11 thoughts on “Wiesenfeld Calls Kushner ‘Kapo,’ ‘Jewish Anti-Semite’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “He uses it to bully those who are smarter, better read, more articulate and more learned than he.”

    Every single IQ study has shown Jews have higher intelligence than gentiles, even the Japanese. More than anything Sullivan embraces the slave morality of animosity towards the strong and capable. The gravest offense Israel did was be strong and successful amongst the neighboring failed societies.

    1. So if I convert to Judaism, my IQ will raise immediately ? Do you think I’ll be fit for a Nobel Prize ? By the way, you must be the exception that proves the rule.

      Why doesn’t Yuri Edelstein send some of those intelligent Jews here instead of the ‘wikipedia’ and ynetnews Hasbaristas ?
      Honestly, nothing sounds more like an anti-Semite than an ethnic supremacist.

    2. @anon.
      Comments like yours make me want to vomit. How disgustingly racist you must be to write such a thing. I suppose you would say Black people have rhythm and Scottish people have a genetic disposition to be thrifty.

    3. Anon, from my experience of growing up in the former USSR with many Jewish and non-Jewish friends, Jews were generally no more intelligent than the gentiles of the same social level. In fact, children from mixed Jewish-Russian marriages were often more intelligent, at least as far as academic achievement is concerned.

      Do you have links to the IQ studies you’ve mentioned. Were there also any studies on EQ (emotional intelligence)?

    4. This is one of the stupidest comments published here in a long time. Jews have higher intelligence than Gentiles? How is that we produced Avigdor Lieberman? If you publish any more racist nonsense like that in future you’ll be moderated & read the comment rules. Personally, I think you’re a troll up to mischief.

    5. So Jews have higher IQ’s than gentiles? Sounds like this was written by an antisemitic person pretending to be a Jew and trying to show that Jews are racist. I think that the Jewish people have had enough contact with the concept of “Uber Mensche” to know how silly and crazy that idea is.

  2. The power of people like Wiesenfeld arises from the very, very broad assumption of (otherwise decent) Americans that they must be nice to Jews and therefore stifle any anti-Israel thought they might otherwise entertain. The possibility of a blackball (which has been seen a lot in academia, and of which the recent CUNY episode is a small but exquisite example) means that people whose jobs or social position depends on the favor of politicians (and this category of people includes politicians themselves, who depend on money from possibly-Zionist donors) — all this creates a culture of knee-jerk pro-Israel expression and knee-jerk suppression of pro-Palestinian expression.

    All of this (in light of Israel’s long career of lawlessness) has made it hard for Americans to criticize Israel for lawlessness even when the facts of lawlessness are right out there. Thus respect for law disappears in the USA. And now the USA freely and easily practices torture, kidnapping, murder and assassination, invasions of countries with which we are not at war, etc., etc.

    The occupation of America by pro-Israel forces has not been good for American democracy. CUNY, take note.

    1. Pabelmont, I agree with the criticism of Israel’s behavior and America’s behavior, but I don’t think that America’s bad behavior is caused by Israeli influence, or at any rate it’s a secondary cause, not the main one. We’ve been hypocritical about human rights our entire history.

    1. Indeed:

      Estimates of total number of people who registered as refugees:

      800,000 – 900,000 according to the Historical Survey of Efforts of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine to Secure the Implementation of Paragraph 11 of General Assembly Resolution 194 (III) published by the United Nations Conciliation Commission, October 2, 1961. [8] (A/AC.25/W.81/Rev.2)
      875,998 refugees in June 1951, according to the Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East published by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, September 28, 1951. (U.N. General Assembly Official Records, 6th Session, Supplement No. 16, Document A/1905) [9] [note 4]
      914,000 refugees in 1950, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency website. [10] [note 5]
      957,000 refugees in 1950 according to the Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East published by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, September 28, 1951. (U.N. General Assembly Official Records, 6th Session, Supplement No. 16, Document A/1905) [11] [note 6]

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