convey. On the other hand, Hasan Nasrullah said that Netanyahu’s great-great-grandfather would not be able to stop arms from reaching Hizbullah. So far, he wasn’t caught exaggerating.

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