14 thoughts on “Bernie Calls AIPAC “Platform of Hate,” It Calls Him “Odious,” “Shameful” – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “..cozying up to pro-Israel bigots”!

    Bernie is pictured cozying up to If Not Now, an anti-Occupation organization partnered with the pro-Palestine bigots
    of American Muslims For Palestine (AMP).

    https://www. nationalreview.com/2019/12/radical-anti-zionist-activists-show-their-true-colors-in-chicago/

    https://www. jns.org/new-report-highlights-ties-between-ifnotnow-and-anti-semitic-pro-palestinian-group/

    1. @ Lemontree: Why would you think any of us would grant any credibility to charges based on rags like the National Review and JNS? Both are not just right wing, but far right wing. Even a hasbaroid like you can do better…

  2. @lemontree
    AMP supports the BDS movement, is not anti-semitic. There is no open debate about US-Israel relations due to virulent pro-Israel lobby and political pressure groups inside U.S. Congress. Not a healthy situation for a democracy … puts crazies in power w/o limits.

  3. @Richard

    Shouldn’t it be about the message, and not the messenger?

    And Bernie is cozy with bigot, Linda Sarsour.

    https://www. commentarymagazine.com/politics-ideas/liberals-democrats/bernie-sanders-linda-sarsour/

    1. @ Lemontree: Once again linking to a far right Islamophobic site, which has no credibility here. I will not permit you to continue citing and promoting such sites here. Do this again & you will face moderation.

  4. US presidential elections seldom are decided by policy, mostly by personality. It’s the economy, jobs and the wallet, short term experience and not long term impact on society. Policy makers look to the next election to score points. In Nevada, foreign policy scored a lowly 9% in voter priority. Thus Israel will not matter in voter decision on who will occupy the White House in 2021. The coronavirus impact on the global economy may be the greatest threat to Trump’s re-election.
    Go Bernie go … you’re the best of the lot!

  5. I’ve been working for justice in Palestine for 53 years and this is the first time, I’m really optimistic that the US will get a soul and some common sense and kick to the curb every pro-Israel organization that exists in the US by making them file as foreign agents. It should have happened decades ago. Bravo to Bernie. I continue to work for him, even long distance from France.

  6. [comment deleted: Your comment was deleted because it contained claims which were patently false. Do not publish any such claims here. And any claims that are controversial must be supported by credible sources.]

  7. Chris Matthews was shameful. He’s always been loose lipped, but this crosses a red line. Chuck Todd also disappoints. It’s been interesting to say the least, but more very disappointing to see some of these pundits that I have appreciated during this Trump-time, get so panicky about Sanders. Listening to Sanders in Texas after the Nevada win was inspiring; his support is inspiring. All the issues he laid out were where we need to go to begin to rebalance this country. Those left out know.Those that have been so horrified by Trump’s actions, never mind his words and demeanor, they know. I hope that Sanders can pivot to smart responses to the attacks that are going to come. He may not make it to the end, but he is not going to back off on what he has been fighting for for decades- however it is characterized.
    Yes it would be a push as president if he gets there, and after executive orders to reverse Trumps which he will do first, so be it. We have divided government, not autocracy (or should not have ).

    We have contributed to Sanders (again). We are on board. We would vote for anyone against Trump though.
    As well, I have resorted my list of tweeter- pundits…the panicky ones and the pro-Bernie ones.Eyeopening these wins for Sanders have certainly been…including how thin the understanding is of what he is about, and how fearful they are of him maybe more than Trump?
    Thanks Richard.

  8. A Jewish president that actually cares about Palestinians as human beings, and people before money is what this world needs more than anything else. Sanders is a beacon of light and hope and I could not be more proud to support him. Finally a politician with heart and soul.

    And for all you nay-sayers who claim he will get nothing done and is too old, 10% of his proposals becoming law is 100% more than any of the lip service either party would do for us. I’m tired of the “good cop, bad cop” between Dems and Reps. It’s not left vs. right anymore but top vs. bottom. And I would vote for Sanders head in a fishbowl hooked up to a microphone, because I have no doubt he will pick a worthy VP and fill his cabinet full of progressive and diverse women of color and people of all faiths and backgrounds.

  9. Septuagenarians: Nate Silver’s Charts …

    It’s all about MOMENTUM and winning! See the step-change Joe Biden suffered as the first three primary results were taken into account. The detailed forecasts before Super Tuesday are worthless. The trend is clearly in Sanders’ favour. Amazing!

    Who Will Win The 2020 Democratic Primary?

    I could imagine some pundits reacted after Nevada … it’s OVER!

    From the link in the underlying charts for all the states of Super Tuesday, the projected winner IS …

    The entrance of Bloomberg is the exit of Buttigieg, Warren and Klobuchar. According to FiftyThreeEighty projection, for the delegates it will become a three person race of septuagenarians. The future of America’s new generation in their hands … or Trump’s.

  10. MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews apologized for his remark:

    “Senator Sanders, I’m sorry for comparing anything from that tragic era, in which so many suffered, especially the Jewish people, to an electoral result in which you were the well-deserved winner. This is going to be a hard-fought, heated campaign of ideas. In the days and weeks and months ahead I will strive to do a better job myself of elevating the political discussion.”

    Power to The People.

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