Women of the Wall mounted a silent protest during their monthly Rosh Hodesh service at the Kotel in response to the arrest last month of Nofrat Frenkel for daring to display a Torah scroll during services. This act of defiance brought the police and her detention and questioning. There were also cries of “politics” from the Orthodox mafiosi who run religious affairs at the Kotel.
The behavior of the Haredi was equally despicable this month as Haaretz describes:
Confrontation broke out in the Western Wall on Friday, as Haredi worshippers protested an attempt by members of a women’s organization to conduct a massive prayer session at the holy site by calling out “not-Jews” and “Nazis,” Army Radio reported on Friday.
About 200 members of the “Women of the Wall” organization arrived at the Western Wall in order to take part in the monthly Rosh Hodesh prayer, and to protest the arrest of their fellow member at the site.
Police officers separated the two sides after Haredi worshipers approached the women’s group members and yelled out “not Jewish, send them to church,” and “Nazis, blasphemy.”
Talk about abusing the Holocaust! And the mafiosi rabbi last month had the chutzpah to shrei that the Women of the Wall were playing “politics.” I’d call this ‘playing Holocaust’ and if anything, it’s even worse.