8 thoughts on “Mnuchin: “Gaza is a Hot IPO” – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Hi richard

    You said
    “Once Israel annexes Palestine it will have achieved what the South African apartheid regime tried and failed to do: steal the land from an enfeebled indigenous majority and force it to accept the rule of an ethnic–or in Israel’s case, a religious–minority. ”

    the Arab Muslim belief is that Allah gave the land to the Bani Israel but they did not fight for it. In other words they did not colonise willingly which is something they are criticised for in the Quran.

    Arab Muslims believe they are the inheritors to Moses since hence Israel by extension which is why the Arab states support the Palestinians. They don’t want a Jewish state or a democracy run by Jews. Either way they want Israle gone.

    How then do you support them and call Israel colonial?

    1. @ Adil: I do so hate Israelis or Jews who pretend to be Muslim or Arab by using fake names that sound Arab. You insult Arabs and make yourself a laughingstock. So lay off the fakery.

      Arab Muslims believe they are the inheritors to Moses since hence Israel by extension

      I can barely understand what you’re trying to say here. But it appears you’re claiming that Muslims believe that they’re replaced Jews as inheritors of the land of Israel. If that’s what you’re claiming, you full of crap and have no clue on the subject.

    1. @ P Spot: A load of utter horseshit. No Palestinians came to Bahrain not because they were afraid of arrest, but because Kushner spat on them and has been doing so since he began in this role.

      Stop with the bullshit. It’s insulting to Palestinians and insults anyone with average intelligence.

      Can I comment further, or are you shutting me out of this thread too?

      Read the comment rules: if you don’t like the way I run this site go elsewhere. I interpret the rules. My perogative. I tell commenters who’ve had their share of comments in a thread when they’re done.

      Stop wasting your breath with snarky comments. And don’t do this again.

  2. @Richard

    “… Kushner spat on them and has been doing so since he began in this role.

    Stop with the bullshit. It’s insulting to Palestinians and insults anyone with average intelligence.”

    Fifteen Palestinian businessmen attended the Bahrain conference, and the PA intelligence service has since tried to arrest four of them.


    Richard. Please tell us how you know what ordinary Palestinians think about the Bahrain conference.

    Have you communicated with even one Palestinian on this matter?

    You telling us what is insulting to Palestinians, without having consulted Palestinians about their feelings is patronizing, in the extreme.

  3. Richard, I have never heard you sound so defeatist as in this post.
    (No I am not a concern troll, I don’t sympathize with your position at all)
    But I wouldn’t attribute as much intelligence and cunning to the Trump adminstration as you do.
    As for Bibi, he is intelligent, but even more so he is an opportunist, I don’t think he has any grand plan. He just thinks about the next election.
    I would say that the general effort is trying to make the Palestinian issue irrelevant, but continued sporadic violence, as well as Iranian material support for the Palestinian resistance movements will prevent this.

  4. I don’t see two options if you exclude Palestinian sovereignty. One option (not even an option anymore it seems). Israel from the Jordan River to the Sea, annexed formally or defacto is Israel exceptional, creeping contrary to international law. This is one state.The two choices are apartheid or full rights for all.

    Boyish Kushner, like Trump, is out in the open about his views on the politics. He was never a believable peacemaker.( this was cast as a peace plan no?) Kusher’s plan is all about making money, billions for billionaires. Palestinian rejection will be cast once again and evermore by right wing supporters (most of Israel apparently) as Palestinians rejecting “a very generous deal”.
    The reader’s comments on the NYT were all about the absurdity, the theater of it all, fooling very few.

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