15 thoughts on “Argaman, “The Consigliere,” Named Next Shin Bet Chief – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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        1. And now you need a gate between you and the beasts, as these countries have been taken over by ISIS. Sure.
          What about a roof to finish off your nice ‘villa in the jungle’?

    1. “If ISIS isn’t a ravenous beast, than what is?”

      The rabid racyst Zion$aur sealing itself into its Jura$$ick Park ?

      1. Richard. A reasonable homeowner doesn’t wait for a burglary or home invasion before installing a home alarm system. Does he?

        And the supreme leader of ISIS recently threatened Israel.

        And ISIS has beheaded a Palestinian Arab suspected of spying for Israel.


        Again. ISIS is already on Israel’s northern and southern borders and fears infiltration from her unprotected border with Jordan.

        And a not insignificant number of Palestinian citizens of Israel have left Israel to join ISIS, including one man who para-glided from Israel into Syria in order to join the fight.

        1. So now you want that wall to keep ISIS fighters from leaving Israel?
          Please make up your mind. (For a leftie you fall very easily for the racist rhetoric of Netanyahu.)

          1. I’m neither a leftie, or a racist, and neither am I a great fan of Bibi.

            And maybe I wouldn’t have used the term ‘predatory’, but consider this;

            Israel hasn’t had a civil war like her neighbors in Syria and Lebanon.
            Nor is Israel a military-industrial autocracy that just had a bloody revolution like Egypt,
            Nor is Israel isn’t a tribal kingdom like Jordan, and neither has she elected an Islamist government like Hamas.

            Facts are stubborn things.

          2. @ Barbar:

            Israel hasn’t had a civil war like her neighbors in Syria and Lebanon.
            Nor is Israel a military-industrial autocracy that just had a bloody revolution like Egypt,
            Nor is Israel isn’t a tribal kingdom like Jordan, and neither has she elected an Islamist government like Hamas.

            Facts are stubborn things.

            No, facts aren’t stubborn. They’re just facts. But you don’t have any.

            Israel hasn’t had a civil war because it’s managed to rile up 150-million Arab frontline neighbors and can’t afford one without disintegrating. But if there were not such pressure on Israel I have no doubt there very easily could be such a civil war amongst Israelis.

            Israel certainly is a military-industrial autocracy ruled by the security apparatus and the Likud rightist power brokers. Egypt btw isn’t an ‘industrial’ anything. It’s just a military junta.

            As for being tribal, it certainly is. Just as tribal as Jordan if not moreso. Israel’s “tribe” is a Jewish one. Or more properly a ‘Judean’ one. Israel hasn’t elected an Islamist government of course, but it’s elected a Jewish supremacist government, which is the flip side of Hamas.

          3. Have you looked at your own government lately? I would not boast about your government being better or more enlightened than Hamas.
            As to boasting about Israel not having a civil war …..wow, that is chutzpah! Billions of military aid have made you so infinitely more powerful than the people you oppress and disposses that you take this for stability peace and calm?

            And in any case, what do your ‘facts’ have to do with your ISIS fence or anything? Your comments are this unorganised most of the time. Well, at least you apparently stopped pretending to be a leftie.

        2. @ Barbar: ISIS is based on Iraq & Syria. It has alliances with a few local insurgencies like the one in the Sinai. Sinai Bedouins, not ISIS, attacked southern Israel. ISIS has never attacked Israel. Not ever, not anywhere. So there is no ISIS threat in the south. ISIS does not threaten Israel from Syria either. It is locked in a battle with al Nusra, an al Qaeda affiliate in Syria. Al Nusra is an Israeli ally. As for Jordan, there is no threat against Israel from Jordan, period. Not from ISIS or anyone else.

          A few Israeli Palestinians have either tried to escape to ISIS or expressed support for ISIS. And this is a threat to Israel, how?

          So you’re all smoke, no fire. All hat & no cattle. Gornisht fun gornisht. You’re done in this thread.

        3. ” Richard. A reasonable homeowner doesn’t wait for a burglary or home invasion before installing a home alarm system. Does he?”

          Nonsense. We both know that Nutty wants to allude to Daesh in order to try and slander Palestinian nationalist enemies and otherwise use Daesh as an excuse to justify whatever he wants to do in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.

          Daesh isn’t going to do anything to the “Jewish state” outside of uttering rhetoric and threats.

          Their main interests remain in holding onto whatever they can in Iraq and Syria, in addition to purging the Sunni community and attempting to persecute all other religious groups.

          Nutty knows this, and doesn’t care because he’s a sociopath who sees all non-Jews in the region as “dirty” or “inferior”.

          ” Again. ISIS is already on Israel’s northern and southern borders and fears infiltration from her unprotected border with Jordan.”

          The Jordanians are far more vested in the notion of containing and destroying Daesh then Israel is.

          And again, Daesh is increasingly hard-pressed on all fronts.

          Nutty’s scaremongering and insinuation serves only one purpose– the attempted justification of harsher methods against the Palestinian nationalist enemies that Israel made for itself.

          ” And a not insignificant number of Palestinian citizens of Israel have left Israel to join ISIS, including one man who para-glided from Israel into Syria in order to join the fight.”

          In the real world, that number isn’t even a drop in the ocean as it were. Bsrely even a handful of Palestinians, and those who actually belong to that group clearly have no intention of returning to either the “Jewish state” or the occupied Palestinian West Bank.

          Once again, not remotely a justification for Nutty’s deranged scare tactics.

    2. This is yet another typically disingenuous post of yours because we both know that Nutty isn’t referring to Daesh in the slightest.

      He sees Palestinian and Lebanese nationalists that his state attacked first as far more the enemy then Daesh and, per his ideology, sees “the Arabs” as “evil” and “the enemy” in general.

      At least be honest about how he and the Likud Party (amongst others) actually is/are.

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