One of Daniel Pipes‘ affiliate groups, the Israel Victory Project, paid for skyscraper-size billboards in Tel Aviv featuring images of Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh blindfolded, holding a white flag and begging for mercy on their knees, while Israeli helicopter gunships hover over a decimated Palestinian landscape. The caption is: “You can only make peace with enemies who have been utterly humiliated.” This may rightly be called a Judeo-fascist version of the Final Solution.

Pipes’ main claim to fame is his founding of the Middle East Forum, a pseudo-academic think tank designed to promote Islamophobia and pro-Israel propaganda. The IVP website lists Pipes as its founder. He has voiced similarly genocidal views in the past favoring exterminating Gaza unless it ceased terror attacks against Israel. Pipes also founded Campus Watch, which served as a template for the far more successful Israeli fascist group, Im Tirzu. That group monitors professors and course curricula that do not adhere to a strictly pro-Israel orientation. It urges universities to fire professors who cross its red lines.
Tel Aviv’s mayor, Ron Huldai, demanded that the advertising company remove the ads and they were taken down in the middle of the night, to the dismay of Pipes’ group, which promised to bring the case before the Supreme Court.
Huldai’s rationale for removing the offending billboard is interesting both for its content and how it denies any connection between that and Israeli values:
The ad incites violence that is reminiscent of ISIS and the Nazis–among whom we don’t wish to be counted. Degrading the Other is not our way.
The only thing false about the ad is the foreground images of Abbas and Haniyeh on their knees. The background obliteration of Gaza has happened repeatedly under Israeli assault. And Israeli boasts by generals and political leaders alike have warned that Palestinian and Lebanese cities would be bombed back to the Stone Age. Thus, there clearly is a genocidal urge among Israelis in their battle with their Arab neighbors including the Palestinians. The ad merely represents it graphically.
But they are embarrassed when the images are plastered ten stories high in the country’s major metropolis, forcing them to acknowledge what they prefer to conceal. That’s why Huldai pulled them down so quickly. His city has a cosmopolitan reputation to uphold for the millions of tourists who visit each year. It would be terribly embarrassing for them to see with their own eyes Israel’s ultimate goal in eliminating Palestine via utter degradation and genocidal extermination.
In attempting to rebut this post, Israel apologists elsewhere have said that the billboard doesn’t really represent the views of Israelis. It’s a product of a few nutcases, etc. Anyone who really knows anything about Israeli society and politics knows that such hate runs rampant in Israeli society. It’s one of the reasons the Israeli far-right has dominated government and politics for decades (with a few short intervals that were exceptions).
Huldai is right in one claim: the billboard is a major incitement of Palestinian militants who perceive this as a provocation to which they must respond with violence befitting the violence of the image. In this fashion, Pipes encourages terrorism by both Palestinians and Israeli Jews. He is a true inheritor of the mantle of Kahane. Like him, he has imported into Israel a monstrous form of hate. I wouldn’t say it was exactly a foreign substance to the domestic body politic, since there were such strains even before Kahane. But he certainly exacerbated them and turned them into the equivalent of a raging pandemic of hate. Both Judeo-Nazis are a monstrous cancer on the Jewish people. If Israel were a truly democratic country it would declare Pipes and his group persona non grata. It would outlaw any political activity by it. It would also declare Im Tirzu a criminal enterprise fomenting violence and terrorism.
Instead, the Hebrew University has announced that student volunteers working for the fascist group will be given academic credit. Keep in mind that the government refuses to provide any volunteers to the workers’ rights NGO, Kav L’Oved, because of its “controversial politics.” Yet Im Tirzu is honored by Israeli academia and the country’s political class. Should you harbor any hesitation about endorsing an academic boycott, after this bastardization of academic values you should have none.
Last summer, during one of the earlier rounds of the election, an Orthodox homophobic Party also mounted huge billboards in Tel Aviv which said:
Pride and buying children or marrying your son to a woman? Israel chooses to be normal.
The municipality also removed the ad in this case, though a court later said it could not censor it. Though the ads were purchased by different groups, the overall message is that homophobia, hate and genocide appear to go hand-in-hand in contemporary Israel.
Your translation of the Ad is wrong:
You should translate if to “Defeated” and not Humiliated.
You are trying to take it to a wrong place, and yes, enemies should be defeated first,
What’s wrong with that ?
@Ilan: look at the ad again. Are they merely defeated or humiliated in defeat? There are many types of defeat. There is only one type of abject humiliation in defeat. That’s clearly what Pipes has in mind.
There are many things wrong with abasing the Palestinian People just as there would be if the shoe were on the other foot and it was Israel that was abased. That you believe in abject humiliation of your enemy shows why you are a stone-cold killer and despicable.
welcome to the new and improved 21st century Rhodesia and South Africa with the support of banana dictators from Trump to Cambodia.
.oh and let’s not forget ye olde chip on the shoulder, ‘THE WORLD IS AGAINST POOR SMALL US’ yeah rite.
