25 thoughts on “Israel Abandoning U.S. Alliance for One with Arab-Russian Autocrats, Russian Prohibit Release of Their, Israeli Intelligence Secrets – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. There has always been good reason to believe Anatol Shcharanski was a Soviet and is now a Russian intelligence asset.

  2. I could imagine (I have no evidence) that Greenwald or the Intercept might not release info on Russia because it might endanger Snowden’s life, but he doesn’t seem at all reluctant to criticize Israel


  3. Quite a lot you poured out over us readers, I’ll have to dub about some issues you put forward.

    One is the alliance with the U.S., beginning with the 1967 War
    off the cuff I would say a strong alliance existed from the founding of the state in 1948. For one, George Marshall voiced opposition to President Truman for the concept of the UN plan to divide Palestine. The western powers France and Britain were involved during the 1950s and 60s, think Suez crisis and the design of the nuclear plant in Dimona providing Israel with French nuclear secrets. The Mirage wasn’t on the horizon but flew in the skies with Israel’s blue/white. Israel was supplied with weaponry from the East-European Soviet bloc to survive the early Arab Wars.

    Through subversion in the 1980s, espionage and strong lobbying, this secured the eternal gratitude of America for Israel. Wasn’t Netanyahu in the States during the 1980s, many Israel leaders were involved in the process, think of Rabin and the Mossad politicians/agents. Israel is hopping alliances, but that appears endemic of what I have seen for decades in the greater Middle-East and appears as ‘normal.’ See Lebanon Wars, PLO, Syria, Turkey and Jordan. As the Islam is splintered in many sects, ethnicities in the ME nations will stay divided.

    My impression, as the wealth in GCC countries increases, their division becomes more difficult to hide and becomes a problem. Secretary Clinton was unable to unite the Syrian opposition because of the division Moslim Brotherhood nations (Turkey and Qatar) and the Salafist/Wahhabist group of UAE, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. As you know, Egypt switched loyalties with the Sisi coup d’etat. Hamas was left to dry.

    Part of the Arab uprising and the chaos that followed was intentional, the situation of today does not benefit anyone except the invaders under the slogan ISIS, born out of the invasion and occupation of Iraq – March 2003 – by the US and GB. One year ago Obama, Cameron and Hollande wanted a punishing bombardment of Assad’s military. Be aware, that would have opened an easy access of Al Nusra Front, ISIS or ISIL and the dozens of rebel groups into Damascus. Wasn’t Israel and AIPAC on Obama’s side? The slaughter would have been profound.

    Netanyahu seems to be sitting on the fence with respect to Ukraine and Georgia, however Israel has deep (military and intelligence) ties with both. The Mig-21 and Su-25 production of Soviet era fighter aircraft was located in Tsiblisi, Georgia. The Su-25 Scorpion is build with avionics from Elbit Systems and performed superior to the Russian Su-25 during the Georgia War involving South Ossetia. Ukraine was a large military goods exporter, quite interesting for Israel contracts to upgrade the Soviet era weaponry. Ukraine has production facilities/upgrades for the Buk missile and the Su-25 Frogfoot.

    Btw, Israel is also a promoter for Kurdish independence, again with military and intelligence assets in place. Looking back, maybe Netanyahu should lead the West so that Obama can do his pivot to Asia and withdraw from Europe.

  4. I think that militant zionism is bound to prefer the cult of the third Rome to Neo Conservatism, let alone liberal democracy. They like Putin because Putin is so much like them.

  5. I would be extremely pleased to see Isr replace the US with Putin’s Russia.
    Anyone who has studied Putin would know that a Russia-Isr relationship would be a one way street of Russia’s interest—not the one way street of Israel interest that Isr has had with the US.
    Russia would be the perfect cure for the Zionist cult’s megalomania.

      1. well, you are only partly right. There were an Israeli and a Jordanian versions of the agreement (and it’s map). According to the Israeli version that area was included in the enclave. According to the Jordanian version (and the UN one) it was not. In any case, we are talking about 100 meters or so of an empty hill top. And it was not a part of the municipal area of Jordanian east Jerusalem.

