That headline was too good not to steal. It’s from the NY Post (with a few modifications), which appears to dislike Trump as much as I do. As anyone knows who reads this blog, Israel doesn’t stand on ceremony. Nor does it obey diplomatic or democratic niceties like respecting the office of sitting presidents. It reminds me of the old song: “What Lola wants, Lola gets.” But of course Israel is not a desirable femme fatale in a popular song. It is a rapacious, hegemonic power seeking its own interests by hook or by crook.
Egypt has offered a perennial UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements, which have proceeded apace despite the supposed pause Bibi called during the interregnum before Trump takes office. Though of course, the government is making a big show of relocating the Amona settlers after a Supreme Court decree demanded their ouster from privately owned (and stolen) Palestinian land. By the way, the Court, ever the wilting flower in the face of Likudist will, just gave the government another 45-days to enforce its ruling. That, will bring the decision into Donald Trump’s presidency, which begins January 20th. It seems likely that Trump will, or perhaps has already told the Israelis he doesn’t care what they do in Amona or anywhere else in Palestine. It will be open settler season for Israeli expansionism.
The Security Council was scheduled to hear the resolution this week and vote on it. After the Israeli rightist government appealed to their old friends, the Americans, to veto the resolution, as they’ve done countless times before–thus covering their Israeli ass. But the response this time was different–or indifferent, to be exact. Obama refused to promise a veto. Bibi realized he was in hot water.
So he turned to a friendlier venue–Trumpland. Ron Dermer met with Trump’s inner circle and begged them to stop the resolution. He probably appealed to the Trump camp’s natural hatred of Obama, telling them that without Trump’s intervention, Obama would shame Israel on the world stage.
Trump naturally wanted to help. Keep in mind, he recently conducted secret talks with Israel’s Mossad chief, Yossi Cohen in New York. If one could be a fly on the wall, one could imagine the Israeli offered Trump evidence that might torpedo the Iran nuclear deal painstakingly constructed by the P5+1 powers. He also lobbied on behalf of the Israeli position that Syria’s Assad must be substantially weakened. Though this could come into conflict with Trump’s alliance with Vladimir Putin, who has his own interests in Syria. They spoke as well about Palestine, and likely sought and received Trump’s assurance that the U.S. will stand four-square against a two-state solution and in favor of expanded Israeli settlements. The issue of the Egyptian resolution likely was broached then as well.
In other words, they plotted a perfect future catastrophe in the Middle East. If you think the current situation is bad, wait till Trump and his Likud pals get through with it. Blood will run in the streets of multiple Arab capitals. But it will also likely run in the streets of Israel and perhaps even the U.S.
Returning to the UN debate, Trump had an ace in the hole to help his Israeli friends. An Egyptian dictator whose rule hangs by a thread after he and his cronies have stripped the state of everything worth stealing. The economy is in a shambles. Unrest is imminent. Perhaps another revolution. So al-Sisi needs a lifeline. And when Uncle Donald calls, the dictator listens to his master’s voice. Trump loves Arab strongmen like al-Sisi. Guys cut out of a similar autocratic, manly, military cloth (remember, Trump attended a private military academy at one time). That’s why one of the then-candidate’s first foreign trips after declaring his candidacy was to Egypt. You can see him in pictures with al-Sisi in the presidential palace which has, if it’s possible, more gold inlay than the Trump suite in his New York Tower. The two also met a second time in New York (see picture).
Et voilà–Egypt delays the UN vote. It’s said the delay is only temporary until the Arab League meets and there is a consultation among its member states. It’s hard to tell whether this is the end of the resolution or a temporary setback. It could be there is some backroom dickering going on between Trump and Obama about the resolution. I never underestimate the lack of will shown by Obama regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict.
This is the diplomatic equivalent of crony capitalism. One strongman scratches another strongman’s back. Backs are slapped. A few billion in aid is promised. And a small problem goes away. That is, if you ignore the ongoing theft of Palestine’s patrimony by Israel and count it as insignificant.
Egypt is, as well, a tacit Israeli ally. So it’s hard to understand why it’s advancing the resolution at all. Al-Sisi is as much in debt to Israel for joining in its campaign against Sinai Islamists, as it is to Trump (though the latter has a far fatter wallet). Yossi Melman just tweeted that Egypt likely delayed the vote after Israel promised even more intelligence collaboration to stop anti-regime terror attacks in Sinai. However, in light of the bombing of the Coptic Church earlier this week, it appears this assistance will be as ineffective in stopping terrorism in Egypt as it has been in destroying the Palestinian will to resist Israeli Occupation.
“Trump naturally wanted to help. Keep in mind, he recently conducted secret talks with Israel’s Mossad chief, Yossi Cohen in New York. If one could be a fly on the wall, one could imagine the Israeli offered Trump evidence…”
Not to put too fine a point on it, Yossi Cohen didn’t talk with Trump. Cohen did meet with Trump staffers, and discussed, inter alia, “…a proposed regional conference to jump start the Israeli-Palestinian peace process to be held in Egypt… “.
Peace talks!
‘The horror…the horror’.
@Neil: saying Trump or al Sisi will do anything to help the peace process is like saying a convicted arsonist will invite all the arsonists in town to a conference to stop the arson epidemic.
It seems the Security Council resolution is back on track for today Friday after a 24-hours delay, New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and a fourth country that I’ve forgotten which were all behind the draft with Egypt apparently put some pressure on the Egyptians.
Last night, I watched the (alleged) child rapist Alan Dershowitz on CNN calling Obama every name in the book, and poor Peter Beinart having to sit next to that (alleged) pederast and attempt to defend Obama. There was another greasy Jew by the name of Dennis Prager in the studio who was basically helping Dersh to bad-mouth Obama. I could feel my blood boiling at watching these grotesque Jews doing Netanyahu’s dirty work on CNN, and I shouted at the T.V. a couple of times (good thing my wife wasn’t in the room).
Richard – I implore you to do a Roseanne-like expose about Dershowitz. This slimy specimen needs to be outed – child-rape allegations and all!! He will probably threaten to sue you, but from following you for the last couple of years I know you are not easily intimidated. If anything, it will be a huge feather in your cap.
“There was another greasy Jew”, “these grotesque Jews” etc.
Sod off!
The Security Council resolution on the Israeli settlements has just been adopted, 14 yes, and 1 abstension …. the US. Hasbara is going to skip shabbath, and Christian Zionists Christmas, lot of work to do explaining us that this was antisemitc …
UPDATE-1 :: US abstains, Israeli settlement resolution passes at UN Security Council | Ynet News |
Well, who woulda’ thunk it?
Netanyahu goes to Obama and demands that the US agree to veto it. No such promise from Obama.
Netanyahu then talks to al-Sisi and gets him to pull the draft Resolution.
New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal, Venezuela step forward and tell al-Sisi that if he isn’t going to put that draft to a vote then they will.
It must be obvious that Obama was insisting that this thing be brought to a vote, and when Egypt started getting cold-feet he got a few other proxies to step forward and keep it alive.
How on Earth is Netanyahu going to spin this as anything other than an Almighty Kick In The Balls?
Obama’s hypocrisy is monumental. He has spent eight years kowtowing to the Israeli’s and in his last days in office has suddenly gotten brave in order to burnish his reputation. This guy just gave Israel a ten year guarantee of something like three billio dollars a year an amount that no other administration has even considered thus losing all leverage over their military aggrandizement.