11 thoughts on “Facebook: People Last, Censors First – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “The notion that an Israeli Special Forces team which invades a foreign state, kills citizens of that state, and then almost starts a full-scale war”

    Gaza is not a foreign State, and even if it was a State, it would be a State controlled by an Islamist terrorist organisation whose very raison d’être is too end the Jewish State.

    The Special Forces team had entered Gaza in order to plant surveillance equipment, not as part of an invasion. The team was discovered and a lethal firefight ensued that claimed the lives of an Israeli officer and half a dozen armed Hamas soldiers intent on killing or capturing the Special Forces team.

    Regardless, I think it’s fair to say that the founders of Facebook and Twitter never contemplated that their social media platforms would one day be used to subvert democratic elections or expose the identities of secret agents.

    Facebook and Twitter are now saying ‘no’.

    1. I heartedly agree with the above. But I fail to understand that considering you also publish things that could harm diff entities that this censorship would eventually happen.
      It is well known that all the social media advancements including money laundering and transferring are also utilized by terror groups and put innocent people in danger. It therefore needs some kind of supervision.

      “A perfect case in point is Russia’s successful campaign to put Trump in the White House.”
      This is total leftist conjecture and has not been proven.

      איזה הוא החכם, הרואה את הנולד.
      “Who is the wise man, He who sees the consequences.

      1. @ natasha:

        But I fail to understand that considering you also publish things that could harm diff entities

        Which “different entities” would I be harming? Israeli secret police? Check? Israeli assassins? Check. Israeli violators of international law? Check. If I harm anyone (and that’s certainly debatable) it are the rich, the powerful, the imperious, the murderous. I’m proud of that.

        But do tell me how much real harm a blogger, even one who strips the veil off Israeli bad behavior, can do? I’m flattered though that the Israeli censor and petty tyrants like Gilad Erdan and Sima Vaknin Gil (and you) consider me dangerous to their interests.

    2. @ Fast Lane: Gaza is part of Palestine and whatever Palestine may or may not be it sure ain’t Israel. Therefore Israel was invading sovereign territory not its own. Unless you want to argue that Israel was invading its own territory or territory over which it claimed jurisdiction of some sort, which would make it an occupying power. But that gets you into hot water again, doesn’t it?

      it would be a State controlled by an Islamist terrorist organisation whose very raison d’être is too end the Jewish State.

      OK, so here’s the deal. Comment rules determine that you don’t express your own personal opinions or those of your hasbara handlers as fact. Because they ain’t. If you lie like this again you wil be either moderated or banned. But even if Hamas is a terrorist organization, that would make Israel an equal or greater one. Because Israel and Hamas are locked in a terror embrace. Israel does most of the terrorizing, Hamas most of the responding. The “ending the Jewish state” is an outright lie. No lies here. Especially not lies you can’t even back up with a credible source. Pay heed to what I’ve just written. Do this again & you’re in big trouble here.

      The Special Forces team had entered Gaza in order to plant surveillance equipment, not as part of an invasion

      OH, I see. So planting surveillance equipment is akin to taking a side trip to Gaza City to share a nice cup of tea with a Gazan? I got news for you: when you are an Israeli commando, you don military gear, you invade Gaza, you kill 7 Palestinians: you’ve invaded Gaza.

      Hamas soldiers intent on killing or capturing the Special Forces team.

      No, in fact they’d have loved to have captured the soldiers and held them for a prisoner exchange. That shows you haven’t a clue what Gazans or Hamas wants. They don’t want dead soldiers, they want live ones.

      the founders of Facebook and Twitter never contemplated that their social media platforms would one day be used to subvert democratic elections or expose the identities of secret agents

      What? Now your commandos are secret agents? Really? Now, here I thought they were commandos dressed in military gear (yeah they had disguises, but their uniforms were with them in the car) carrying heavy arms. And you tell me they were secret agents. Thanks for clearing that up.

      Facebook and Twitter are now saying ‘no’.

      Facebook and Twitter are saying “yes.” Yes, to Israeli censorship. Yes to Israeli killing. Yes to Israeli invasion. Yes, to Israeli violation of the Geneva Convention.

      1. Well maybe the old anti-semitic trope’the Jews are controlling the world is true.
        After all it is found is our sources the that world was created for Israel.

      2. “The “ending the Jewish state” is an outright lie.”

