2 thoughts on “15 Israeli Dead from Hezbollah Rocket Fire – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Hey, Richard, thanks for all of these posts. Great work you are doing.
    I saw that comment about “not targeting infrastructure yet” and I chalked it up to lame internal propaganda. I understand that the Israeli military censors are still operating under 1982/1948 rules, hoping that their intended audience will believe whatever they broadcast. The rest of us have the internet (and dish satellite one presumes, not me though) so we just scratch our heads. What planet is he living on?
    I do so appreciate your comment. Hope it doesn’t drive you nuts to pick apart the nutty worldviews of these warmongers. Take care and be well.

  2. Hope it doesn’t drive you nuts to pick apart the nutty worldviews of these warmongers.

    “It’s a dirty job but somebody’s got to do it.” No, but seriously I take it as part of my blogging mission to speak sanity to insanity and to speak morality to immorality. Not that I believe that Israel always behaves insanely or immorally. But whenever it does I believe someone’s got to provide a record of it & call them on it.

    Thanks for yr kind thoughts.

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