27 thoughts on “IDF Intelligence Officer with No Security Clearance Spies for Settler Extremists – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. It would seem plausible that this episode reflects the corruption of these military services, not just incompetence. Perhaps this guy was placed as a result of some payoff or other? So much of Israeli politics appears corrupted, such a thing seems likely, not just possible.

  2. In case you haven’t heard of it, I wanted to bring to your attention an event which occurred in Britain today. Lord Greville Janner has been excused of facing the law on accusations of Pedophilia, as he is said to have advanced Alzheimers. No doubt he will recover miraculously shortly in the future.

    Lord Greville Janner is/was a leading member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. No doubt, if he were permitted to testify, he might reveal details that might not go well for Israel.

    So he has been shut up.

    1. He’s 86 years old and suffered years from dementia. He would have no access to any secrets about Israel. The British board of deputies is an impotent nothing that knows and does nothing.
      Your comment is irrelevant and based on ignorance.

      1. The British board of deputies is an impotent nothing that knows and does nothing.

        Many British Jews know & say otherwise. Many of them, who are progressive, wish what you say were so. But alas, it’s not. The Board of Deputies & corollary Lobby groups like Bicom have a monopoly on communal power that is stifling & counter-productive.

  3. You are appalled about Sela. Poor guy is now sitting in military prison awaiting trial. However, when Anat Kam used her military clearance to reveal secrets which endangered the security of Israel she sat at home under “house arrest.” Seems there is a double standard in Israel.

    1. Double standard? Not at all.
      Anat kamm was at first in custody for quite a while before being released to house arrest.
      She didn’t endanger the security like this sela may have none, she revealed that the army broke the law. Sela allegedly has directly caused soldiers to be injured.

        1. UN reports say precisely this. Al Maket’s Facebook postings say precisely this. You will withdraw this claim or be moderated for knowingly lying.

          “‘The first outcomes of the cooperation between the Israeli army and the gunmen took place in Quneitra, when they took control over the border crossing. Back then, Israel supported gunmen by providing them with cover under the pretext of ‘shooting back,’ hindering any attempts by the Syrian air force to intervene and bringing down one of our planes. It has also provided gunmen with the necessary equipment to face the fortifications of the Syrian army.’”


          Since this is the 2nd false claim you’ve made in a comment today, I’ve decided to moderate you. If you withdraw both claims & acknowledge the evidence disputing your claims & do not raise them again, then I will remove moderation. But the next time you publish any claim that isn’t bolstered by definitive & credible evidence (from a credible source), I will moderate you permanently.

          1. ‘The first outcomes of the cooperation between the Israeli army and the gunmen took place in Quneitra, when they took control over the border crossing. Back then, Israel supported gunmen by providing them with cover under the pretext of ‘shooting back,’ hindering any attempts by the Syrian air force to intervene and bringing down one of our planes. It has also provided gunmen with the necessary equipment to face the fortifications of the Syrian army.’”

            Yeah. You omit to tell us that this quote is attributed to Gen. Rami al-Hasan, the head of the Syrian government forces in Quneitra governorate.

            Go moderate a fart.

  4. Richard wrote: “ In other words, the army itself wanted to sabotage its own mission of controlling settler extremism and violence.”

    So who will control them? Shin Bet seems to operate in a similar fashion. One example: in 2010 Shin Bet arrested Chaim Pearlman, an extremist settler who was accused of murdering at least four Palestinians. To fight back Pearlman released a tape of a conversation he had with an undercover agent of Shin Bet.

    “The agent, who befriended Pearlman and was known as “Dada”, can be heard exhorting him both to go to an “Arab village” to “turn it into a fireworks display” and to execute Sheikh Raed Salah, a leader of the Islamic Movement and a recent participant in the aid flotilla to Gaza that was attacked by Israel.

    The Shin Bet have also been cornered into admitting that they recruited Pearlman as an agent in 2000, in the midst of his alleged stabbing spree, despite the fact that he was a known member of Kach, an outlawed group calling for the expulsion of Palestinians from “Greater Israel”. He later chose to leave the Shin Bet.
    Abir Baker, a lawyer with Adalah, a legal centre that handles Palestinian security cases, said: … “Many members of the Shin Bet are settlers themselves and think of these extremists as their colleagues, not as the enemy. The line between the Shin Bet and these extremist organisations is very blurred.”

    Unlike in the case of Palestinian attacks on Israelis, attacks by Jews on Palestinians are rarely solved, leading to criticisms that the Shin Bet is not serious about tackling the problem of “Jewish terror”.
    Amir Oren, a security analyst for the liberal Haaretz newspaper, accused the Shin Bet of having “chains on its feet and weights around its neck” when it investigated such cases.” “

    Read more:

    1. At the latest Iranian military parade a sign draped on a rocket says:
      مرک براسرايل
      =death to israel, not regime but israel.
      So all your claims that Iran does not want to destroy Israel are vapid!
      You want to be a real scholar learn Fars & Arabic!

      1. @ amir Boulian: Happens every year. Someone posted a comment about the same thing here a year or two ago. You’re late to the party, bud. Not to mention you picked this up from one of the right-wing rags that specializes in this s(^t.

        So someone put a slogan on a fake missile. Big deal. Do you think the guy who wrote this slogan is making Iran’s strategic military decisions?

        This sounds to me like an MeK supporter. Are you?

        1. I read Fars & Arabic and I do not know what MeK is.
          You can twist anything & always do שקר אין לו רגלים

          1. @ Amir Boulian: Ah, so an Israeli-Iranian. Now we’ve got you pegged. A pal of Meirke (Javedanfar) no doubt. BTW, accusing me of lying will get you bounced here. Try it again & you’re toast.

          2. I am not any of the things you may surmise. I am not an Israeli but an academic with a doctorate in MIddle East studies. Just look at my IP address as I write out of NY city.

          3. @ amir boulian: You’re likely a liar. Unless you’re using a fake name, your name doesn’t even appear in Google searches. Your e mail address is associated in a Google search with a different name, Amir Buzo.

            Something about you is a fake. Maybe everything.

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