You’ve heard the saying: “He took his marbles and went home?” Well this is the Israeli equivalent. Ehud Barak dejectedly takes his toy tank home as the other kids (Bibi, Tzipi, Lieberman and Yishai) play with their building blocks trying to form a new Israeli governing coalition.
Love the kids in short pants. It’s a nice satiric touch.
Ehud won’t be with them because his plan to wage war on Hamas and win an election failed miserably. As a result, his fellow Laborites are telling him that he can’t play in that sandbox anymore. They want to go into Opposition and attempt to rebuild their tarnished brand. Good luck to ’em. Given how feeble Labor has become it will be a hard sell to revive it.
Times have certainly changed. Years ago (actually, many years ago) left-wing political parties would go into opposition in order not to be part of immoral or destructive policies. Indeed, heroic individuals would often do the same.
(One thinks of Karl Liebknecht opposing the German war effort in World War 1 in the Reichstag – as a minority of 1, for which he was promptly jailed).
Why does the misnamed ‘Labor’ Party go into opposition? To protest aggressive and racist policies? To protest the settlements? Not at all – in fact the ‘Labor’ party was at the forefront of these. No, Barak and Co. go into opposition
because they are ‘breugess’ that nobody voted for them and think that something will change if they sullenly go home – without rethinking their policies, their leaders, or anything else. Oy.
A very cute drawing! Wolkowski should have an extremely bright future.