5 thoughts on “Ali Reza Asgari Mystery Unfolds – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The dissident, Amir Farshad Ebrahimi, was held for nearly 18 hours [on March 27-28, 2008], in a cell inside Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport amid a tug-of-war over whether he would be sent back to Germany, where he lives, or deported to Iran, human rights activists and Western officials said.

    In a series of phone calls from his cell, Ebrahimi said Iranian officials wanted him to answer for his role in the defection of Brig. Gen. Ali Reza Asgari, a former Iranian deputy defense minister and Revolutionary Guard commander who disappeared during a trip to Turkey.

    Ebrahimi said Asgari now lives in the United States, where he is believed to have provided intelligence about Iran’s military capabilities and operations. …

    [Source: War and Peace by Laura Rozen]

  2. The Thunder Voice From Seattle.
    You are not a high level target, you barley have any exposure in Israel, USA or the Arab World (328,605 Globally, 138,677 in the US and 13,657 in Israel according to Alexa) , why would anyone related to Israel’s security services (or the US) invest the time and effort to mislead you ? Make’s no sense at all.

    the reason you specify ” In this case, it may be that it wanted to relieve itself of the pressure and burden of Iran intensively trying to learn what happened to Asgari. ” is laughable. Israel want’s to divert attention from Asgari so it claims Asgari died in an Israeli Prison. Yehh Right.

    The Snowden documents have revealed the capabilities of the USA and Unit 8200, i believe that after the KAMM story appeared on your site, the agencies (Both Israel and US) started monitoring you. If you were to have any real source in Israel he would have been behind bars by now.

    Keep up the good work, it does provide for lots of amusement to many people.

    1. @ Nonsense: On the contrary, those numbers are quite substantial for a single issue blog like mine dealing with a small country.

      All that aside, I know the intelligence sources from which I receive information. I know when they’re wrong and I know who’s wrong & their professional background. One source in particular (there are a variety of them) has burned me twice (he’s no longer a source). This former source is a former intelligence agent. I know his name. I know what bad information he gave me and I have some idea why he did it.

      Israel want’s to divert attention from Asgari so it claims Asgari died in an Israeli Prison. Yehh Right.

      I didn’t say Israel wanted to divert attention from Asgari. I said it wanted Iran to think he was dead. And for three years that’s exactly what Iran did think. So the trick worked quite well for the Mossad.

      If you were to have any real source in Israel he would have been behind bars by now.

      There are two reasons why this statement is idiotic. One is that if my source is arrested then every politician, general and intelligence chief in Israel would have to be arrested because they all do exactly what he’s doing. Second, my source gets much of his information from Israeli intelligence sources. They want a good portion of this information leaked to me.

      Snark is definitely a comment rule violation. Try to display your parched wit again here & you’ll be in danger of being moderated.

      1. Yep what you say make’s sense
        Israel want’s to hide the whereabouts of an Iranian General a prominent figure within the IRG and in an attempt to do that, they find the only outlet that can achieve that, AKA the Tikun Olam Blog, and air’s a story that achieves what ?

        Blames Israel for the kidnapping and murder of an Iranian General ? All that during a time where tension between Israel and Iran is already high due to the Iranian’s nuclear program.

        ” They want a good portion of this information leaked to me.”
        When Israel want’s information to be leaked and reach the Iranians, someone gives a call to one of the newspapers published in the Gulf and give them a story. Israel will not use you, you simply don’t have enough exposure or traction in that part of the world.

        1. @ Nonsense:

          When Israel want’s information to be leaked and reach the Iranians, someone gives a call to one of the newspapers published in the Gulf and give them a story.

          No one believes any newspaper from the Gulf. Besides they publish in Arabic, not Farsi (you did know they speak different languages?).

          Israel will not use you, you simply don’t have enough exposure or traction in that part of the world.

          I see, that’s why my post about Asgari caused Iran to file a complaint in the UN–because I have no exposure or traction inside Iran? Besides, Iranians themselves tell me that my blog is read by Iranians both inside Iran and in the Diaspora. Not that you would know because the amount you know about Iran would fit in a thimble.

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