What a shame the NY Times only features this image in the print version of today’s paper and not online. I haven’t so laughed at a picture in a long time. But I do need to call on you, dear readers, to come up with a suitable caption. I can’t quite do it justice.
Queen Roxana has some serious Dairy Queen (or is it Cool Whip?) going in her hairdo. King Roger reminds me of Dick Cheney being forced, Scrooge-like, to gaze into Christmas Future and behold the pain and suffering his misanthropy has inflicted on the world. That would make Dairy Queen lady Lynne Cheney. What a hoot.
The Times review injected some humor into the proceedings as well. It was titled, Be Careful of Shepherds Who Dress Like Liberace. Among his choicer judgments was this:
…The production by the Polish director Lech Majewski, who also designed the sets and costumes, was static, dimly lighted and goofy.
I’m not especially an opera lover. I imagine if I was I’d find this even more hilarious. All I can say is: Enjoy. And thanks to Nancy Palmieri who captured one goofy image of this production. The image caption notes the opera is “seldom-staged.” This production certainly won’t do much to change that.