As if anyone needed yet another reason to vote for Kerry, the New York Times reveals in Knowing Their Politics by the Software They Use that the Kerry campaign website utilizes open source software while Bush’s uses (ugh!) Microsoft.
Oh, and by the way, the fact that the Bushies are using Microsoft is a TOTAL CONCIDENCE. There’s no connection whatsoever to the Bush cave in on the Microsoft anti-trust case or the millions that MS is donating to Republicans these days. That’s what the campaign’s technology whiz claimed in the article:
Referring to the software selection process, Steve Ellis, director of network and online services for the Republican National Committee, said: “There was no pressure. We were free to use whatever software we thought worked best.”
The principal consideration, Mr. Ellis said, was computer security and protecting the privacy of personal data on the Web site. The programming tools, procedures and the larger pool of workers skilled in using Microsoft software, he said, prompted the Republicans to opt for Microsoft’s Web server.
Sure, I believe it–don’t you? When has Bush ever lied to us before?