11 thoughts on “Eichmann Originally Supported “Just” Ethnic Cleansing, as Does Israeli Extreme-Right – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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    1. You should really learn how to read Barbar. Your urge to add a snide comment to each and every one of Richard’s posts appears to impede this ability.

      “To put this is an Israeli context, his pre-1941 views were absolutely in accord with those of Lehava, Im Tirzu, and settler rabbis, who wish to rid Israel of Palestinians to create an ethnically pure Jewish state. ”

      Now read slowly: “Lehava, Im Tirzu, and settler rabbis”. Got it?

      1. @Elisabeth

        You and Richard and focused on the (marginal) extremists, and thus miss the big picture,like the 15 billion shekels budgeted, strictly, to help the Arab sector.

        ‘The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on’.

        1. Well Barbar, the 15 billion shekels ‘strictly to help’ the Arab sector has to be seen in a context of decades of discrimination and intentional neglect.

          Out of over 40,000 construction tenders for new housing units published by the Israel Land Authority in 2014, only 1,844 units (4.6 percent) were in Palestinian towns. Out of 139 Palestinian localities included in Israel’s new national master plan, only 41 of them (29.4 percent) have been given updated plans. Palestinian couples still find that it can take years to acquire a building permit, making it difficult to secure a home by the time they start their new lives.

          The state is well aware of the difficult circumstances faced by Palestinian citizens – because it deliberately created them. Combining land confiscations, bureaucratic intransigence, racist laws, and home demolitions, the state has fulfilled its goal of minimizing Arab lands for the purpose of maximizing Jewish lands.

          Palestinian citizens make up 20 percent of Israel’s population, but their localities constitute only 3 to 3.5 percent of the state’s territory. No new Arab town has been built since Israel’s establishment, with the exception of seven impoverished townships that were created to concentrate half of the Naqab’s Bedouin citizens and dispossess them of their historic lands. In contrast, hundreds of urban and rural Jewish towns have rapidly proliferated and immediately received basic services – including settlements in the occupied territories.

          The discrimination runs even deeper. Over 430 small Jewish towns in the North and South use admissions committees to bar Palestinian citizens from living among them, claiming they are “socially and culturally unsuitable” for the communities. Government funding for the Arab sector remains extremely unequal despite repeated plans to close economic gaps, which exacerbates Arab towns’ poor infrastructure. More alarmingly, dozens of unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Naqab like Umm al-Hiran, which the state has refused to grant legal status for decades, are slated to be destroyed in order to build new towns and farms exclusively for Jewish citizens.


    2. @ Barbar: We’ve already discussed this subject & as usual you’ve ignored the facts & criticism of the plan. Do NOT repeat arguments already advanced without addressing these facts. First, this is a proposal. It’s not been funded or finalized. It could, & probably will disappear. Second, the localities to be benefited are being asked to offer some sort of loyalty pledge before they receive funding. Third, where villages are being directed to expand are sites of destroyed Palestinian villages. So existing Palestinian communities are being offered the land of destroyed Palestinian communities. It’s something being told you can build a new house on the graves of your ancestors. It’s an insult and the government knows it. And probably knows it’s unacceptable.

      1. @Richard

        “First, this is a proposal”

        The bill had already been passed, unanimously, and funded.


        Building on the graves of their ancestors?

        “The “decision makers’ proposal” determines that the plan would seek to encourage Multi Residential Buildings – high rise buildings. Netanyahu doesn’t want to encourage that. He wants to make it a condition – those who don’t build high won’t get money.”

        The bill is strictly to help Arabs. Jews will not benefit.

        “Despite objections from Likud, cities with mixed populations such as Ramle, Lod, and Acre will not benefit from the initiative. ”

        Loyalty oath? Not at all.

        “If there is a school where teachers incite against the draft, or where they don’t let representatives from the National Civil Service Forum present the program, or if there’s a local council head who refuses to take in people who need to do their civil service in his community – it is inconceivable that this local council enjoys the money from this plan.”

    1. @ Alec: If I were you, I wouldn’t take everything you read at Mondoweiss at face value. MW saying someone advocates genocide is an interpretation, not a fact.

      I concede that the declarations of a number on the far-right, including the settler leader she quoted (“the Palestinians are snakes” was a quote from a settler mentor of hers), draw right up to the edge. But so far, they generally haven’t (yet) gone over it. That’s doesn’t mean they won’t. It just means we’re not quite there yet.

      1. @ Richard
        Dena Shunra translated the Uri Elitzur text that Ayelet Shaked posted on her FB, and it goes much further than ‘Palestinians are little snakes’
        (the Hebrew original is included):
        ” Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. Actors in the war are those who incite in mosques, who write the murderous curricula for schools, who give shelter, who provide vehicles, and all those who honor and give them their moral support. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

        1. @ Deir Yassin: Yes, this does go pretty far down the road to genocide. It reminds me of the incendiary propaganda on Rwandan radio preceding the genocide. These broadcasts incited the murders to come.

          I think concerning Israel we’re in a transition period in which we could go in that direction.

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