There are nearly 2-million Israeli Palestinians. Yet the other 7-million are barely aware of them. For nearly...
Those who protect Israel’s borders have grown quite jumpy in light of the Nakba Day penetrations of...
The worst forest fires ever to have struck Israel are sweeping through the Carmel Mountains surrounding Haifa....
A reader whose friend has a sweeping Mt. Carmel view of Haifa harbor from his/her home took...
A few of my Israeli friends have sent me a link to a Yediot interview with Judge...
Cars destroyed by Hezbollah rockets killing 12 (photo: Michael Kamber/NYT) Haaretz declares that Hezbollah rockets killed 12...
Haaretz reports that Hezbollah rockets continue to fall in the north: Meanwhile, rockets continued to rain down...
Well, Bush Administration Mideast policy is creeping forward from absolute torpor to slow lethargy. Now, instead of...
Eyal Shiran, brother of Israeli terror victim (photo: Maariv) Thanks to Sol Salbe, an Australian Jewish Mideast...