5 thoughts on “Mossad Officials Visit Sudan, Encourage Military Junta – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. It stretches credulity to think the generals didn’t apprise their Israeli military and intelligence hosts of what they planned.”

    It stretches credulity to think the general consulted with Israel on their plans for a coup.

    First, you presume that the generals of the Sudanese Defense Ministry, which had been part of the civilian government, are the same generals that carried out the coup.

    Next, why tell Israel and unnecessarily assume the risk that the plot be exposed? Wouldn’t Israel be expected to share that intelligence with her ally, the United States?

    Why does Israel, who had horrible relations with Sudan for 30 years, suddenly become a powerbroker?

    I think the generals who carried out this coup are big boys who didn’t need anyone’s approval, least of all Israel’s, and shouldn’t be patronized.

    And why is Israel the general’s first choice to buy weapons from? What happened to India, China, France, Russia and all the rest of the world’s arms dealers?

    1. @ Ted: To be a good hasbarist your claims have to be at least marginally credible. Yours aren’t. So you’re not doing your job. Do better.

      It stretches credulity to think the general consulted with Israel on their plans for a coup.

      So the three countries most closely allied to the military (Saudi Arabia, UAE & Israel) wouldn’t hear from the generals before a coup? Countries on whom the military depend for armaments and funding to buy armaments and to pay their solidiers? Really?

      ou presume that the generals of the Sudanese Defense Ministry, which had been part of the civilian government, are the same generals that carried out the coup.

      Don’t be dumb, Ted. Of course they are. No one disputes they are. Do you dispute they are? If so, on what basis? And don’t make shit up, Ted. I want credible evidence to support any claims you make.

      why tell Israel and unnecessarily assume the risk that the plot be exposed?

      Yeah, because Israel’s spies are used to receiving secret information about military coups conducted by their allies and blabbing it all over the internet.

      Wouldn’t Israel be expected to share that intelligence with her ally, the United States?

      Did you even bother to read my post? The US and Israel are diametrically opposed to each other regarding the coup. So if Israel supports it and the US opposes it, Israel would blab to the US about it?

      Why does Israel, who had horrible relations with Sudan for 30 years, suddenly become a powerbroker?

      Because its leader during that period was Omar Bashir. He is gone. There are new kids on the block with whom Israel seeks to curry favor.

      I think the generals who carried out this coup are big boys who didn’t need anyone’s approval, least of all Israel’s, and shouldn’t be patronized.

      On the contrary, they are tin pot dictators totally dependent on outside support. The country is a shambles. The people have nothing. The military has slightly more than the rest of the populace. But slightly more than nothing isn’t very much.

      why is Israel the general’s first choice to buy weapons from?

      Countries don’t have one source for weapons. They buy from whatever sources they can manage. But Israel will be eager to sell them weapons and other tools to suppress the popular uprising.

      You are done in this thread.

  2. why oh why you all ask, always remember my motto, ISRAEL MONEY POWER. , you must feed the hungry beast, a civilian gov. may not invest in israel arms whereas some military lunatic will in order to keep power. abraham accord with sudan, give me a break what does that mean to israel, zip, zero nada, with dubai and bahrain sure, again money talks.
    bottom line israel allies are mostly based on money, its a perversion of cherchez la femme, in this case is cherchez la moola. from nso to morocco. same old same old, sigh

  3. A few years ago I wrote America will be ousted from the Middle-East. The policy of the former president and Mike Pompeo has laid the foundation of a new military alliance with only nuclear power Israel at its heart. It’s acronym is ARABCON. Israel has been moved from EUCOM to CENTCOM. Washington DC has been unreliable and unwilling to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities, specifically in 2012 under president Obama. Israel, UAE and KSA have just one goal in mind to destroy or incapacitate Iran. Lebanon too is dying for intervention by NATO powers, read USA, UK and France.

    ’Real men want to go to Tehran’: Bush, pre-emption and the Iranian nuclear challenge

  4. This doesn’t sound likely- but I am not an expert by any means on the topic.  Its funny- Catholics are convinced that Pope Francis is Satan, liberal Americans are convinced Biden is a Fascist while conservative Americans think he is a Communist. I guess left is the new right, the future is the past, and bad is the new good. Humans are becoming caricature of themselves and nobody is reasonable anymore- even my dog is an extremist and probably a Mossad spy too. Every ideology tends to become a cult of personality over time, and most usually invert upon the values of the ideologies founders. How else would a religious group attempt the eradication of all of their pacifist Messiah’s extended family, after changing his name and message enough times for it to be completely alien of its origin? And then afterward, after failing to finish the job- claim the 2.5% of their nation that wasn’t in the group were the real culprits. Right. Totally believable. I suppose they can get away with this due to the fact that they are the world’s most popular ideology / religion, and will remain so until around 2070 – when they will be surpassed by the one other group that exceeds them in hypocrisy. It turns out that hypocrisy is the most powerful evolutionary strategy. It is the ‘shit floats’ principal of social systems. All humans (even the smart ones) are simultaneously brain-washers and brain-washed.

    I’ll admit, though, that I could be wrong. Mostly just for the novelty of that idea.

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