        1. @ chanan:

          you are only partly right.

          This is progress. In yr first comment I was entirely wrong. Now I’m “partly right.” You’re moving in the right direction.

          There are always Israeli ‘versions’ and everyone else’s versions–of ceasefires, armistice lines, international borders, Separation Walls, etc. Israel conducts itself according to one “reality” & the rest of the world according to another.

          That “100 meters of empty hilltop” isn’t empty since it contains a major Israeli spy base. It also houses an NSA facility in territory illegally occupied by Israel under international terms the U.S. embraces, at least officially.

          I repeat Ofrit is not within the Green Line. It is in occupied East Jerusalem. Don’t post in this thread again.

          1. “There are always Israeli ‘versions’ and everyone else’s versions” – well, there are always Israei haters, no matter what… (I have A LOT of criticism on Israel, but it doesn’t come from a place of blind hate, as in your case)
            Ofrit is simply not in “occupied east Jerusalem” as it was not in the municipal area of Jerusalem before 67.

            And I will happily abstain from visiting this blog again, not only this thread.

          2. @ Chanan: Try not to slam the door on the way out. Just to be safe, & in case you reconsider you’re moderated. This comment lying about my views is a major comment rule violation. I don’t hate Israel, I just hate chniyuk-knuckleheads like you who think you’re doing Israel a favor.

            Whether or not Ofrit is in a “municipal area” has nothing to do with whether it is in occupied territory, which it is.

  6. Hacker linked to French JDL goes after parents of journalist who wrote unfavorably over Israel. Someone fluent in French, pls check this out!

    Nouvelle plainte contre le hacker franco-israélien
    Ulcan, un hacker sioniste au téléphone sans filtre

    In the morning, Libération devoted a double page to Zionist hacker (photo Twitter) committed such a crusade against Rue89 and one of its founders, Pierre Haski , since the site has published an article revealing his hoaxes and methods of intimidation. Since July 29, Rue89 has suffered no less than four hacks. These last three weeks Ulcan has also attacked several people who publicly vilified the Jewish Defence League (JDL).

  7. Richard this seems to me good news. Perhaps the US will finally find out that it has held an adder to its breast for all this time.

    Perhaps Obama should get more credit for his share in some people waking up to this truth than critics of Israel are usually inclined to give him. He has shown his real attitude to the place (as apart from lip service) in his recent actions. He didn’t do its bidding on Syria (no military action against Assad), on Iran (continued negotiations), on the coalition between Fatah and Hamas (no prompt rejection as Israel had wished), on the delivery of hellfire missiles and other weaponry (stopped for the moment).

    When one reads the recent speech of one of his aides on middle eastern affairs, Philip Gordon, one finds that he hasn’t given up either on reminding Israel of its obligation to return to the pre Six Day War armistice line – no “facts on the ground” stuff as with Bush the Lesser.

    Perhaps we should pay less attention to what he says (the “Israel has the right to defend itself” mantra) and more to what he rather quietly does.

  8. Your twitter link to The Independent article was based on a WSJ report earlier. I have no trust in Murdoch’s editorials or reporting on Israel. A prior report stated Israel got new arms in direct dealings with the Pentagon officials w/o knowledge of the White House.

    I had written about this early reporting as I believed the confusion is based on an agreement of decades, Israel can resupply its arms from existing U.S. ordnance depots inside the state of Israel. Just send a sms message to minister Hagel to let the IDF lorries pick up the goods.

    U.S. Participates In Israeli Criminal Acts Gaza, Replenishes Ordnance

    1. Oui I didn’t provide a twitter link. According to what I read Israel resupplying itself with American weapons is, indeed, normally a routine affair on a military to military basis but when the White house got wind of it on this occasion this was stopped for the time being.

      1. Ha … you as in Richard, I referred to his twitter feed!

        Chemi Shalev‘s article is behind the pay wall, but I did found this article, one day earlier, based on the WSJ writing.

