Tom Friedman Spoof: ‘Why Does the N.Y. Times Let People Like Me Make Fools of Themselves’I was just reading through the Alternet site and came to a story about a mock version...
Day: November 13, 2008
Emanuel Apologizes for Father’s Anti-Arab RemarkRahm Emanuel has done the decent thing in apologizing for his father’s insulting comment in which he...
Leviev’s Corporate Empire CrumblesLev Leviev, diamond mogul to the stars and settlement builder to the Jews, is in similar hot...
Progressive Israel-Palestine Congressional TourBoth Aipac and the National Jewish Democratic Council are known for their highly partisan pro-Israel tours of...
‘Lashon Hara’ and Jewish BloggingPeriodically, after I write something disparaging about a right-wing Jewish blogger or political figure, one of their...