21 thoughts on “NYPD Arrests Suspect in Subway Murder, Hate Crime Charged – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. One thing you didn’t mention, Richard, was Pamela Geller’s horrible “civilized man” ads hanging all over subway stations all over New York. Any discussion of this tragedy should not fail to include this factor.

    As a former court clerk in New York’s court system, I concur that there is no way under the present laws to prevent people like Melendez from slipping through the cracks. I had a man like him in my court almost continuously. He suffered from severe symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia which made him aggressive. He was under the legal guardianship of a relative. When the man stopped taking his medication (which he would do without fail upon every release from inpatient treatment), he would assault someone, get arrested, and wind up on court not only on the criminal charge but also because it was a civil matter because of the guardianship. In order to put the guy back in in-patient treatment for 30 days and stabilize him, permission had to be gotten by the court from the guardian, which entailed at least one separate court hearing, maybe two. Because of the ostensible ability to deal with the guy’s mental illness via medication (never mind that he wouldn’t take it), he could not be placed in a long term treatment facility. So, around and around we go, and I would wonder when he was going to kill somebody.

  2. The sad thing is that the mighty US government faild to provide even one piece of evidence that 19 Arab Muslims did 9/11…..Please read the 9/11 commission report or at least page 146 where it states that the commission members were NOT allowed to talk directly to the detainees or even their INTERROGATORS……………(sounds like obstruction of justice to me)! What is the value of anything said under torture anyway?………………..

    Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Scientistis for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, (all have websites under same name) are ONLY a few of many people out there who are saying that the official story about 9/11 is nothing but a pile of nonsense……

    Can anyone find a single piece of evidence that 19 Arab Muslims did 9/11? I challenge you to find one that can stand in a court of law!

      1. Real “Independant” scientific investigation is the way to know who did that. I can say for sure that the official story is a pile of garbage. Try to find the official list of the passengers names of the four planes and find the names of the 19 Arab Muslims on them. Is that too much to ask for?

          1. The woman who did this crime mentioned as her reason what happened on 9/11 so I do not agree with you that it is off topic. However, I shall respect your wish since you are the moderator of the blog.

            To mary: The man is as important as you and me and every human being. He is also one of the many victims of what happened originally on that day some 11 years ago! bluto (below said it best).

        1. Here’s something I find odd. The poster above, Dr. Ibrahim Soudy, initially brought up 9/11 in response to your article and theorized about the official story being “nonsense”.

          To that comment you wrote, “Please stay away from 9/11. That subject is off topic” – which is very polite and respectful in tone.

          I, on the other hand, merely responded to the that initial comment by asking that person to clarify what they meant.

          To my comment you wrote in all caps “OFF TOPIC!” and “Do NOT go there!” – much less polite – in fact, a very scolding and much harsher tone.

          Can you explain why the person who wrote a lengthy off-topic diatribe about 9/11 got such a kind and mild rebuke (with even a “please” included) whereas my simple one line question in response to the original off-topic post got a sterner and angrier reply?

          1. I would like to know why 9/11 is more interesting than what happened to this man who happened to appear to be a Muslim. Why doesn’t anyone want to talk about Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and the role hasbara plays in causing these types of attacks? Is the victim so far beneath your notice that you don’t want to talk about why he died?

          2. Here’s the difference: he brought up 9/11 and the complicity of Arabs in the instance, claiming that they weren’t even liable for it in response to a woman claiming it was “Arabs and Hindus” who did it and that she hated them as a result.

            You, Bob, then tried to start a full-blown conversation about who did it. He replied modestly, by asking for the facts to be ascertained in response. Richard put an end to both of you.

            Now I am here to say that….

            JK, no one have a cow. You can go to plenty of other sites for that information via Google. Respect Richard.

          3. Because you’ve been a commenter here for years and I’ve written precisely the same to others who’ve brought up the subject. Soudy has not been a commenter here very long & I thought he might not have the knowledge that you should of which topics are off limits.

            Also, because I saw your comment first, not his, & I thought he was responding to your question. I did not see any previous comment about 9/11 at all from anyone in the thread.

            At any rate, try to get over your wounded pride and away from how I edit the comment threads.

  3. This is an ‘Islamophobia Industry’ success story – a meme perpetrated by Israel and the Israeli Lobby and constantly kept on the burner by sociopaths such as Pam Geller

    1. There were quite a few very Islamophobic statements made on Twitter by none other than Robert Spencer, the idiot savant behind Jihadwatch. I briefly participated in a tweet-scuffle with him in which he expressed the opinion that I and my fellow Muslims were terrorists and (LOL) “Hamas supporters.” Mr. Spencer also seemed totally undisturbed by this tragedy and the likelihood that his girlfriend Geller’s subway art was at least partially responsible.

