4 thoughts on “Father of Accused Dawabsheh Killer Curses Israel’s Founders – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. What can I say? It’s no secret that there are crazy and disgusting Jews
    But what would you have us do? Muzzle him?
    Time will tell if your theory about the son being a Shabak collaborator is true.
    Evidently infiltrating these extremist groups is a good way to get intelligence on them, but there is always the possibility that things can go awry. This is spy-craft. its a dirty business.

    1. Yehuda – don’t forget his craziness is 100% american. The Kellers according to RS are American citizens.

    2. @ Yehuda:

      Evidently infiltrating these extremist groups is a good way to get intelligence on them,

      Only if the spy agency is competent or willing to act. Shabak is both incompetent and refuses to clamp down on the terrorists among you. Probably because there is no political will among the political class to do so.

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