Today’s New York Times reports that Senate Democrats despair of using a filibuster to block the Supreme Court nomination of Samuel Alito:
Democrats said it was unlikely they could assemble the support needed for a filibuster, but said they would decide next week…
The chances of a Democratic filibuster faded after the third day of hearings, as a spokeswoman for Senator Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, a moderate Republican, announced that Ms. Snowe would oppose it. Her decision is pivotal because she was one of seven Republicans who had joined an earlier successful effort to block Republican leaders from changing Senate rules to prevent filibusters against judicial nominations.
There go those Democrats always spoiling for a fight and never backing down when it comes to upholding their principles. They run and hide at the first sign of opposition to their ideas instead of coming back hard at their opposition. Olympia Snowe doesn’t like the idea of a filibuster. Then get the people of Maine to tell her to change her mind. Do the people of Maine want to be responsible when Sam Alito joins the impending Scalia-Thomas majority (all they need are two other votes to drive the Supreme Court’s entire judicial agenda) and gradually whittles away Roe to nothing? When that same majority gives George Bush carte blanche to whittle away our civil liberties to nothing? To name but a few key issues that hang in the balance.
People of Maine, are you listening? Please write to Senator Snowe and tell her you don’t want her marching in lock step with George Bush on this one. If you live in a state represented by a moderate Republican senator write to him or her about this. Otherwise, the Federalist Society hard-right ideologues will have a headlock on our Supreme Court for the next thirty years or more. Imagine the damage that could do.
DO NOT LET THIS GUY GET CONFIRMED. Please democratic congress people show some backbone. All the information indicates that Mr Alito is the WRONG person for the job.Even with Sandra D. O. the extreme conservitives have more than the upper hand , which has been obviated by florida in 2000 and numerous other decisions they have handed down for the citizens of this country to deal with. The republican monarchy must see the peoples stop sign. Polls show the mojority of Americans dont want this agenda as the law of the land, and if the press was doing its job, nobody would want their agenda accomplished. And leaving a decision to a white house with so much corruption at its core makes FILIBUSTER something that must be done. With special consideration to the amount of time this position would be held by Mr Alito.