        U.S. halts missile transfer requested by Israel By Barak Ravid

        Wall Street Journal reports supply of Hellfire missiles canceled, U.S. officials demanding to review Israeli requests on individual basis.

        I just saw an article in the Jerusalem Post [Michael Wilner and Herb Keinon] where White House spokesperson refutes the characterization in the WSJ aticle.

  9. When you google on “Netanyahu” and “arrogant” you get about 207,000 items. There seems to be some fairly well established consensus that he is, well, a sod. It is rather fortunate, I think, that he is such a lousy ambassador for the Israel he represents. Because that Israel doesn’t deserve the gloss that, for instance, an Abba Eban might have given it.

    A host of commentators (e.g. David Remnick, Uri Avnery, Gideon Zamet, Peter Beinart) also agree that he is very much his father’s son – not only in being a sod but also in sharing the elder Netanyahu’s opinions. According to Avnery, Junior doesn’t have a single original thought in his head. And what he took from the older man puts him apparently somewhere on the right of Dzhengis Khan. David Remnick once had lunch with Daddy Netsanyahu and the experience induced a minor shock in him. Rosenberg quotes him as saying “I am not sure that I have ever heard more outrageously reactionary table talk. The disdain for Arabs, for Israeli liberals, for any Americans to the left of the neoconservatives was chilling.”

    The elder Netnanyahu seems to have been a historian of some note. His main work was on the Spanish Inquisition. When Netanyahu Junior met Pope Francis he allegedly presented him with a copy of that work which must have mightily pleased that pontiff.

  10. If Israel becomes Russia’s ally in the Middle East, then that may actually allow Russia to ditch Assad, because it will have access to Mediterranean ports outside (just outside) Syria. I don’t think anyone in Moscow loves the man.

    America meanwhile seems to be warming to the concept of a Kurdish state if not a Palestinian one, and it seems as if the Turks are no longer as viscerally opposed as they once were. (The alternative seems to be worse, which always helps.) It’s also useful that America’s Western European NATO partners are also keen on helping the Kurds, which makes Kurdistan a less divisive ally than Israel.

    When Israel’s alliance with Russia starts to bear fruit, in the form of Russia achieving things which America would much rather it didn’t, then we will see what sort of price Israel will have to pay for turning its back on the United States. America is by no means above vindictive behaviour in such circumstances.

  11. let me put one more time – this “little” war with hamas – WAS NOT AND I WILL REPEAT THIS UNTIL MY LAST BREATH – about hamas, palestinians IT WAS ABOUT THE DEFENCE BUDGET –
    it was slated to be slashed by 5 NIS Billions – tada – little useless war and NOW THE DEFENCE BUDGET HAS CEMENTED AN “INCREASE OF 10 NIS BILLIONS”
    Mr. Ya’alon has managed to finance his army of cronies for 10 lifetimes, meanwhile the israeli number of poor keeps rising faster than a NASA rocket. ISRAEL HAS THE HIGHEST RATE OF POVERTY IN OECD GROUP, HAND IN HAND ISRAEL HAS THE FASTEST RISING DEFENSE BUDGET IN THE WORLD OVER AND ABOVE THE 6.+% OF GDP – ANOTHER SUPREME AMONGST ALL THE NATIONS ON THIS PLANET.
    will someone see it now. – Evan Hamas in one of their last speeches clearly said this war was planned for internal reasons couched in the kidnappings.
    If the army is not shy of implementing the Hannibal rule. what is the difference between that and implementing the same rule to obtain MONIES FROM THE ALREADY EMPTY STATE COFFERS.
    Am I a lunatic – We say that countries associates based on INTERESTS –
    SO WHAT’S THE MILITARY SOLE INTEREST – ITSELF – ISRAEL IS RUN BY A MILITARY CLIQUE SO their ONLY interest IS THEIR SURVIVAL. to hell with the rest of the population – LET THEM EAT CAKE . as some intelligent person said

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