NOTE: Middle East Eye just published my new piece about Iran’s drone attack against a secret Israeli...

In Lifting Military Censorship Regarding 2007 Syria Attack, Israel Leaves Many Questions Unaddressed
In Lifting Military Censorship Regarding 2007 Syria Attack, Israel Leaves Many Questions Unaddressed
Today, the Israeli censor lifted the lid on the Israeli air attack on a purported nuclear reactor...

.חשיפה: מחר (ד’) בבוקר יוסר האיסור שהטילה הצנזורה הצבאית במשך 11 שנה על דיווחים בנושא תקיפת הכור...

חשיפה: המקור הישראלי העיקרי שלי עד 2014 היה בנימין (“פואד”) בן-אליעזר ז”ל NOTE: This is a longer...

‘The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.’ –Abba Eban, 1973 Obama administration Middle East...
Ehud Barak is cooperating on a new biography about his political life. As part of the hoopla...
No, not really. At least not yet. But since Britain has just reopened its shuttered embassy in...
Yossi Melman wrote in Maariv recently that from 2011-13, when Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Barak were pounding the...

Before you begin reading this major scoop, I want to tell you where you won’t find this...
Hell hath no fury like a politician spurned and Ehud Olmert is proving the truth of this...

One new Israeli party in particular has garnered headlines with its accusations of massive political corruption among...

The ink was barely dry on the ceasefire document Israel signed, before it had already violated the...