מדוע לא הוקרן ב”עובדה” הריאיון הארוך שערכה איתי אילנה דיין? אולי כי דיברתי על האסיר איקס 2,...
ben zygier
האם הצנזורה אוסרת פרסום מידע שכבר פורסם על האסיר המכונה איקס 2, ה”חפרפרת” של איראן בצמרת המוסד...
Ehud Barak is cooperating on a new biography about his political life. As part of the hoopla...
Kai Bird’s new biography of CIA master spy, Robert Ames, contains a tantalizing side story about the...
Every man has a name given to him by God and by his parents. …Every man has...
Hollywood loves sequels, even ones that bomb. Apparently, so do Israel’s intelligence agencies. The original version, the...
The suicide of Mossad agent Ben Zygier continues to cast a pall over Israeli intelligence activity. Ben...
The Mossad is mad, hellaciously mad. As a result, Israel’s already strained intelligence relationship with Australia going...
Trevor Borman produced a second installment of his TV documentary on Prisoner X aka Ben Zygier. Borman...
In perhaps the closing chapter of the sad tale of Ben Zygier, the judge tasked by the...
Jason Koutsoukis has published a follow-up piece to Ronen Bergman’s, which I posted about yesterday. He and...
Ronen Bergman, Israel’s leading intelligence correspondent published a new report in Der Spiegel today (this is a...