23 thoughts on “Adelson Sues Jewish Democrats for Circulating Prostitution Allegation – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. RE: “Adelson, who’s accused of turning a blind eye to prostitution, enlisted Alan Dershowitz to politely threaten the NJDC prior to filing the lawsuit. Couldn’t that be described as pimping for a (accused) pimp?” ~ R.S.

    MY COMMENT: “Some people” might say so!

    SEE: Dershowitz says Jewish Democrats love Adelson, who ‘has helped repair the world’”, by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss, 7/07/12

    [EXCERPT] At Huffpo, Alan Dershowitz says of Sheldon Adelson: “His generosity has helped repair the world.” That’s the first time I’ve heard the Jewish concept of social justice, Tikkun Olam, invoked to describe the work of a casino mogul who is being investigated for ties to Chinese organized crime and illegal prostitution. . .
    Dershowitz is attacking the National Jewish Democratic Council for trying to get Romney to give back money Sheldon Adelson is giving him. The NJDC is obviously trying to save Obama’s brand as a pro-Israel candidate by painting Adelson as outside the pale. . .

    ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://mondoweiss.net/2012/07/dershowitz-says-jewish-democrats-love-adelson-who-has-helped-repair-the-world.html

  2. Bravo! you NAILED it..Adelson and Dershbag in one essay. As for the NJDC….this is the first good piece of news I’ve read about Democrats doing ANYTHING in YEARS. When you look at the cases Dersh has taken its been about the money….Pollard, Von Bulow and O J Simpson…..not to forget he personally went after Norm Finkelstein’s publisher (U of C Press) when NF exposed his ‘whole cloth’ plagiarisms from long discredited Joan Peters farshtunkena FTI. Thanks Richard. A thoroughly good read.

  3. Not to nitpick, but by definition lashon hora refers to factual but unflattering information. If it’s actually false and slanderous, that falls under another category, Motzi shem ra. Certain circumstances permit the disclosure of hearsay or rumor, particularly when an individual may be associating with the subject forfinancial or social means. In this cast, since the issue is relatively public and it directly pertains to each citizen as a participant in this democracy, it may be reasonable to assume that the information is pertinent and relevant to reveal to the general public, and therefore not forbidden under Jewish law.
    But I’m not exactly a rabbi…

      1. Yes, Dershowitz takes moola from MEK and then announces a “humanitarian crisis” that is “urgent” namely to free MEK terrorists held somewhere (in Iran?.) And MEK is still on the State Dept list of terrorist organizations, though Israel is not, but launched nearly 7,000 terrorist raids into Lebanon in a twelve year period according to Human Rights Watch. To get the measure of this guy, try imagining Dersh talking up the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza (under Hamas) and the need for intervention! Adelson and Dersh, the anti-Christ and his lawyer. How do you run a casino empire without prostitution in the bars, on the premises?

        Did anyone catch the red-white-blue USA “Romny” pin printed in Hebrew on Mondoweiss?! Is there no end to the conflation of Israel with the US, the mixing up of interests and identities? Dual citizenship? Is this allowed any other country? I get physically ill contemplating this irrational stuff.

          1. I am opposed to candidates for the American Presidency campaigning in another country. I am opposed to foreign interests impacting an election in the US. I am opposed to the overt involvement of the Israeli government, and Israeli foreign nationals, in US government and US government decisions, the effort of that government to influence American voters of all stripes.

        1. Why are you opposed to presidential candidates campaigning in other countries? Aren’t the votes of Americans living abroad worth campaigning for? The Obama and Romney campaigns have held events in several countries in attempt to woo these American voters (and donors). Not sure why anyone would have a problem with that.

          Also, not sure why you would equate campaign buttons in Hebrew with “the overt involvement of the Israeli government” – which you seem to be doing here. If this is not your point, please clarify why you raised opposition to the use of Hebrew lettering. I’ve known Jewish-American supporters of Obama who thought it was neat to have an Obama t-shirt with his name written in Hebrew transliteration.

  4. Dershowitz is a joke of an attorney. F Lee Bailey was even the one who actually got OJ off, and that’s Dershowitz only “achievement”. This is a frivolous law suit and should be challenged as such. It’s probably true as well.

      1. F Lee Bailey was part of OJ Simpson’s defense team. He cross-examined Mark Fuhrman and basically tore his credibility to shreds.

        Also, he is still alive.

  5. this is familiar territory for the unctuous dershowitz (who has long ago become a parody of the sean penn shyster character in ‘carlito’s way’, penn being threatened with a libel suit by the superhero defender of the 1st amendment), ‘friend’ and counsel for that human piece of waste, jeffrey epstein. i don’t have time to go through it all, but here is a tidbit:

    “Epstein mounted an aggressive counterinvestigation [against charges of soliciting underage prostitutes – my nutshell summary]. Epstein’s friend Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard law professor, provided the police and the state attorney’s office with a dossier on a couple of the victims gleaned from their MySpace sites—showing alcohol and drug use and lewd comments. The police complained that private investigators were harassing the family of the 14-year-old girl before she was to appear before the grand jury in spring 2006. The police said that one girl had called another to say, “Those who help [Epstein] will be compensated and those who hurt him will be dealt with.”

    of course epstein ultimately headed down the well worn path of . . . yes, you guessed it:

    “One of Epstein’s friends told me, “He thinks there’s an anti-Semitic conspiracy against him in Palm Beach. He’s convinced of that. Maybe it’s a defense mechanism.”

    maybe it’s a defense mechanism. or maybe he’s a liar. or insane. (i believe one of the defense proposals for sentencing, or as a defense itself, included a psychiatric evaluation.)

  6. How can you have a successful gambling empire without providing tacit approval for prostitutes to work the rooms? That tacit approval — a business decision — could make the decider a “pimp.” The word would not be misused in this context.

    1. You sure can’t have hotels in China without prostitutes! Likewise, any kind of business empire in China means bribing officials with banquets and harlots as well as with money.

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