  4. A well articulated statement about the conundrum of how to deal with the effects on and of society and the issue of the mentally ill, however defined and however ill-defined.

  5. Sorry, Dr. Soudy, I disagree with you. It is not recognizing the Islamophobia that contributed to this man’s death if we discuss who is responsible for 9/11. You are making 9/11 the only reason Islamophobia exists in America, and that is so over-simplified. Islamophobia began well before 9/11 and those who spread it vilify Islam using many things as justification, such as honor killings, suicide bombing, child marriage, FGM, and whatever crazy thing Saudi Arabia is doing. We need to discuss what is the motivation for this deliberate and methodical demonization of Islam. Many of us think it’s political. Many think Israel is behind it. By saying a mentally unbalanced woman killed a man because Muslims were blamed for 9/11 is not addressing the growing culture of anti-Muslim hate in the US, with all its contributing factors. Speculating over who did 9/11 therefore has no bearing on this issue and it is indeed off topic. Sorry, Richard.

    1. mary, I agree with all what you are saying and do not think that we disagree at all. The events of that day some 11 years ago became ONE OF THE MAIN vehicles (not the only one) that the Anti-Islam individuals are using to achieve what they want. That woman mentioned that particular one as her reason. That is all I was trying to say. I apprecaite your comments.

  6. The Zionist lobby, guilty of perpetuating the atmosphere of hate (and violence), are never complicit, even when they know full well they are promoting violence and hatred as per a political agenda. The intent of Islamophobia is to perpetuate the “War on Terror”, a campaign designed to have America fight all of Israel’s regional opponents. It’s the same as the NSDAP and Zionists (together, referred to as “Nazis”) perpetuating stereotypes of Jews in Weimar, Germany. What did that result in?

    But “hate crimes” should be abolished from the statutes altogether. Instead, we already have prohibitions on speech designed to incite violence. For instance, that Israeli filmmaker making the “Mohammed film” did so with the sole intent of creating violence. It was then claimed that he had a freedom of speech to do so. Not so, said the Supreme Court of the United States in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan. That is exactly the type of “free speech” that is prohibited, taking into account the conveyor’s intent.

    We also have statutes in the books to take care of individuals that would push other on to the tracks. Murder is murder, who cares if it was done because she didn’t like his shirt or the color of his skin? She is a murderer. It shouldn’t get any worse than that.

    1. It shouldn’t get any worse than that, but it did, apparently because there is so much out there causing the hatred of Muslims to grow that people who are already mentally impaired lose whatever restraint on their behavior they may have, as persistent messages of hate have their intended effect, and then some. A few years ago a taxi driver in New York City had his throat cut by a passenger who asked him first if he was a Muslim. Perhaps these people wouldn’t have attacked their victims if they hadn’t been goaded into doing so by persistent anti-Islam messages.

      1. Sounds like pre-meditated murder or murder in the first degree to me, Mary. It would be no less evil if the person was killed because they were in love with someone’s ex. The reason I am against the “hate crime” classification is because it is often used to attempt stifling speech, particularly by groups like the ADL. There are criminal statutes on the books for nearly everything. Being racist is a right in America, unfortunately. Violating the law when doing so? Not so much.

        I agree that the subway ad is vile and may have led to an atmosphere of hate that caused the incident. However, at this time there exist no prohibitions to such commercialism of hate speech. In the same way some states have banned gun advertisements, we prohibit liquor advertising on airwaves in various capacities, or, more analogously, level fines for cursing, this sort of hate speech placed in subways should carry with it a price. There are many other ways to advertise in favor of Israel than to call a representation of a group of American citizens “savage” by implication. This is also a commentary on the audience, who would perceive such as true instead of a conveyance from a savage mind in and of itself.

  7. Just commenting to agree with the post. It’s sad how we seem to have this need to “punish” people who are clearly irrational. Obviously dangerous people should be kept off the streets, but I for one don’t feel like I understand mental illness well enough to be able to determine her level of moral responsibility. I’d hate to be on a jury that would have to vote on her guilt.

    I do agree that people like Pamela Gellar do bear some indirect responsibility for this, but I wouldn’t take it too far. Someone who is irrational might be set off by anything.

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