17 thoughts on “ISIS Looming Iraq Victory is Fruit of Decade of Failed U.S. Policy – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “Do you want an Al Qaeda state spanning thousands of miles of Syrian & Iraqi territory?”

    I think that the US is dumb enough to let ISIS win, because Washington loathes Tehran that much.

  2. al Malaki’s government asked the US to remove it’s forces, and we did.
    al Malkaki’s government asked the US to return and bomb the ISIS and we refused.

    Sounds like the al Malaki government and the Obama administration are directly at fault.

  3. You are as obsessed with Israel as any arab leader. The hatered that spawns the “two muslims kill each other – let’s talk about Israel” is the mentality that allows arab dictators the war crimes they are so good at.

  4. The plan was never to stabilize these countries, if we look at what the neoconservatives wrote 10 years ago..

    “We may willy-nilly find ourselves forced … to topple five or six or seven more tyrannies in the Islamic world (including that other sponsor of terrorism, Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority). I can even [imagine] the turmoil of this war leading to some new species of an imperial mission for America, whose purpose would be to oversee the emergence of successor governments in the region more amenable to reform and modernization than the despotisms now in place”


    1. Pat Buchanan, the antimsemite and former editor of The American Conservative, is most definitely not a “neocon.” The label he would agree to is “paleoconservative,” a very different political beast.

    1. @moshe: I never asked you to subscribe to my blog. That was your decision.

      I don’t respond to threats. Every e mail message you receive as a subscriber has instructions for unsubscribing. Follow those directions and do it yourself. I respond cooperatively to those who make requests similar to yours. But done so with elemental civility, unlike you. So I NEVER respond to threats.

      But I’ll happily tell people that you sent that threatening e mail by this IP address: People also have your e mail address too, now that you’ve made it public.

  5. If you look at Japan and Germany both are countries that America invaded and was successful in rebuilding. I think the reason for this was two fold. One was the giant capital injection and the other was the continued occupation in the form of Military. To this day there are still 50,000 troops in Japan and 40,000 in Germany. One could only imagine if shortly after the Second World War America decided that they were going to withdraw all their troops… What would Germany and Japan would look like today?

    Even though the reason for the Second World War and the war in Iraq are different I think the end results are similar. If Obama was strong enough he would have made sure that there was 10,000 troops left in Iraq as General Petraeus called for… We might not have seen the rise of Isamists in Syria and the almost collapse of Iraq. Hell I would even go as far as saying the FSA would have not been challenged by the Islamists as the main Rebel army and would have had enough Clout with the international community to receive full military support.

    From an article I read from the ISW http://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/isis-battle-plan
    It seems that Iraq is being divided between Shia (Iran) and Sunni (Saudi Arabia) and it seems that Iraq is more important to the Shia then Syria is (due to religious holy sites) and apparently there are elite “Quds” forces protecting the Shia holy site in Samarra which was reopened in 2011 after numerous attacks. The attack in 2006 which targeted the dome of the holy site started the Ethic war which resulted in the Mehdi militia to ethnically cleanse Baghdad of large portion of its Sunni population.

    Moreover all the forging Western Fighters who will eventually come home with no doubt similar mental disorders as American troops (PDSD and such) will surely cause problems as seen in Belgium France and England.

    So to sum this as a major American Policy screw up is probably the nicest way to put it.

    1. You are forgetting the other third: the largest group in the world without a country, the Kurds. Also… Japan was a unified nation for hundreds of years and had already embarked on a serious modernization program at the start of the Meji Restoration. Japan would have rebuilt regardless of our troops. Germany, while as a unified single nation had a shorter history, its largest chunks, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and other areas were also similarly modernized at the same time. Germany was responsible for so many technologies before, during and after the war. I would never compare occupation of Germany and Japan with Iraq which has always been an artificial creation of stupid white men after WWI / Ottoman Empire collapse. The British, French and Americans truly screwed up every conceivable aspect of “peace” to create most of our problems today.

  6. The painful fact of the matter: the entirety of US foreign policy since WWII has been a sheer disaster in every conceivable metric possible, from civilian death toll to environmental degradation (Haiti, Indonesia, Philippines, Nicaragua, Argentina, E Timor, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, etc). Of course, it would be utterly childish to ascribe our foreign policy as having anything to do with justice, democracy or decency. Our policy is driven by the disparate interests of corporations, corporations that in 1950 or 1960, we could identify as “American”, but with “advances” in technology and law, are simply extra-national entities capable of destroying large swaths of the world with trivial bribes funneled into various political campaigns. Long before Bush II invaded Irag, his administration’s very first meetings on energy policy had already outlined an invasion of Iraq and which oil majors would get access to where. Only a nitwit would invade an artificial country like Iraq expecting it to remain stable without a dictator. Ditto for a “country” that is only defined in geographical terms by its outer neighbors. Afghanistan has not been a true nation-state EVER. It has only ever been a collection of tribes that often hate each other with a decorative concept of a capital. Any high-school student (from a school that still teaches history) would have predicted failure in both of these tragic mistakes.

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