        Semantically, you are correct. Hamas doesn’t even recognise a Jewish State or even the State of Israel. To Hamas, Israel is a ‘Zionist entity’.

        Let your readers decide what Hamas thinks of the Jewish State. It is all here in black and white in the (cleaned up) Hamas Charter..

        Cleansed, as to the earlier reference to Jews as ‘descendants of pigs, apes’.

        1. @Fast Lane: No, not semantically. Hamas does not want to end Israel as a Jewish or secular or any sort of state. As for recognizing a “Jewish state,” you’ve got a wee problem there, doncha? You’ve left out a “democratic state.” So you’ve conceded that Israel is not a democratic state, but a religious state. I don’t think anyone has to recognize Israel solely as Jewish state. I don’t accept Israel if it means a state that privileges Jews over non Jews and is based on theocratic principles.

          It was not “cleansed.” It was rewritten and replaced the old Charter so that flagrant hasbaroids like you wouldn’t have as much ammunition with which to bash it. But of course mindless twits like you will always find a way.

          I’m impressed that you went slumming through the Palestinian demi monde to find the new Charter at Middle East Eye. You must’ve needed special dispensation from Hasbara Central to get access to such treif sources.

    3. That’s right Gaza is not a state, although Israel claims in its lying propaganda that it has ended its occupation. By virtue of that fact it has no right to send in anyone to plant listening devices.

      Gaza is controlled by a conservative Islamist group that Israel did more than most to set up. Hamas is NOT a terrorist group. It seeks to defend the Palestinians. The label ‘terrorist’ belongs to the Israeli state.

      the behaviour of the Israeli squad, which masqueraded as humanitarian relief workers and thus endangered the work they were doing is disgusting in any language. It is no surprise that our hasbarist, who like most such trolls doesn’t reveal its identity, is unable to perceive that.

    4. It is true Gaza is not a state. It is a part of Israel so long Jewish Israel doesn’t allow creating the second state. Those >1.8 million Palestinians of Gaza will one day be equal Israeli citizens with the West Bank 2.3 million Palestinians and then Israel will be renamed Palestine and the star of David will be replaced with another symbol. Hoping that Egypt will take that little piece of land in Gaza and the responsibility of those millions living there is absurd daydreaming. Egypt’s leaders and military knows perfectly well what is their best and free of charge “weapon” against Israeli military superiority and nuclear arsenal. It is the population bomb inside Israel (including the occupied areas) which Israel can not solve without committing a Holocaust. You Israelis seem obviously not to understand that the options are two states (which is now impossible) or Palestine (the one state solution).

      Blaming Hamas, Iran, Islam, terrorism etc to justify what Israelis does is in the end irrelevant propaganda. The more violent and brutal the Apartheid reality in Israel (including occupied areas) becomes (which it will), the worse to the dreams of the eternal Jewish Reich.

  2. I have trouble with Gaza being call a state except in the most general terms ( a state of being perhaps) nor a country for that matter. It is occupied, not sovereign. The goal is a Palestinian state united however possible/impossible or far off that is. I don’t know if Palestinians of Gaza would agree. The invasion and killing was what the Israeli occupier felt it had a right to do given it’s power and the situation just as Hamas will continue to respond as it can..

    I am wondering if Zuckerberg and Sandberg have loyalties, personal ones, to Israel and so the harassment of you since any criticism/exposure of this right wing government in Israel and it’s tactics is irksome to them personally and certainly this exposure of it’s commandos. I don’t know if I am right but I suspect this.
    Possibly the same would be true if you exposed our CIA “operatives” in such an attempt… or for that matter those special forces that went in after Bin Laden. I don’t know. That said the whole damn war from start to finish with Hamas is beyond the beyond as is our own warring and support of war in the Middle East (with Yemen sticking out at the moment). That is the bottom line I feel in your exposing this, i.e. resistance.

    I don’t know where Facebook and Twitter lie vis a vis the”free press”. We are coming to terms with this issue, or should be. Certainly the NYT would not have exposed these commandos. Nor would my comment at the Times, if it included this, have been approved. But we know their biases and constraints.

  3. [comment deleted: editorial decisions are mine to make, not yours or anyone else’s. If you don’t like them you don’t have to be here. BItching and moaning about them is not only useless, but a comment rule violation. You are already moderated. Your next violation could result in banning.]

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