1984 was nothing but a sample of today;s reality
Ilan is right and you can all vote him down. It wouldn’t make you right.
Whoever translate that as “utterly humiliated” doesn’t know Hebrew.
@ Dani: I already warned you: piling on is not a proper comment. If you have something someone else hasn’t said, say it. If not, don’t.

I translated the context of the entire ad both words and image. Don’t like it, tough shit.
That poster is distasteful but “Humiliation” is in the eyes of the beholder, and certainly not “genocidal”
Was the USSR defeat in Afghanistan, or the US in Vietnam, humiliation?
The 6 day war in 67 was certainly humiliating for the Arab countries but most definitely not genocidal.
I would say that the Palestinians, like many honor based cultures, would consider military defeat or any surrender humiliation by definition.
@ DrS: Daniel Pipes is a genocidaire. He supports genocide. He supports eliminating the Palestinian people. So don’t talk to me about gradations of defeat or humiliation. It’s all nonsense. Oh and btw, there were Germans who denied that the Nazis engaged in genocide. There are Americans who deny that the fate of Native Americans was genocide. There are Rwandans who probably deny that genocide happened there. You are a genocide denier. Mazel tov, be proud.
As for the US and Soviet defeats, let me know when you can find a billboard in Afghanistan or Vietnam which featured Richard Nixon or Leonid Breshnev on their knees, blindfolded, waving a white flag and begging for mercy. If you weren’t such a hypocrite you’d know that Pipes is not talking about a defeat with honor, but a defeat with abject humiliation and genocide.
I really don’t care what you would say. Don’t talk about shit you know nothing about. You know nothing about Palestinian culture and you don’t get to mouth off about “honor-based cultures.” It just shows how goddamn racist you are. That’s now 2 strikes. Your next means you’re gone.
Don’t post in this thread again.
MEF leader Greg Norman is architect behind “Israel Victory Project.”
Same combi supported Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, founder of neo-Nazi English Defence League, with funds for legal defense and to get a US visa on invite by Conservative Opportunity Society alongside extremist right-wing David Horowitz Freedom Center.
ME Forum Greg Norman: EDL ’Tommy Robinson’ US visit to raise a million bucks
Dutch Islamophobe Geert Wilders and his political party of a single member couldn’t exist without funds from above mentioned US sponsors.
It would be interesting to read the comments of people like DrS and Ilan when Arabs and Iranians would create giant murals where hundreds of panicked Israeli Jewish women with babies on their backs swim in the direction of open sea (=“west”) and armed Palestinians stand laughing on the shore. And in the shady corner of that mural the “Crown Prince” is filling on the beach Netanyahu junior’s case with diamonds. The antisemitism and holocaust screaming would happen instantly and they would forget their own comments of need of defeating the “enemies”, “no genocide” and “no humiliation”.
How many hundreds of thousands of dead Israelis think would be in the ruins behind the surrendering “enemy bosses” in this Tel Aviv “ad”? Israelis seem not to understand that it always “works” in both directions. After creating an ad like this in Tel Aviv they have lost their right to complain about equal propaganda made by the other side. Seems that tasteless Israeli propaganda is in their mind “free speech” and tasteless propaganda by the opposite side is racism, antisemitism etc.
The real tragedy is that the Tel Aviv ad is a rather certain picture of future and so is inevitable this imaginary counter mural in a more distant future.
[comment deleted: If you don’t like my translations then go somewhere you agree with them. No one forced you here. Comment again in this thread and you will be moderated]
[comment deleted: piling on by agreeing with another commenter without addding anything of substance that is new or original is a comment rule violation. Your next will lead to your banning as you’re already moderated.]
OMG, can we now call Jewish culture “whining based culture”. Shameful.
Yair Netanyahu mocks Tel Aviv mayor over sign: Wacky, hypocrite | JPost |
Group to sue Tel Aviv Mayor over removal of Billboard …
Elisabeth :
whining is wrong, whining is only verbal, whereas reality it is more BULLYING both physical AND verbal.
remember jewish culture gave us NSO and Rafael as world leaders, rather than foment/ferment agriculture, water creation and sun panels usage, jewish current culture tends towards aggressiveness.
just for laffs. solar panels were initiated here, sun drenched million square miles of desert capable of sustaining acres upon acres of electricity producing sun panels, YET BULLYING gets us to rely on imported coal and expensive and non renewable methane. bullying who you ask, well us the poor jewish consumer who foots the bill of overpaid union members.
no not whining at all
I have no problem with being banned by an unapologetic liar.
Your wish is my command…You are banned.
Long before this fiasco I was calling him Daniel “Crack” Pipes, because he seemed to be on something. Turns out he was high on a form of crypto-Nazism, the Ultraright-Zionist variant. I’m sure “Oom Paul” Kruger would be pleased to find out that Afrikaner-dom could be replicated even in a state calling itself Jewish and built around surviving Nazism. ….Every time you think you have hit the bottom, you find a trap door to an even worse realm below….