Last weekend, I did an interview with PressTV about the Israeli “peace rally” in Tel Aviv. 3,000-6,000 Israeli liberal Zionists rallied for peace talks of some sort with Palestinians of some sort. They made clear they really, really don’t like Bibi Netanyahu. Oooohhh, Bibi’s runnin’ scared from these political titans. His rule hangs in the balance. This, friends and readers, is the vaunted Israeli “left.”
Speakers from Meretz, Labor and Peace Now addressed the faithful. Before the demonstration began, Aida Touma-Suliman of the Joint List (a Palestinian-Jewish coalition which is third largest in the Knesset) asked to join the speaker list. She was refused because, as Yariv Oppenheimer said, the list was “closed.” He might have added “closed to Palestinians.” In rejecting their participation, he proved once again that liberal Zionism is part of the problem, not anywhere near being the solution. Liberal Zionism concerns itself with not so much with Israel, as with Israeli Jews. Palestinian citizens of this state, and even more so Palestinians of the Territories might as well live on Mars.
Today, Mint Press News published my latest piece, Kerry’s Al-Aqsa ‘Deal’ Is Little More Than A Band-Aid On A Bleeding Ulcer. It casts a skeptical eye on Secretary of State John Kerry’s latest round of band-aid diplomacy, in which he brokered a deal between Israel and Jordan that virtually left an irrelevant Mahmoud Abbas out of the picture. The deal is short-term and will likely fall apart at the earliest opportunity. Please disseminate it via social media and other forums.
Many of my readers do not have subscriptions to Haaretz. Unfortunately, you cannot read the links to articles I offer here. I suggest trying this browser extension which should offer access to these articles. There are Chrome and Firefox versions. I am no technical expert and cannot vouch for the extension or getting it to work for you.
“A nefarious Chrome extension that easily bypasses the Haaretz paywall.”
You’re encouraging people to steal from Haaretz.
@ Hopper: Really, all of a sudden you’ve become the fan and watchdog on behalf of Israel’s most liberal newspaper?? I had no idea you were a closet leftist. Touching that your views are being influenced by all the pleasant memories you gather here.
BTW, Haaretz makes subscribers to Hebrew and English editions pay for two separate subscriptions, which is highway robbery. Though I have one subscription, I refuse to tell others they must pay like I do. Nor do I owe Haaretz anything since they steal or exploit my work without attribution whenever it suits them.
“Really, all of a sudden you’ve become the fan and watchdog on behalf of Israel’s most liberal newspaper?? I had no idea you were a closet leftist ”
Deflection, followed by argumentum ad hominum.
“BTW, Haaretz makes subscribers to Hebrew and English editions pay for two separate subscriptions, which is highway robbery.”
“Nor do I owe Haaretz anything since they steal or exploit my work without attribution whenever it suits them.”
And rationalization and self justification.
@Hopper: You clearly don’t know what argumentum ad hominem means & have misused the term. Don’t use it again here till you do.
If I called you a “fat, ugly hasbarist” that would be argumentum ad hominem since it would be confusing your personal qualities with your ideas.
You may be fat & ugly. But caling you that would be an impermissible tactic in such a debate. So I would never call you “fat” or “ugly.”
“If I called you a “fat, ugly hasbarist” that would be argumentum ad hominem ”
And posting, “I had no idea you were a closet leftist”, isn’t argumentum ad hominem?
@ Hopper: Oh Lord, you are a bear of little brain. Calling you a ‘closet leftist’ was satire. Of course no one here believes in a million years you’re any sort of leftist. It was a bit of fun which apparently escaped you. It certainly isn’t argumentum ad hominem since it has nothing to do with any of your physical qualities:
Saying you are a leftist is not an attack on your character or your personal attributes, hence it is not argumentum ad hominem.
Thanks Richard. I very much appreciate you sharing the browser add-on links. Cheers!
Liberal and zionist in the same sentence? That doesn’t work. Zionism is a nationalistic entity which has become floridly racist. I see no difference between the ideology of zionism and the ideology of white supremacism.