For those of you hiding under rocks for the past day or so, CBS produced memos written by George Bush’s National Guard commander revealing that he shirked his duties and refused a direct order from a commanding officer (to take a flight exam), among other nasty bits. The former Speaker of the Texas House also revealed that he gave Bush special treatment to get him a place in the Guard.
Well, then the power and persuasiveness of the CBS documents were tarnished by a claim that the documents were forgeries and by claims from the commander’s son that he couldn’t possibly have written the memos.
Media Transparency links to a story at Blue Lemur which reveals that the source of the forgery claim is none other than Brent Bozell, fiery right wing media ideologue:
The source of his story, Cybercast News Service, is a well-known conservative ‘news’ machine headed by L. Brent Bozell III, who also serves as the head of the Conservative Victory Committee. CNS News was founded in 1988 to combat the “[clear] liberal bias in many news outlets”.
From Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to L. Brent Bozell it looks like the new motto for the Repulican campaign should be “slime in–slime out.”