5 thoughts on “New Truthout Story: Khader Adnan Ends Hunger Strike in Triumph – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. A little problem is that if you compile the list of people call “terrorists” you see Muhammad Bakri (for making the movie “Jenin, Jenin”), Haneen Zoabi (for being a passanger on Mavi Marmara), ALL OTHER passengers on that ship (particularly if they got killed) etc. I think that this category includes the entire population of Gaza except for children under age of 12 and unspecified, but large, percentage of West Bank population.

    There is also a separate, more narrow category of “terrorist leaders” and this is where Adnan Khader qualifies. IDF can arrest 70 leaders in one day by applying a dragnet to several villages (with a grand total of 250 detainees, of whom 180 were quickly released as non-leaders). When a Palestinian is denied exit visa it may be explained that he is a terrorist leader. Khader was deemed somewhat more “dangerous” because he was detained seven times, but each time released in few months so he could not be THAT dangerous.

    Then we have a much more “elite” category of people who actually are alleged to do something, either directly (“blood on their hands”) or as helpers (usually, “masterminds”), and Khader was never accused of that.

  2. “Democracy” is a slippery, evolving concept. In the USA, once widely described as a “democracy”, people the government wanted to lock away used to be tried for a crime (all as you suggest) and evidence used to be presented and cross-examination of opposing witnesses was the order of the day. In short, or to abbreviate, “justice”.

    Now-a-days the government can use secret evidence if it wants, which the opposition cannot see, or can suppress secret evidence, if that’s its pleasure, and the government alone can say what is “secret”. No cross-examination of unknown and unknowable witnesses. Not so different, I should think, from how dictators do business.

    And even more recently, the USA can arrest people, deny them contact (with family, lawyers, etc.) simply by arranging for someone (an envious neighbor? a debtor?) to accuse the arrestee of being a terrorist.

    No more dangerous words or concepts (if you prize” justice”) than “national security” or “terrorist”. Very slippery.

    Israel is not alone, maybe not the first. The “lights unto the nations” seem to be the worst, what with support for settler colonialism, establishment of war infinite in space and time, and erasure of justice.

  3. No, he’s no tsadik. I sent Richard a video link of Adnan exhorting Pals to strap on suicide belts but Richard has not posted the link.

    1. I will not feature videos for purely hasbara purposes. If you can find a video of Adnan which you can prove is credible & authentic & translated by a translator who is credible, then I’d consider watching it. But MEMRI & the other shmatteh groups you guys love are not such.

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