There isn’t that much unusual in Desmond Tutu calling on a South African opera company to cancel its planned production of Porgy and Bess in Tel Aviv next month. Tutu’s views on BDS are well-known. But what I did find interesting is this oblivious statement from the Israeli opera company’s director:
Hanna Munitz, general director of the Israeli Opera, said in a statement that the intent of the collaboration between the companies “is culture and art, and definitely not politics,” adding: “Both houses relate to culture as a bridge, the aim of which is to be above any political dispute.
Perhaps someone should send her a copy of the libretto of Porgy & Bess and a history of the opera and its productions. Perhaps someone might want to tell Munitz about the reason that George Gershwin wrote a revolutionary opera with an all-Black cast and the impact that this casting had on a segregated 1930s America. No politics in that for sure:
Originally conceived by Gershwin as an “American folk opera”, Porgy and Bess premiered in New York in the fall of 1935 and featured an entire cast of classically trained African-American singers—a daring and visionary artistic choice at the time.
I have a really provocative suggestion for all involved: let them mount a production in Tel Aviv, but make the cast all-Palestinian! What about a Palestinian Porgy?? Now that would knock the audience’s socks off wouldn’t it? That would immediately make a slightly musty piece of 1930s Americana relevant to the Israeli audience, wouldn’t it? It might make them throw shoes at the stage. Might make ’em walk out. Good. Anything to force them to confront the evil they are perpetrating.
In rejecting Tutu’s eminently sensible plea for black South African opera to boycott, the opera director made this statement:
Mr. Williams said the company was also in negotiations to perform in Arab countries, adding that “Porgy and Bess” contained “much which should provide food for thought for audiences in Israel.”
Man, this guy hasn’t a clue about contemporary Israel if he thinks that an Israeli audience will find anything in this opera as he will stage it that will provoke them to think of the way they are treating the Palestinians. That’s far too subtle for Israel. As an example, look at the self-congratulations of the Israeli headlines noting that the opera company is ‘snubbing’ Tutu’s request. Do you think Porgy will get through to such an Israeli audience?

How incredibly hypocritical it is to claim that the ‘arts’ are not political when in fact, for the artistic world to claim they are exempt from what is going on all around them is a deliberate willingness to disconnect art, and its meanings, from the audience. It’s self serving and the lowest form of denial to blithely decide to perform before an audience whose collective actions have so decimated a people as the Israelis have done to the Palestinians.
So often “culture” means nothing more than “making a buck” off someone. Margaret Atwood comes to mind.
The Arts and Entertainment industry has a powerful role to play in this struggle. I’m deeply disappointed in this outcome and feel that there is a lack of artistic integrity in this decision.
Thank God for artists like Santana and Roger Waters. Maybe Desmond Tutu can organize a concert somewhere (except Israel) with these two and invite artists from around the world, even artists from Israel, Palestine and Muslim countries to hold a global event that could be titled:
thats ok…i would prefer watching ozzie and john lydon performing porgy and bess anyway
both have upcoming gigs in israel
Eventually, it’s going to come to the point where YOU will have to perform Porgy and Bess. They won’t be able to draw anyone to perform in Israel if it keeps going down its current disastrous path. Since Tiny Tim is dead, they’ll have to press gang you into service. That’s a performance I’d almost be willing to shell out money to see. You in black face with an Israeli flag in the background. Delightful!
“Eventually, it’s going to come to the point where YOU will have to perform Porgy and Bess. […] You in black face with an Israeli flag in the background.”
LOL! Hilarious! I’d pay too!
He deserved that, didn’t he? Amazing he can show his face around here after that. But nothing shames him.
Oh Richard, this particular comment just made me crack up here at the office much to the surprise of the colleagues who looked on bewildered and confused. Excellent! It’s just so true though. good luck to our buddy ujmcc, if trends continue!
[comment deleted for comment rule violation]
RE: “What about a Palestinian Porgy??” – R.S.
PORGY: “Haneen, you is my woman now…you is, you is!”
I find Porgy and Bess a pretty boring work. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that it no longer has the revolutionary effect it did back 70 years ago.
Your suggestion of an all-Palestinian cast captures this nicely: forcing people to actually look and see reality.
Of course, people may always choose not to attend the show. Porgy and Bess did not lure people in under the pretense of having the usual all-white cast, then drop the race bomb on them with the opening number!
We may always choose to be monstrous; it is our right to do so… maybe.